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Pompey Rich's Educational Emporium (est in the year 10,191)

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A local shop full of precious things




A local shop full of precious things
China 2: "MADE IN CHINA"

China 2: "MADE IN CHINA"

Powerpoint inspired by the RGS scheme of work "China Today". Whole lesson, includes starter (multinational companies), comparison of Shenzhen in 1970 with today, Geographical mystery about Apple's involvement ion China (WHAT were the reasons for moving iPhone production to China? HOW were the Foxconn workers treated? WHY are there nets outside Foxconn factory windows? WHO benefits from Apple products being made in China? ), differentiated questions (Explain why Apple was so interested in making its products in China; Compare the opinions of a Foxconn worker in China with an Apple customer in the UK. Then give your opinion of Foxconn/Apple; Describe the living and working conditions inside a Chinese factory like Foxconn) and plenary (the suicide of Ma Xiang Qian )
Development3: "Shell Nigeria"

Development3: "Shell Nigeria"

Powerpoint comparing the UK's development with Nigeria as a starter, The main part looks at how oil has brought wealth to Nigeria (eg Eko Atlantic City) but also devestation to the peoples of the Niger Delta. Plenary compares MNCs with the GDP of various countries. Activities include a mystery exercise and an exam-style question... HYPOTHESIS: “The discovery of crude oil in 1956 has helped Nigeria to develop”
Homework Booklet: 'RADIANT RUSSIA'

Homework Booklet: 'RADIANT RUSSIA'

Eight page booklet : define keywords, Latitude/Longitude map skills, a SPAG exercise about Russia, space for pupils to analyse Russia's citizenship policy, a moral dilemma based on renewing the UK's nuclear weapons, a page to write about the pupil's photo of Russia and finally a chance to research and design a Russian doll


Eight page booklet : define economic keywords, a page to research a billionaire, a SPAG exercise about entrepreneurs, a page to draw a picture reacting to the lyrics of 'Imagine', a moral dilemma based on finding a winning lottery ticket, a self-assessment of attitudes to wealth and poverty and finally a page of religious quotes regarding wealth which need pupil comments
Homework booklet: AWAKENING AFRICA

Homework booklet: AWAKENING AFRICA

Eight page booklet : define keywords, create a factfile about an African country, a SPAG exercise about the continent, a short piece of research about the UN's work in Africa, an opinion piece about whether or not the UK still owes a moral debt to Africa for colonialism, a page to decorate an outline map of Africa with traditional patterns and finally a page to show how modern music is related to African rhythms
Homework booklet: CRUMBLING COASTS

Homework booklet: CRUMBLING COASTS

Eight page booklet : define coastal keywords; complete a fact file about a seaside resort; SPAG exercise about Holderness erosion; annotate a map to show human uses of the Humber region; family dilemma about using fossil fuels; write a poem based on a beautiful coastal scene; explain how transport changes have affected holiday habits over time


Eight page booklet : define weather and climate keywords; map the areas of the World to show general effects of Climate Change; SPAG exercise about rising sea levels; questionnaire to survey attitudes towards Climate Change; Moral dilemma about family holidays abroad; personal responses to some religious quotes about the environment; description of how Climate Change may affect our heritage sites
Homework booklet: MARDY MIDDLE EAST

Homework booklet: MARDY MIDDLE EAST

Eight page booklet : define Geographical keywords; map the main national religions of the Middle East; SPAG exercise about the earliest civilisations; complete a multiplier effect of the oil industry; moral dilemma about letting refugees come to Britain; research the family tree of religions to find their founding dates; describe the importance of four Middle Eastern locations to religious people
Homework booklet: RAW RESOURCES

Homework booklet: RAW RESOURCES

Eight page booklet : define Geographical keywords; map countries and name their main exports; SPAG exercise about consumerism; find job titles to fit the four industrial sectors; moral dilemma about buying resources from developing countries; give own opinions about religious quotes regarding the environment; a question about our disposable society and new technology
Homework booklet: SERIOUS STUFF

Homework booklet: SERIOUS STUFF

Eight page booklet : define Geographical keywords, map imported items' origins found around the house; SPAG exercise about globalisation; explain the reasons for child labour being so common; questionnaire about shopping habits and attitudes; empathising with opinions of shop owners, shoppers and child labourers; comparison of multi-cultural preferences vs traditional British life
Serious Stuff SDME

Serious Stuff SDME

Practice DME using OCR B exam resources but split up into Powerpoint screens to lead the class through stage by stage. Topic is MNCs in developing countries. The decision is about FIAT cars in Brazil Also includes an exam workbook


Powerpoint and worksheet about the causes of Hurricane Katrina. Worksheet diagram to be completed through the lesson. Animations and videos. Differentiated question to check overall understanding.
Hazards 6: "BOSCASTLE"

Hazards 6: "BOSCASTLE"

Powerpoint and worksheets about the causes, effects and management of flash floods using Boscastle (2004) as a Case Study. Three differentiated questions. Links to videos included.
Hazards 8: "EL NIÑO"

Hazards 8: "EL NIÑO"

Powerpoint and worksheets comparing El Nino with La Nina. Uses the Big Dry drought in Australia as a Case Study. Differentiated question. Carousel activity to complete effects chart. Links to videos included.
Hazards 9: "DROUGHT IN THE UK"

Hazards 9: "DROUGHT IN THE UK"

Powerpoint and worksheets using the UK as a Case Study of drought in a developed country. Completion of a climate graph. Differentiated exam-style questions. Comparisons of human and physical maps and data. Sustainability of four drought management methods used in the UK.
Climate Change 8: "THE UK’S FUTURE CLIMATE"

Climate Change 8: "THE UK’S FUTURE CLIMATE"

Powerpoint and worksheets about the future effects of climate change on the British Isles Starter looks at 'The Day After Tomorrow' and the idea of a climate tipping point The main part of the lesson is a role play/debate about the future climate and the positive vs negative effects on UK life. Roles are related to government, industry, tourism, older people, wildlife trusts and farming. the role play is concluded by a written answer to the hypothesis: "Climate change will be bad for the United Kingdom". Plenary shows how milder winters are allowing exotic animals to survive in the UK


Powerpoint and worksheets covering destructive plate margins and collision zones Starter looks at the highest and tallest mountains on Earth, then compares them with Mons Olympus on Mars . Destructive margins activity is a mystery, answering the question "Why are there a line of volcanoes down the western coast of South America?" Collision zones activity answers the question "Why are there marine fossils on top of Mount Everest?" Plenary looks at how the African-Eurasian margin has created the hills and valleys of south-east England Includes video links and differentiated questions


Powerpoint and worksheets introducing the causes of tectonic movement. Starter reviews pupils' prior knowledge of the structure of the Earth and then builds on this with an annotated divided bar graph of the Earth's layers. Goes on to look at the role of convection, ridge push and slab pull using the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Iceland as Case Studies. Includes video links and differentiated questions.
CLIMATE CHANGE 9: "Climate Change in Egypt  SDME"

CLIMATE CHANGE 9: "Climate Change in Egypt SDME"

A decision making exercise (set up as a lesson) looking at future options for feeding Egypt's growing population. Egypt’s climate is changing. Over the next few decades the country is expected to become even hotter and drier than it already is. Presently, oil makes up 25% of Egypt’s exports but this is predicted to run out by 2070. At the same time, the population is expected to grow by tens of millions more people. The Government will need to find a SUSTAINABLE way to feed all these extra mouths very soon. Option 1: Turn more of the Sahara Desert into irrigated farmland by flooding the Qattara Depression Option 2: Build sea defences around the farmland in the Nile Delta of northern Egypt Option 3: Bomb the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam to allow more of the Nile’s water to flow down to Egypt Option 4: Support the use of agricultural fertilisers by lowering the price of farm chemicals