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Mr. A's Shop

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Hi I am an ex Primary School Head Teacher who is passionate about making attractive, tried and tested, time-saving resources for teachers. I have over 25 years teaching experience and all of these resources have been tested in 'the field'. Please take the time to have a look - they are all sensibly priced, Having had over 500,000 views and over 380,000 downloads as 'free' resources, all of these resources have been updated and are now on sale. There also many new resources on my site.




Hi I am an ex Primary School Head Teacher who is passionate about making attractive, tried and tested, time-saving resources for teachers. I have over 25 years teaching experience and all of these resources have been tested in 'the field'. Please take the time to have a look - they are all sensibly priced, Having had over 500,000 views and over 380,000 downloads as 'free' resources, all of these resources have been updated and are now on sale. There also many new resources on my site.
The Amazing Ancient Greek Quiz - an ideal start or end point for an exciting topic on Ancient Greece

The Amazing Ancient Greek Quiz - an ideal start or end point for an exciting topic on Ancient Greece

Contained in this attractive resource are 32 questions all about Ancient Greece. These questions can be used at the start of a topic to ascertain how much the children know about the topic - at the en of the topic as an assessment tool, or as a collaborative activity giving the children a couple of hours and all the resources they need to research the questions. Some are sraightforward, others will require a lot of searching. This is a 'ready-to-go' resource which contains an answer sheet too...so all the hard work is done!
World War 1 Debate...who really was to blame?

World War 1 Debate...who really was to blame?

This resource contains all the information needed to run a killer debate centred around who (or what) was to blame for the outbreak of the First World War. This resource includes 13 pages of facts and images, details of how to run the debate, information and images to create the background to this complex conflict and teacher notes to enable anyone to run what is likely to be a heated but very exciting set of sessions or a whole unit of work. All you need to run this debate is a printer, a pair of scissors, 11 envelopes and a willing class. Please also check out my other debate information on this website - Who was to blame for the sinking of the Titanic? If you have downloaded this resource, please take the time to write a review…all feedback greatly appreciated. Thanks Rich
Mayan Maths Worksheets, differentiated 3 ways with Answers & Teachers DIY Workbook

Mayan Maths Worksheets, differentiated 3 ways with Answers & Teachers DIY Workbook

Here are three maths worksheets using the Mayan Maths symbols (or Vegisimal Number System). These worksheets have been differentiated 3 ways and have all the answers already worked out for you. I have also included a teacher's DIY Mayan Maths sheet where you can cut and paste the symbols to create your own Mayan number problems for your class. These worksheets are suitable for years 3 - 6. If you have downloaded this resource - please take the time to write a review...all comments welcomed. Thanks
The Great Titanic Debate - Who really was to blame?

The Great Titanic Debate - Who really was to blame?

This brilliant activity involves a class taking the roles of the 10 people (or groups of people) who could in some part be blamed for the sinking of the Titanic and the subsequent loss of over 1500 lives. The materials included here give you all the facts and everything you’ll need to conduct a killer debate. I did this with my Year 6 class, but it could be used with children from years 4 - 8. This is a tried and trusted resource which had over 7000 downloads as a free resource. It has been updated and is now even easier to use - all you’ll need is a printer, a pair of scissors, 11 envelopes and a willing class! Also check out my new debate resource…who was to blame for the outbreak of the First World War? Thanks