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Highly experienced language teacher. AST, SLE, Lead Practitioner and Trust Director. All resources tried and tested and hopefully easily adaptable to your own classes.




Highly experienced language teacher. AST, SLE, Lead Practitioner and Trust Director. All resources tried and tested and hopefully easily adaptable to your own classes.
Whizzy loop

Whizzy loop

Use this whizzy loop by pressing the 's' key on your keyboard to start and stop it spinning super fast. You can change the text on the slides quite easily to suit your purposes - there is one here with numbers, one with dates and one with sentences on and several other ideas - at its simplest you can just ask pupils to translate the slide it stops on but you can use it in many, many different ways - put pupil names on it as a name selector, or sentences starters and a connective to build sentences - you choose. I have put several examples on here to help with ideas, but the concept of randomising things is the same throughout. Enjoy! The pupils LOVE coming to press the 's' key.....the simplest of things seem to please them.
Speaking Test - Revision Wheel - Identity and Culture

Speaking Test - Revision Wheel - Identity and Culture

An adaptable resource to enable students to prepare for the question and answer element of the speaking test. Students prepare answers on the wheel. There is a sheet of vocabulary and phrases to help them. The wheel is best printed out on A3 paper to give students ample space to write their responses. It also works best if the students colour-code their responses to match the colour of the question. Teachers can change the questions easily electronically if they prefer to use different questions. At the end of the Technology document there is a photograph example of a completed wheel to share with students by means of an explanation. Important - the final step is to print off a blank pro forma. Students cut it the circle in the middle so they can see the questions and cut it the ‘triangles’ which cover their answers. They can then reveal questions one by one whilst learning, bit by bit for testing or get partners to test chosen segments. More themes to follow.
Past and Present Translation Maze

Past and Present Translation Maze

Another translation maze this time focussing in on the past and present tenses. Instructions are on the PPT. All you need is a photocopy of the blank maze and you have a whole lesson's worth of material. My students absolutely love this - it is so simple to use and the discussion that comes out of the translation tasks is so useful for building confidence and awareness of tenses and sentence structure.
Remedy Cards - great effective marking strategy

Remedy Cards - great effective marking strategy

If your pupils are making the same literacy errors over and over again try giving them one of these A5 cards to help them understand the remedy. There is one for spelling, one for capitalisation, one for tenses, one for word order, one for adjective agreement and cases. Pupils use the card as a reading ruler with the next few pieces of work - checking each line of their work against the rules set out on the card. Over a short time it should help raise awareness of key errors and encourage students to check their work in a more productive fashion. When used consistently the cards help eliminate mistakes and increase independent checking of work. When students feel they have achieved their target to improve they stick the card in their book with a pupil comment about the impact it has had. These have proved so effective with my students they voted them the single most effective piece of support they were given all year last year.
Translation Maze

Translation Maze

Easily adaptable for your own purposes. Using this pro-forma pupils translate sentences (this version involves the use of differing tenses) to create a path through a maze of their own creating. My pupils love this activity and get increasingly excited when the numbers are revealed and they get closer to creating a path. Great activity for focussing on grammatical accuracy and gives rise to productive discussion in class about points of grammar, sentence structure and spelling.
Memory and Recall tasks for GCSE German

Memory and Recall tasks for GCSE German

A booklet of (homework?) tasks which students can use once the unit of work is complete to help them revisit vocabulary and phrases to help keep them fresh. The tasks could be given straight after completion of a unit of work or for example at the start of Year 11 to review work covered in Year 10. This unit is based on the me, my friends and family unit of work which my students study in Year 10. I will give these tasks to them over the next 6 weeks as revision home works and then reissue the booklet in Year 11 for further revision. The tasks are best printed out as an A5 stapled booklet.
Writing for the new GCSE in MFL

Writing for the new GCSE in MFL

Ideas and resources to help teachers tackle the new MFL GCSE. This could be used individually or as a departmental resource to inspire staff to think about the challenges of the new GCSE; increasing spontaneity, grammatical accuracy and creativity. Some of the resources are attached and these are easily adapted to suit your own SOWs and languages including the translation maze, mood and thought board and an example of use of poetry.
Mood + thought board - speaking for new GCSE

Mood + thought board - speaking for new GCSE

Ideal resource for current Year 9 preparing them for the new GCSE speaking exam and talking spontaneously about picture stimuli. Students think about the type of language they need to state facts, add their opinions, hypothesise (simply) and describe pictures. They use the English version as a prompt for the type of language they will add to their TL version below, add language (supported by teacher) then fold in half and use the board they have created to talk about any picture stimuli they use in the coming weeks to help them build confidence. As the progress and use more and more phrases spontaneously I issue them with a new card (different colour) and we add more advanced or different phrases to extend their knowledge of generic phrases.
Creative Writing Ideas for MFL

Creative Writing Ideas for MFL

In supporting our students with the new GCSE we need to get them writing spontaneously and freely. Here is a small collection of ideas to encourage students to write creatively at KS3 creating good habits in preparation for their GCSE written work. This could be used as prompt for departmental discussion or a stimulus for work on writing skills. Some of the ideas can be lifted directly from the information here but most will need to be developed to suit individual schools / departments.
random number selector

random number selector

Press the 's' button on the keyboard and the selector will stop - pupils have to write or say the number in German / French / Spanish. Simple. You can use the pro-forma for names, text......anything you want. Kids LOVE being chosen to press the button!
Whizzy loop

Whizzy loop

Use this whizzy loop by pressing the 's' key on your keyboard to start and stop it spinning super fast. You can change the text on the slides quite easily to suit your purposes - there is one here with numbers, one with dates and one with sentences on and several other ideas - at its simplest you can just ask pupils to translate the slide it stops on but you can use it in many, many different ways - put pupil names on it as a name selector, or sentences starters and a connective to build sentences - you choose. I have put several examples on here to help with ideas, but the concept of randomising things is the same throughout. Enjoy! The pupils LOVE coming to press the 's' key.....the simplest of things seem to please them.
Memorisation techniques for CA

Memorisation techniques for CA

This rigorous PPT takes students through a range of techniques they could employ to help them remember their speaking and writing assessments for GCSE. They should be encouraged to try each method out with a few lines of their own texts to experiment and find which method (or combination of methods) works best for them. The PPT also prompts them to think about when and where they are going to learn their work. It is a thorough and self-explanatory presentation which takes about 1 hour to deliver fully.
Memorisation techniques for CA

Memorisation techniques for CA

This rigorous PPT takes students through a range of techniques they could employ to help them remember their speaking and writing assessments for GCSE. They should be encouraged to try each method out with a few lines of their own texts to experiment and find which method (or combination of methods) works best for them. The PPT also prompts them to think about when and where they are going to learn their work. It is a thorough and self-explanatory presentation which takes about 1 hour to deliver fully.
GCSE vocabulary booklet

GCSE vocabulary booklet

A booklet of the most common German words which appear in the GCSE exams categorised by topic area. Pupils can use the booklet as a revision aid or as part of a more structured approach to vocabulary learning. My pupils pick a page a week to learn, fill in the meaning and learn the spellings and definitions. These words are then peer assessed and unknown words revisited the following week.
Vocabulary Gatherer - great revision tool!

Vocabulary Gatherer - great revision tool!

Ideal resource for exam revision or end of unit revision. Students work in small groups or pairs with an A3 version of the worksheet. As the topic areas come up on the PPT the students have a set amount of time (e.g. 2 minutes) to think of as many words related to that topic as possible. When the time is up the teacher can reveal the words they have listed on the PPT, each word carries either 1, 2 or 3 points and the students gain these points per word they have on their own lists. Any additional words which are valid that the students have which are not on the PPT earn the students 4 points. The winner is the group with the most points but the key aim is obviously to revise key vocabulary and to broaden vocabulary by discussing the options available. The resources attached are easily adaptable so you can change the words, the topic areas and even the language. Quick, easy resource to use and fun for last minute revision.
German Grammar - Present Tense Verbs

German Grammar - Present Tense Verbs

First in a series of resources to help students of German master the grammar of the language. This set deals with regular, irregular, strong, reflexive, modal and separable verbs. Ideal for high ability GCSE and first year A-level students. The initial information sheet is accompanied by a practice sheet and test sheet making them ideal for homework and independent work as well as use in class. Tried and tested - the students have found them very user friendly. Further resources will be published on TES which cover all the grammar aspects of A-level. The overview grammar sheet attached shows which aspects are covered by the resources in the series.