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911, Bin Laden and Afghanistan

911, Bin Laden and Afghanistan

A selection of resources aimed at EBD children. Dyslexic friendly. These resources challenge and develop students knowledge of Afghanistan and it’s religious laws, Bin Laden and his involvement in 911 and the event of 911 itself. You need copies of The Kite Runner to read or see along with the video of the 911 impact. I had major success with these resources and have included photo’s i have taken myself at ground zero in the worksheets.
Scheme, plus lesson resources for Town Development

Scheme, plus lesson resources for Town Development

17 lessons worth of resources targeted at children with minor to major EBD. These resources are also Dyslexic friendly. They are focused around the town of Leamington Spa, but this can easily be modified. The worksheets take the student through the beginning of a settlement to it’s modern day level of development.
Resources: Spanish Conquest

Resources: Spanish Conquest

Resources targeted at children with EBD’s. Dyslexic friendly. These resources establish and develop initial knowledge of the Spanich Conquest.
Holocaust worksheets

Holocaust worksheets

Designed for EBD children. Dyslexic friendly. These resources work well with showing extracts from “The Pianist”. A selection of worksheets that establishes and develops knowledge of the Jews, Hitler and the Holocaust.
The American West

The American West

A selection of worksheets aimed at EBD children. Dyslexic friendly. These are resources used to teach children about the initial conquest of North America by the English settlers and their impact on the locals. Good starter activities.