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Miss Cole Teaching

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https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9xa8A1oXI2a9oRxGvQuojTDtoneHJXbx I have over 60,000 views on my teaching YouTube channel and featured on Heart Radio with Amanda Holden, Look East News and the local newspapers talking about teaching. Enjoy :)




https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9xa8A1oXI2a9oRxGvQuojTDtoneHJXbx I have over 60,000 views on my teaching YouTube channel and featured on Heart Radio with Amanda Holden, Look East News and the local newspapers talking about teaching. Enjoy :)
Zones of Regulation Staff Meeting/Training

Zones of Regulation Staff Meeting/Training

Staff meeting used to introduce Zones of Regulation created by a SENDCO and Inclusion Coordinator of a Multi-Academy Trust. I have used this PowerPoint multiple times to introduce the Zones of Regulation to head teachers, class teachers and teaching assistants. I’ve received great feedback for this and all teachers have been inspired to create their own classroom displays. Staff meeting Powerpoint includes: Story/history/research behind the Zones of Regulation Explanation of the Zones of Regulation Definition of self-regulation Poster including/explaining the four Zones Blue Zone introduction: Typical emotions felt in this Zone and possible body signals Green Zone introduction: Typical emotions felt in this Zone and possible body signals Yellow Zone introduction: Typical emotions felt in this Zone and possible body signals Red Zone introduction: Typical emotions felt in this Zone and possible body signals Slide explaining how each slide links to the road signs (a good visual) Many activities which can be used to help children identify an emotion they’re feeling and what Zone they’re in (Includes sorting, bingo, video links where Disney films etc demonstrate the Zones, linking experiences to Zones) Examples of classroom resources to introduce/use the Zones Many activities where children will be able to learn strategies to move from one Zone to another to help support regulation (toolbox, tools worksheet, sensory activities) Blue Zone toolbox slides: What we need to do once we’re in this Zone and 2 differentiated toolboxes sharing tools for this coloured Zone Green Zone toolbox slides: What we need to do once we’re in this Zone and 2 differentiated toolboxes sharing tools for this coloured Zone Yellow Zone toolbox slides: What we need to do once we’re in this Zone and 2 differentiated toolboxes sharing tools for this coloured Zone Red Zone toolbox slides: What we need to do once we’re in this Zone and 2 differentiated toolboxes sharing tools for this coloured Zone Examples of classroom displays sharing the Zones of Regulation Conclusion slide offering an opportunity for questions Enjoy!
Zones of Regulation Display

Zones of Regulation Display

A Zones of Regulation display which can be used for a whole school display in hall or corridor or classroom display. Is differentiated with wording and images to suit all ages. The display covers emotions felt in each zone, images to illustrate these images and a toolbox of strategies which the children can use to help them when in each zone. I am a SENDCO and an inclusion coordinator of a Trust and have used this display to introduce the Zones of Regulation to entire schools. It has worked really well with all children aged 4-11. Included in this pack: Display title of ‘What Zone are you in?’ 4x coloured zone titles 4x road signs linking to each zone 4x posters for each zone which includes emotions felt in each zone and images 4x toolbox for each zone This took me 6 hours to make so I’m hoping that by sharing it on here, it can save you the time :)
The Romans Medium-Term Plan and Knowledge Organiser

The Romans Medium-Term Plan and Knowledge Organiser

A medium term plan including the key learning expectations covered in History and Geography, ideas for continuous provision/enrichment and 11 in-depth lesson plans. A knowledge organiser which is a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that pupils need about a unit of work or a curriculum subject. The information is presented clearly and is broken down into easily digestible chunks. The activities included: To order British periods of time chronologically. To order the main turning points of the Roman Empire in Britain. To create a zig-zag timeline. To understand the spread of the Roman Empire and identify the spread on a map. To create my own Roman shield. To create a model of a local Roman town: Venta Icenorum. To research an iconic Roman figure and create an information book about them. To design and make my own Roman mosaic. To mark Roman roads on a map of Britain. To create a model of a Roman road. HISTORY NATIONAL CURRICULUM STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS: Pupils should be taught about: • the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. This could include: Julius Caesar’s attempted invasion in 55-54 BC, the Roman Empire by AD 42 and the power of its army, successful invasion by Claudius and conquest, including Hadrian’s Wall, British resistance, for example, Boudicca, ‘Romanisation’ of Britain: sites such as Caerwent and the impact of technology, culture and beliefs, including early Christianity. • Roman withdrawal from Britain in c. AD 410 and the fall of the Western Roman Empire. • a depth study linked to one of the British areas of study listed above • the legacy of Greek or Roman culture (art, architecture or literature) on later periods in British history, including the present day • Pupils should continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods they study. • They should regularly address and sometimes devise historically valid questions about change, cause, similarity and difference, and significance. • They should understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources. GEOGRAPHY NATIONAL CURRICULUM STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS: Pupils should be taught to: • locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe • use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied
Roman Timeline Activity

Roman Timeline Activity

A set of 13 timeline cards which children can order as part of an activity. Each card includes an iconic part of Roman history, alongside its date and an image. Worked brilliantly with my class when teaching Roman chronology. I then followed this activity by getting each child to make their own zig-zag timeline to illustrate what they’ve learnt.
Fish in a Tree Guided Reading Comprehension Pack

Fish in a Tree Guided Reading Comprehension Pack

This resource is intended to be used to help teach the skills of the KS2 National Curriculum for Reading through a term’s worth of guided reading sessions. Included in the pack: • Questions which focus on vocabulary, retrieval, inference, predictions, author intent, author technique and giving explanations for answers using evidence from the text. • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Activities/Questions. • Reading and respond to the text activities. This resource has been used with KS2 classes to great effect and has boosted their reading skills and their comprehension scores.
Good Dog McTavish Guided Reading Pack (15 sessions!)

Good Dog McTavish Guided Reading Pack (15 sessions!)

This resource is intended to be used to help teach the skills of the KS2 National Curriculum for Reading through 15 Guided Reading sessions using the book Good Dog McTavish by Meg Rosoff. Included in the pack: • Questions which focus on vocabulary, retrieval, inference, predictions, author intent, author technique and giving explanations for answers using evidence from the text. • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Activities/Questions. • Reading and respond to the text activities. This resource has been used with KS2 classes to great effect and has boosted their reading skills and their comprehension scores.
Equivalent Fractions PowerPoint and resources

Equivalent Fractions PowerPoint and resources

This Equivalent Fractions bundle includes: A YouTube teaching video to support this learning (with over 15k views) A teaching PowerPoint with 47 slides Over 20 interactive activities/games 10 worksheets for children to complete This sequence of learning covers the following National Curriculum statutory requirements: recognise, find and write fractions of a discrete set of objects: unit fractions and nonunit fractions with small denominators recognise and use fractions as numbers: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions solve problems that involve all of the above.
Angles Lesson Plan, PowerPoint and Resources (Graded Outstanding!)

Angles Lesson Plan, PowerPoint and Resources (Graded Outstanding!)

An angles lesson I’m very proud of after seeing great progress in the classroom and being graded outstanding for this lesson. Complete lesson plan is included!! This lesson introduces angles and teaches the difference between right, acute and obtuse angles. This PowerPoint also includes 4 activities including using a hungry angle monster to hunt for right angles and using lollipop sticks to complete an angle investigation. The end of this PowerPoint leads nicely onto learning about triangles and using the children’s learning on angles to move onto this. I’ve also included all my resources included in this lesson, including definition cards and an extension spotting angles in clock faces.
Maths Game KS2 Quiz Quiz Trade

Maths Game KS2 Quiz Quiz Trade

A fantastic and engaging game that my class love. Simply give each child a card and get them to walk around the classroom. When they meet another child, they should high five them and say, “Quiz, quiz, trade.” Each child then asks the other child their question, when they both give the correct answers, they can trade cards and then continue to move around until they meet somebody else. If a child gets the answer one, a child can help support them by prompting/giving clues as they have the correct answer on their card. My class absolutely love this game and don’t realise just how much they’re learning when they play it!
Grammar Game KS2 Quiz Quiz Trade (VERY FUN!)

Grammar Game KS2 Quiz Quiz Trade (VERY FUN!)

A fantastic and engaging game that my class love. Simply give each child a card and get them to walk around the classroom. When they meet another child, they should high five them and say, “Quiz, quiz, trade.” Each child then asks the other child their question, when they both give the correct answers, they can trade cards and then continue to move around until they meet somebody else. If a child gets the answer one, a child can help support them by prompting/giving clues as they have the correct answer on their card. My class absolutely love this game and don’t realise just how much they’re learning when they play it!
Word Types PowerPoint and Sorting Activity (Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs)

Word Types PowerPoint and Sorting Activity (Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs)

A clear and engaging PowerPoint which introduces the definition for nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. Once the children have understood the word type, they can work as a class to think of as many examples as possible to consolidate learning. There is extended learning on adverbs where the children develop their understanding of the different purposes of adverbs: adverbs of time, place, manner, frequency or degree. I have also included a sorting activity that children can complete independently, in pairs, in groups or as a class. Enjoy!
Expanded Noun Phrases PowerPoint and 3 Activities

Expanded Noun Phrases PowerPoint and 3 Activities

An engaging and interactive teaching Powerpoint which teaches expanded noun phrases, gives a range of examples and provides many opportunities for the children to consolidate their learning, including: 3 interactive whole class discussions/activities Paired game where they consolidate their learning Independent writing activity
Word Families Teaching PowerPoint, Activity and Worksheet

Word Families Teaching PowerPoint, Activity and Worksheet

Included in this pack is a teaching PowerPoint to use for teaching Word Families. This PowerPoint is extremely engaging and requires the children to ineract throughout. It also includes a game/activity where the children can consolidate their learning. NEW Worksheet has just been added too!
Fractions Maths Plan LKS2 (3 Weeks!)

Fractions Maths Plan LKS2 (3 Weeks!)

Included is a 3 week plan for a lower key stage 2 class (year 3/4) on Fractions. This plan is extremely detailed with diagrams and resources included! The following statutory requirements of the national curriculum are covered: YEAR 3 Pupils should be taught to: • count up and down in tenths; recognise that tenths arise from dividing an object into 10 equal parts and in dividing one-digit numbers or quantities by 10 • recognise, find and write fractions of a discrete set of objects: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators • recognise and use fractions as numbers: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators • recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators • add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole [for example, 5/7 + 1/7 = 6/7 ] • compare and order unit fractions, and non-unit fractions with the same denominators • solve problems that involve all of the above YEAR 4 Pupils should be taught to: • recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions • count up and down in hundredths; recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred and dividing tenths by ten. • solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole number • add and subtract fractions with the same denominator • recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths • recognise and write decimal equivalents to 1/4, 1/2 , 3/4 • find the effect of dividing a one- or two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths • round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number • compare numbers with the same number of decimal places up to two decimal places • solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places.
The Hodgeheg Guided Reading Pack (3 weeks of sessions!)

The Hodgeheg Guided Reading Pack (3 weeks of sessions!)

This resource is intended to be used to help teach the skills of the KS2 National Curriculum for Reading through 15 Guided Reading sessions using the book The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith. Included in the pack: • Questions which focus on vocabulary, retrieval, inference, predictions, author intent, author technique and giving explanations for answers using evidence from the text. • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Activities/Questions. • Reading and respond to the text activities. This resource has been used with KS2 classes to great effect and has boosted their reading skills and their comprehension scores. This could also be used for Year 2 (KS1) groups.
Introduction to Decimals (PowerPoint and 3 worksheets)

Introduction to Decimals (PowerPoint and 3 worksheets)

A resource I’ve created when introducing my class to decimals. It begins by introducing the definition of the word decimal and then uses diagrams and images to explain this further. After teaching about tenths and hundredths, the children then complete a worksheet where they are identifying tenths and hundredths in decimal numbers with numbers with up to 2.d.p. We then move onto converting fractions into decimals, comparing decimals using <, > and = and ordering decimal numbers. There are three worksheets to support this lesson. This worked really well with my class and I now have a very confident group of children who enjoy learning about fractions!
Identify the Adverb

Identify the Adverb

This worksheet teaches that an adverb is a word that describes a verb, adjective or another adverb. It has a clear visual which teaches that there are 5 different types of adverbs: time (when?), place (where?), manner (how?), frequency (how often?) and degree (how much?) This worksheet has a range of sentences (written in cursive joined handwriting). The worksheet explains that the child needs to underline the adverb and tick whether it is a verb of time, place, manner, frequency or degree. My class really enjoyed this resource and understood it well.
English Planning for The High Street by Alice Melvin

English Planning for The High Street by Alice Melvin

Included is a series of 10 English lessons based on The High Street by Alice Melvin. Throughout the lessons, children will learn about and apply their learning of nouns, adjectives, determiners, lists and rhyming words. Learning objectives covered in this series of learning are: To use the determiners ‘a’ and ‘an’ correctly. To write a list. To use commas in a list. To use adjectives to describe nouns. To write creatively. To review and edit my writing. By the end of the project, each child will have created their own version of The High Street zig-zag book. This pack included all of my lesson plans for these ten lessons as well as copies of each resource needed. I absolutely loved planning this and hope you enjoy the series of lessons.
Friend or Foe Guided Reading Pack (20 sessions!)

Friend or Foe Guided Reading Pack (20 sessions!)

This resource is intended to be used to help teach the skills of the KS2 National Curriculum for Reading through 20 Guided Reading sessions using the book Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo. Included in the pack: • Questions which focus on vocabulary, retrieval, inference, predictions, author intent, author technique and giving explanations for answers using evidence from the text. • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Activities/Questions. • Reading and respond to the text activities. This resource has been used with KS2 classes to great effect and has boosted their reading skills and their comprehension scores.
Whale Boy Guided Reading Pack (22 sessions!)

Whale Boy Guided Reading Pack (22 sessions!)

This resource is intended to be used to help teach the skills of the KS2 National Curriculum for Reading through 22 Guided Reading sessions using the book Whale Boy by Nicola Davies. Included in the pack: • Questions which focus on vocabulary, retrieval, inference, predictions, author intent, author technique and giving explanations for answers using evidence from the text. • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Activities/Questions. • Reading and respond to the text activities. This resource has been used with KS2 classes to great effect and has boosted their reading skills and their comprehension scores.