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Environment Reading Comprehension - The Wildlife Trust

Environment Reading Comprehension - The Wildlife Trust

This extract from ‘Homes for People and Wildlife’ by The Wildlife Trust was very useful for my Year 5/6 class in learning about habitat destruction due to housing. Original pdf: https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/sites/default/files/2018-05/homes_for_people_and_wildlife_lr_-_spreads.pdf
Homophone slides

Homophone slides

PowerPoint slides which can be printed and used as posters showing the difference between to, too and two as well as their, they’re and there.
Homophone Slide Posters

Homophone Slide Posters

PowerPoint slides which can be printed and used as posters. They show the difference between they’re, there and their as well as to, too and two.
Reading Strategies Character Posters

Reading Strategies Character Posters

6 posters based on key reading comprehension strategies linked to characters familiar to many children. Great for discussion of what it means to be an effective reader, a colourful addition to an English learning display or for a reading corner. They can be used to embed reading learning objectives in introductions and plenaries.