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Paulfaci's Shop

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Paul Faci is a Specialist Leader in Education (AST) for PSHEE / SMSC. Paul originally comes from Australia and has taught in a variety of settings, including PRU-equvalent settings with disadvantaged young people. Paul is currently living and working in London and is passionate about sharing resources that help teachers promote healthy lifestyles, educating young people about the skills they need to become active citizens in modern Britain.




Paul Faci is a Specialist Leader in Education (AST) for PSHEE / SMSC. Paul originally comes from Australia and has taught in a variety of settings, including PRU-equvalent settings with disadvantaged young people. Paul is currently living and working in London and is passionate about sharing resources that help teachers promote healthy lifestyles, educating young people about the skills they need to become active citizens in modern Britain.
E-Safety: consequences of  inappropriate online behaviour

E-Safety: consequences of inappropriate online behaviour

This resource uses a video called 'Tagged' (Australian) to show the immediate consequences of online trolling and posting inappropriate material online in an attempt to bring someone else reputation into disrepute. There is also an interesting clip about online trolling - freedom of expression or should trolling be made illegal - class debate.
Cannabis: impacts on body/society

Cannabis: impacts on body/society

An introduction into what cannabis is, the impacts it has on young people, society. Critical thinking differentiated tasks to respond to along with a homework piece for extended learning regarding the legalization of cannabis in the UK
Obesity - UK Epidemic

Obesity - UK Epidemic

London is the second fattest city in Europe! 1/3 of UK's children are obese. We need to be tackling this issue now. Open structure lesson to present facts/stats and providing lots of space for students to discuss issues and potential solutions. Scientific explanation to how fat works in the body.
British Values

British Values

A contextualised display of what the British Values might mean in 'student friendly' language. Have put these up in my own school, and they have gone down a treat.
Challenging casual homophobia, racism and other oppressive language

Challenging casual homophobia, racism and other oppressive language

Too often our students use 'street language' or casual use of flippant jokes to describe situations in their lives, i.e., "That book is gay...." or "oh that's so retarded" Clearly this is an inappropriate use of language and must be challenged. This tutor resource offers some strategies to stand up to and challenge the inappropriate use of this language. Your school policy should also support this type of work, staff should be trained and resources should be at hand to give to those individuals who require more support.
Child Sexual Exploitation KS4

Child Sexual Exploitation KS4

This resource should be delivered by a member of safeguarding/PSHEE leader. Utilises some CEOP videos, how to report CSE online, ChildLine, Police, Think U Know, the Law, Consent, Short and Long Term consequences
Child Sexual Exploitation KS3

Child Sexual Exploitation KS3

This resource should be delivered by a member of safeguarding/PSHEE leader. Utilises some CEOP videos, how to report CSE online, ChildLine, Police, Think U Know, the Law, Consent, Short and Long Term consequences
Child Sexual Exploitation / E-Safety

Child Sexual Exploitation / E-Safety

4 Resources
CSE KS3 and 4 assemblies and a PSHEE tutor session on E-Safety. Consequences of posting inappropriate online behaviour in an attempt to bring down someone's reputation.
Human Trafficking: an introduction

Human Trafficking: an introduction

An introduction into what human trafficking is, the context in the UK. There are some confronting case studies in this presentation. A homework piece for students to investigate a little further. Please ensure you advise students of the sensitivity of this lesson.
Valuing diversity (disability)

Valuing diversity (disability)

Disability, valuing diversity, a look at how people's perception of disability has changed over time. A look at the legacy of 2012 Paralympic games
Healthy eating & Energy Drinks

Healthy eating & Energy Drinks

Critically analyse healthy eating plate and a documentary about the impacts of energy drinks on the human body - video embedded from Australian Current Affair - really good!
Crime and punishment

Crime and punishment

Students explore different types of punishments for different types of crimes. An exploration through the Criminal Justice System
Learning to Learn

Learning to Learn

5 Resources
5 lessons designed to assist students (year 6/7) to understand how they like to learn, being resilient, boosting memory, becoming more confident independent learners
Preparing for uni/college: independent living

Preparing for uni/college: independent living

A KS5 resource to help students consider the real cost for Uni / College and becoming an independent adult. This resource uses advice from UCAS and The Money Advice Service. It is advised that you have access to computers so students can explore other websites independently and make notes as they go.