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Thanksgiving Assembly

Thanksgiving Assembly

This 19 slide Assembly looks briefly at the history and traditions of Thanksgiving in USA and Canada. It gives information and has links to supporting videos. It will give students an insight into this day and ask them to reflect on what they are thankful for. The assembly includes: What and when is Thanksgiving? History of Thanksgiving Traditions (including: food, presidential pardon, parades, etc.) Personal reflection question Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Guy Fawkes Night Assembly

Guy Fawkes Night Assembly

This engaging 11 slide assembly looks into the History and traditions of Guy Fawkes night as well as some useful safety points. This assembly covers: Guy Fawkes Night Who was Guy Fawkes Video Remember Remember Poem UK Traditions Firework Safety Personal Reflection questions Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Sex & Relationships Assembly Bundle

Sex & Relationships Assembly Bundle

5 Resources
This discounted bundle provides assemblies aimed at educating students on Sex & Relationships. It also supports staff in the delivery of the now compulsory PSHE topics around Sex & Relationships. Useful information, tips and guidance are presented in an engaging and accessible way. Video’s and pictures are used to embed key learning. This bundle includes the following 5 assemblies: Consent LGBT Choosing Good Friends Sexual Health Unhealthy Relationships Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics. LIMITED TIME OFFER If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!! Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
Balanced Diet Assembly

Balanced Diet Assembly

Balanced Diet Assembly This fantastic 33 slide assembly teaches students about the importance of maintaining a balanced diet. It looks in depth about what makes up a balanced diet and gives students useful advice to apply to their own diet. Resource also comes with follow up Tutor Time Task This assembly covers: What is a balanced diet? Informative Video The eat well plate Components of a balanced diet Tips on how to maintain a balanced diet (including: drinking fluids, limit sugars, 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, check the label etc.) Calories (with informative video) Personal Reflection questions Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
What is Brexit? Assembly

What is Brexit? Assembly

This Assembly is Brexit explained simply. It breaks down the key elements of Brexit with simple language and explanations for all to understand. This Assembly looks at: • What is Brexit • What is the EU • Why Are we leaving? • Referendum • Article 50 • Withdrawal Agreement • What is a Single Market • Video’s to support the content • Reasons for leaving the EU • Reasons against leaving the EU • Students Vote and whether we should stay or go • Tutor Time Activity Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Premier League Rewards Scheme

Premier League Rewards Scheme

I use this with some unengaged students in my year who love football. Each student picks a team at random and gets points on how that team perform each weekend. They also gain points for behaviour, attendance and positive comments. They lose points for bad behaviour, poor attendance and negative comments. Really engages student! Well worth trying. This comes with the following: Powerpoint to use in assembly to introduce students to competition Fixture list Team sheet for student selection Point score chart Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Tutor Time Student Responsibilities

Tutor Time Student Responsibilities

These resources support teachers to create a purposeful and efficient Tutor Time, whilst most importantly easing the teacher workload. There are 2 resources attached to download. Presentation outlining all responsibilities and what they involve Sheet to record and display who has what role. Tutor Time will run itself if this is embedded correctly. Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Introduction to the Formal Examination Process Assembly

Introduction to the Formal Examination Process Assembly

This informative 10 slide assembly provides students with the key information regarding the important rules and procedures around formal exams. This will ensure students are aware of what is and is not permitted to ensure exams at your school run smoothly. The assembly covers the following: -Exam conditions -Entering the exam -Seating and equipment -No electronics -Invigilation team Exam front sheet Leaving the exam room Extenuating circumstances Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Self Esteem Assembly

Self Esteem Assembly

Discover the path to building robust self-esteem with this illuminating 34-slide assembly. Self-esteem plays a pivotal role in our emotional health and overall success, shaping how we perceive ourselves and interact with the world. This assembly explores the fundamentals of self-esteem, its impact on various aspects of life, and actionable strategies for nurturing and enhancing self-worth. The Assembly covers: Defining self-esteem and its key components Exploring the origins and types of self-esteem Understanding the correlation between self-esteem and achievement Examining the influence of self-esteem on relationships and results Top tips for improving self-esteem and fostering a positive self-image Follow Up Tutor Time Tasks Please note, this assembly is an updated and improved version of a previously published assembly. Empower them to embrace their worth, overcome self-doubt, and thrive in both personal and academic pursuits. This assembly serves as a roadmap for building resilience, confidence, and a healthier self-concept for a brighter future. Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Exploring Mental Health Assembly

Exploring Mental Health Assembly

Unlock the path to mental well-being with this insightful and comprehensive 38-slide assembly. Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and understanding it can empower you to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and balance. This assembly delves into the definitions of mental health, common challenges, causes, signs, and practical strategies for promoting mental well-being. The Assembly covers: Definitions of mental health and its components Common mental health challenges faced by individuals Exploring the causes and factors contributing to mental health issues Recognising signs and symptoms of mental health challenges Promoting understanding of the impact of mental health on overall well-being Top tips for fostering mental well-being and self-care practices Follow up Tutor Time Activity Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to prioritise your mental health and well-being. This assembly serves as a guide for fostering a supportive environment, challenging stigma, and building essential life skills for maintaining mental well-being now and in the future. Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
History of All Things Christmas Assembly

History of All Things Christmas Assembly

History of All Things Christmas Assembly This 20 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to any year group and looks into the history of key traditions that take place during Christmas, including: Father Christmas, the Christmas tree, carols, crackers, pudding, mistletoe and more. A really fun assembly to deliver. This assembly includes: Why do we call it Christmas? Informative video Father Christmas Christmas carols Christmas crackers Gifts Christmas trees Christmas pudding and mince pies Cards Mistletoe Personal Reflection questions Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
10 Ways to Improve Grades Assembly

10 Ways to Improve Grades Assembly

This thought provoking and inspiring 25-slide assembly will ensure students reflect on how they can take action to improve their grades. Giving 10 detailed tips to support them improving their school performance, students will leave with the knowledge and tools to make the necessary improvements. The Assembly covers: • Top 10 Tips to improve grades (including: study habits, healthy habits, seeking help, positive attitude, active participation, goal setting, time management, organisation, etc.). • Informative videos, reflection and Tutor Time Activity Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Becoming a Good Citizen Assembly

Becoming a Good Citizen Assembly

This thought provoking 28-slide assembly will ensure students reflect on how an individual can make a positive impact on their community. They will consider the rights and responsibilities of a citizen and what they can do to be a good citizen. The Assembly covers: • What is a good citizen? • Civic roles and responsibilities • Benefits of civic engagement • Community service • Top Tips to being a good citizen • Informative videos, reflection and Tutor Time Activity Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
What Makes A School Great? Assembly

What Makes A School Great? Assembly

This enriching and empowering 36-slide assembly delves into the heart of what makes a school truly great. Through thought-provoking discussions and inspiring insights, students will explore the significance of making a positive difference within their school community. From cultivating essential qualities to actionable top tips, this assembly equips students with the tools and motivation to become active agents of positive change in their school. The Assembly covers: • Exploring the essence of making a difference and its pivotal role in school life • Top tips for initiating impactful change within your school • Essential qualities and attributes needed to make a school great • Engaging follow-up tasks for further reflection and action • Informative videos and moments of self-reflection Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Navigating Social Media Assembly

Navigating Social Media Assembly

Dive into this comprehensive 33-slide assembly designed to empower students in navigating the complexities of social media. Students will reflect on their digital experiences, through engaging discussions and self-reflection activities. Students will explore the importance of digital citizenship, online safety, and ethical social media usage. This assembly equips students with the tools they need to thrive in the digital landscape. The assembly covers: Understanding the impact of social media Positives and negatives of social media Top tips to remain safe on social media What to consider before your post Practicing responsible social media usage and ethical online behavior Engaging Videos Engaging in meaningful discussions and activities to cultivate a positive digital footprint Follow up tutor time activity Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Careers: Initiative & Self Management Assembly

Careers: Initiative & Self Management Assembly

Initiative and self-management are one of the most commonly requested employability skills from employers. This informative and engaging 32-slide assembly is the perfect way to introduce and embed these key skills with your students. Students will learn all about what these skills are, why they are important in school and work and how they can utilise initiative and self-management to improve grades and their future careers. The Assembly covers: • What is initiative and self-management? • Why are they so important to employers? • How will they improve my grades? • How can they improve my future careers? • Top tips to act with initiative and improve self-management • Follow up Tutor Time Task • Informative videos and Reflection Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Financial Literacy Assembly

Financial Literacy Assembly

This dynamic and informative 30-slide assembly is designed to empower students with essential financial literacy skills, inspiring them to make a positive impact on their personal finances and school community. The assembly will explore the significance of financial literacy, why it matters, and how students can leverage their knowledge to create a brighter financial future for themselves and their peers. The Assembly covers: • What is financial literacy and why is it important? • Key components of financial literacy: saving, borrowing, interest, credit cards, bank accounts, etc. • Top Tips for mastering financial literacy skills • Financial pitfalls • Follow-up task for further exploration and application of financial literacy concepts • Engaging videos and opportunities for reflection
Making a Difference in our School Assembly

Making a Difference in our School Assembly

This informative and engaging 28-slide will inspire students to make a difference to their school and their school community. The assembly will consider why making a difference is, why it is so important, what a school might look like if we didn’t, and how they can go about making a difference in their school. The Assembly covers: • What is making a difference and why is it important? • Benefits to individual and school • Top Tips to make a difference in your school • Qualities needed to make a difference • Follow up tutor time task • Informative videos and Reflection Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Persistence Assembly - Never Give Up

Persistence Assembly - Never Give Up

Unlock the power of persistence with this dynamic and insightful 39-slide assembly. Persistence is a fundamental trait that drives success in academics, careers, and personal pursuits. This assembly explores the importance of persistence, its impact on academic results, careers, and creative endeavors. Students will gain a deep understanding of the science behind persistence and practical strategies to cultivate it in their lives. The Assembly covers: What is persistence and why does it matter? The impact of persistence on academic results, careers, and creative pursuits Real-life examples of persistence from notable figures The science behind persistence, including neuroplasticity and the role of dopamine Strategies for staying motivated and overcoming obstacles Reflective exercises to reinforce learning and encourage personal growth Empower your students to embrace challenges, persevere through setbacks, and achieve their goals with unwavering determination. t Please note this assembly is an updated and improved resource from one previously published. This assembly sets the stage for a mindset shift towards persistence, setting students on a path towards success in school and beyond. Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.