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Gold Resonance Resources

We provide Literacy, Literature, History and Humanities worksheets. Many of the sheets have a video with our voice-over specialist explaining the tasks. Feel free to use.

We provide Literacy, Literature, History and Humanities worksheets. Many of the sheets have a video with our voice-over specialist explaining the tasks. Feel free to use.
Macbeth Worksheets

Macbeth Worksheets

Two sample worksheets from a booklet. Reading/comprehension: tasks looking at resources on the topic of witches and the historical context of King James, culminating in a synthesis task. Writing Worksheet: War reporting. Writing an article about the battle from the start of the play.
The Hindenburg - Sample sheet from Disaster Scheme of Work.

The Hindenburg - Sample sheet from Disaster Scheme of Work.

This booklet contains two worksheets. The first provides reading and summary skills practice. The second worksheet is a diary task. It is part of a larger scheme of work, which will be available soon. There is also a youtube video with a teacher’s voice explaining and narrating the task. Overall, a great piece of work for a pupil who is missing lessons, or a decent resource to base a full lesson on. The tasks include: Dictionary definition task. Reading a range of sources. Summarising key details. Selecting appropriate language.
Animal Farm Empathy Lesson

Animal Farm Empathy Lesson

PowerPoint and handout focused on empathy. Designed for pupils who have read the book. Begins with an entry task, placing events in order. They are on the slide, and it gives pupils the time to settled, while those who are keen can get straight to work. The starter is a simple word identification task. Task 1 gets the pupils to begin engaging with how to express emotions in words. They are encouraged to use the emotive word back on the sheet, but any appropriate word will do. Task 2: pupils to annotate a fictionalised paragraph from Snowball. Then they continue the paragraph. Depending on the level of the class, this may turn into an extended writing tasks. Success Criteria are simplified and included. Extension task provided for the more able.