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Miss Gammack's Shop

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Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x
Impact of alcohol

Impact of alcohol

This powerpoint explains what happens when alcohol is drunk on different parts of the body. It discusses the negative effects on the body and also the positive. It has facts on ages alcohol can be drunk and when and how alcohol is made. After the powerpoint i gave the children a copy of the body and the children labelled the key parts and what the impact of alcohol is on each of these parts.
changing environments and its effect on elephants in Africa

changing environments and its effect on elephants in Africa

This powerpoint recognises that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things. Starts of with a key vocabulary slide which i expect them to know by the end of the lesson section 2 - key facts section 3 - why should we protect elephants section 4 - what is endangering elephants in africa - discusses climate change, ivory trade and deforestation section 5 - what is being done to protect the elphants activity - children to write a short piece using all of this information - there is a slide with reminders on for them
Six lessons on the Vikings

Six lessons on the Vikings

These are available as individual lessons if you do not want them all - please see my shop The order in which they need to be taught are 1.Who were the Vikings? 2.Norse beliefs 3.Lindisfarne 4.Alfred the Great 5.Athelstan and Constantine 6.Edward the confessor and his death in 1066 The individual lessons have a breadkdown in the resources description if you need to know what is included in each lesson
Edward the confessor and his death in 1066

Edward the confessor and his death in 1066

This powerpoint talks through what happened after Aethelred died. Discusses Edward the confessor and what he was like as a person. Has list of three successors after Edward and why they thought they should have the crown Explains what happened when Edward died and who got the crown and what they other two successors did explains what the bayeux tapestry is activity 1 - list the successors and why they think they deserved the crown activity 2 - write the events that happened after the new King of England was crowned
Piet Mondrian x 6 lessons

Piet Mondrian x 6 lessons

This is a full unit on Piet Mondrian It looks at his different pieces and evaluates them. Then it asks to look at the different colours and lines he created in his abstract pieces. Children will recreate his different pieces each week.
Barbara Hepworth - tools for clay

Barbara Hepworth - tools for clay

Please check out my shop as this lesson follows on from the moulding clay lesson. This revisits the key facts - birth/ death, where she was born, what type of artist she was, what a sculpture is and a key quote for the children to learn. this looks at two key sculptures and a discussion is needed of each one - monolith - empyrean and sphere with inner form The tools are then looked at and what they are used for. Children then experiment cutting clay with the tools.
Barbara Hepworth   - score and slip

Barbara Hepworth - score and slip

please check out my shop as this follows on from the texture lesson. During this lesson it looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth (recap) - birth/ death/ where she was born and what type of artist she was. Recaps the tools and how these can create textures and patterns. It then has a chance to reflect on what they have done in the previous session with the textures video of how to complete score and slip task - children to practise the score and slip technique
Anglo Saxon law

Anglo Saxon law

This is a whole lesson in one powerpoint. I normally print of the powerpoint so the children can refer to it during the lesson and to answer the questions. discusses the laws that were in place at the time and what would happen if you broke the law and the punishments you would get.
African animals expanded noun phrases

African animals expanded noun phrases

African animals expanded noun phrases practise. Has a powerpoint that goes through and modelling how to add noun phrases into their sentences to make them better. includes prepositional phrases aswell. Lower ability worksheet is included - adding in the adjectives to make the sentences better.


This lesson discusses white light and how it splits into seven colours. Know what a rainbow is and how it occurs. looks at how a prism splits the light. includes the mnemonic Richard of york gave battle in vane - to help them remember the order of the rainbow What rainbows represent through history Questions for the children to answer after the powerpoint
changing shadows investigation

changing shadows investigation

This is an investigation: how do shadows change when the distance between the light source and the object changes? Firstly it talks about how we make shadows and what a shadow is. It then goes through the investigation step by step - starting with the question, what equipment, how to make it a fair test (looking at independent and dependent variables), the results and then the conclusion. It takes the children through step by step as they write it up in their books along the way.
Barbara Hepworth - moulding techniques

Barbara Hepworth - moulding techniques

Please check out my shop as this follows on from the introduction to Barbara Hepworth During this lesson it looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth (recap) - birth/ death/ where she was born and what type of artist she was. Includes what a sculptor does. Quote for the children to remember There is a video of what clay is Then the children will need clay and they are going to practise moulding the clay - rolling, smoothing, pulling, pinching, squeezing.
Light - darkness is the absence of light

Light - darkness is the absence of light

This is one full lesson with cloze procedure at the end. Included is a discussion on what light is. how light is a form of energy Looks at man made and natural sources of light including bioluminescence in animals. Also how the moon is not a light source. Includes what is dark. At the end there is a cloze procedure which is differentiated three ways.
Sun safety

Sun safety

This powerpoint explains the benefits and dangers of the sun. It explains what UV light is and its dangers. looks at how the eye responds to light Looks at how we can protect our eyes from these rays. has a comprehension at the end as well as a hands on task through the powerpoint where they have to look at a partners eys and how it changes to the light.
light sessions x6

light sessions x6

This includes six session, these include: lesson 1 - light steps to success- Recognise that you need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light. Know that there are natural sources of light and man made sources. Explain that you need light in order to see things. Know the meaning of different idioms related to light. lesson 2 - reflective surfaces steps to success - Explain reflection. Identify reflective materials. Select the most reflective material for a purpose. lesson 3 - sun safety steps to success - Explain the benefits and dangers of the sun. Explain about UV light and its dangers. Describe ways to protect our eyes from the sun. lesson 4 - rainbows steps to success - Know that white light consists of seven colours - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Know that a rainbow occurs when it is sunny and raining. Know that light can be separated into different colours with a prism. lesson 5 - shadows steps to success - Explain how light travels. Know what opaque, translucent and transparent means. Sort different materials depending on if they are opaque, translucent or transparent. lesson 6 - changing shadows - this is an investigation on how a shadow changes when you move the light source further away. steps to success - Explain how a shadow is formed. Plan and set up an investigation into the way shadows change size. Observe patterns in the way shadows change size. Explain the patterns I find. Each lesson has idioms included related to light and these are recapped each session. These are available individually if wanted. please check out my shop :)
To learn about the events of Palm Sunday

To learn about the events of Palm Sunday

This powerpoint gives brief detail about why Easter is celebrated - includes a short bbc video Then looks at the importance of the palm leaf and why it was used. followed by the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem I have added a link to a video of what it would have been like when Jesus entered and looked at the word Hosanna and what it means. There are a couple of discussion questions and then the task is to complete a story board of what happened that day


This powerpoint looks into the story of Hanukkah and how it is celebrated. included:- which other religion celebrates a festival of light what is Hanukkah and when it is celebrated The story of Hanukkah - includes a link to a video of the story (cartoon style) looks at the menorah and what that is used for how Hanukkah is celebrated - food eaten, games played link to a bbc video on Hanukkah from the eyes of an 11 year old task - complete a table with questions about Hanukkah
Islamic/ Muslim Marriage

Islamic/ Muslim Marriage

This lesson is a complete lesson with a task at the end. This is part of the Islamic Rites of Passsage unit so if you would like to look at other parts please check out my shop This powerpoint includes key vocab Question about marriage to discuss Muslim relationships - purpose of marriage and why Then it goes into each section - the proposal, the mahr, the nikah, the walima, discusses what happens at engagement ceremonies Task - fill in the missing sections of the table. So it has each section with the arabic word and then they have to write the meaning and then the purpose of each one.


This is a 6 week unit of work It includes:- Lesson 1 - Christian Journeys (available seperately in my shop) includes special places for Christians - Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem Looks at a map of where they are Goes into more detail about the 3 places and why they are special. includes a slide on the church of nativity Task - match the picture to the place and write a sentence explaining why it is important to Christians Lesson 2 - Mary and Joseph’s journey Includes story from the bible Then looks at the map and the journey they took Links to google maps and how the journey would look today - questions linked to this Lesson 3 - How the shepherds knew about the baby Includes story from the bible discussion question task - to order the night of the shepherds Lesson 4 - the three wise men (available separately in my shop) includes story form the bible - Matthew 2 1-12 looks in detail about what the three gifts were what is epiphany? Looking in depth and analysing ‘we three kings’ carol and what each section means task - questions on the powerpoint Lesson 5 - To learn about how the emotions of the people in story are the same emotions as people have today and King Herod (available separately in my shop) include recap of the three wise men discusses their escape to Egypt (short video of the three wise men) What Herod had ordered and why linking mary and josephs journey to refugees today task - children given sheet on King Herod and they have to answer questions Lesson 6 - the nativity through art (available separately in my shop) looking at art work step by step through the christmas story and discussing it - each picture comes with an explanation Pictures include Annunciation - leonardo da vinci The arrival in Bethlehem - Master LC FLemish The Nativity - Fra Angelico The adoration of the shepherds - Bartolome Esteban Murillo The Adoration of the Shepherds by Guido Reni The Adoration of the Magi - Giuseppe Bartolomeo Chiar The flight to Egypt - cosimo Tura Task - choose a painting and write an explanation for it
special places for Christians to pilgrimage to

special places for Christians to pilgrimage to

This is complete lesson and it includes : key vocabulary slide discussion between class about special places to them Know that Christians have special places and three of these are Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth shows where these places are on a map Gives more info on the three places and why they are special to Christians Has some info on the church of nativity Task - children to match a picture of the place to the name and then write a sentence to explain why it is important for Christians