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A Level Computer Science- All-in-one 90 slides ppt
90 slides- covering all the major topics for A Level Computer Science.

Questioning for critical thinking CPD for staff
This presentation covers 3 main domains from Blooms Taxonomy.
Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge)
Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude)
Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills)
This presentation covers 6 levels with clear examples which can be used by staff.
Example- Level 1 Knowledge i.e. Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers
Keywords- Choose, how, match, recall, select, spell, when, who, define, label, name, relate, show, tell, where, why, find, list, omit, what, which

Secondary storage- All about CDs How they are burned and read
Interesting questions with answers about CDs; can be used as a test or homework

Teach Visual Basic to KS3-4
Computing lessons and scheme of work based on Visual Basic with examples , classroom activities etc, Ready to be used

E Safety Presentation with information about Laws
E Safety PowerPoint presentation which includes information about Laws associated with the e-safety issues

Photoshop lesson resources (2-3 lessons with all the necessary files)
2-3 Photoshop lessons bundled together e.g. Colour splash tutorial, Removing background, Creating Layers, creating a spiral galaxy with student worksheets and Teacher PowerPoint.

GCSE or A Level: Programming techniques
Programming techniques- some interesting questions and answers; Can be used for A Levels or GCSE classes as a test or homework

Teach HTML CSS Javascript- complete unit of work
Complete unit of work with HTML, CSS and Javascript examples; 6 lessons; extra resources like sound files, images, web pages, challenges etc are also included along with a sample HTML quiz

GCSE 9-1 Bubble sort Insertion sort Binary Search Linear search- Sorting and searching in action
Coding example using Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Binary search and Linear search using VB

List of programming techniques
List of all the programming techniques required for GCSE and A Level Computing; what do the students need to learn or show as part of the evidence in controlled assessments or Computing courseworks

GCSE Computer Science 50 Multiple choice exam questions
GCSE Computer science 50 mixed easy and difficult multiple choice questions with answers and explanations
Can be used for internal tests or homework
can be used for KS3 computing as well

GCSE 9-1 exam practice Computer Science Mock paper - Computer Systems BRAND NEW
Computer Systems: practice paper/mock paper- 1#
Based on the new spec 9-1
Total marks 80 marks with 22 questions.

GCSE Computing Controlled assessment Task 1
Only to support teachers. This resource is only for teachers. Strictly not to be shared with the students.
Task 1 GCSE OCR NEA - completed in Python
Please note that these programs can be done using various programming techniques/ methods- this is one way of doing this.

Stacks Queues Bubble sort Insertion sort Binary Search Linear Seacrh
For understanding and implementation of algorithms related to Stacks, Queues and also Bubble sort, Insertion sort including Binary Search and Linear Search

GCSE 9-1 exam practice Revise all topics GCSE Computing
100 slides covering GCSE 9-1 Computing for revision; can be used in the classroom as a revision tool

GCSE 9-1 exam practice Assembly Language Little Man Computer resources
Instruction set with simple programs including adding, subtraction, multiplying, dividing, Fibonacci series, finding biggest of three numbers and finding mean

Fireworks CS4 - Collage, Pop-up menu, SLIDESHOW
Do you want to create a slideshow using Fireworks CS4?
Do you want to create a collage?
Do you want a simple pop up menu?
follow these easy to use tutorials with screenshots................ ..........