Careers, Employability SkillsQuick View

Careers, Employability Skills

20 Resources
25 HOUR UNIT - For the Gatsby Benchmark Careers Guidelines. All fully resourced lessons, well differentiated and highly rated 1 or 2 hour lessons suitable for secondary schools which can be used over both key stages - perfect to help you meet the new GATSBY criteria. Some of the lessons last two hours, all in all there is about 25 hours worth of teaching content. Pack includes - 20 x Powerpoints, 70 worksheets, well differentiated throughout, all with clips and LOs at three challenge levels: Includes: 1. Job interviews and preparation 2. What are employability skills? 3. Your skills and applying for suitable work 4. Payslips, income tax and national insurance 5. Equal opportunities in the worksplace 6. CVs - What are employers looking for? 7. Rights and responsibilities in the workplace 8. Preparing for Work Experience 9. Enterprise skills 10. Entrepreneurial skills 11. Enterprising personalities and qualities 12. Interpersonal skills 13. Communication skills 14. Using enterprising skills in the workplace 15. How do people succeed as entrepreneurs? 16. Workplace Skills - Conflict Management 17. Careers in STEM focus 18. How can we choose a career that's right for us? 19. What impact does our digital footprint have our futures and careers? 20. Why is Health and Safety important in the workplace? Many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: EC_Resources Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :) Many more new Careers Resources and PSHE lessons on the EC Publishing website.
Online Reputation - Digital Footprints PSHEQuick View

Online Reputation - Digital Footprints PSHE

One hour, fully resourced Internet Safety lesson which introduces the concept of digital footprints and how our actions on the Internet now can have an impact on our later lives - especially when applying for jobs or in relationships. This resource pack includes an hour long PowerPoint with accompanying worksheets, well differentiated activities, literacy focus tasks, clip tasks with three-way differentiated questions and information sheets. The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. It is useful for PSHE, ICT, Careers, Citizenship or Tutor Time. As with all our lessons, you don’t need any prior knowledge as all the information is included - you can just pick up and teach it. You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: MORE PSHE RESOURCES
Digital Functional Skills - Module 1 & 2 - BUNDLEQuick View

Digital Functional Skills - Module 1 & 2 - BUNDLE

13 Resources
These resources have been created for those delivering the Digital Functional Skills Qualification at Entry Level which replaces the current Functional Skills ICT Qualification from 31st of July 2023. The DFS qualification’s main purpose is to provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against content that is relevant to the workplace and real life. These resources provide a structured assessment in workbook form to evidence learner’s knowledge and skills as well as their ability to apply these in different contexts and demonstrate that all learning outcomes have been met. The qualification itself is made up of many 5 main skill areas (Modules) each with its own series of units. Each workbook includes various challenges, activities and tasks to prove learners understanding. Each page has a header that includes the individual outcomes covered and can be assessed easily and signed off. This Bundle of resource covers: Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.1 Know the main features and uses of different types of device. Task 1 - Learners to identify 9 key digital devices using images. Task 2 - Using their existing knowledge coupled with some online research, learners will record below 5 key features for each digital device. Task 3 – Learner will then collate data on how much each device is used by themselves and their peers. Task 4 – Using questioning, learners will identify pros and cons of each device and their overall popularity. They will investigate other devices available on the market and give their opinions of the future of technology as a whole. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.2 Know what an application is and the main types of application software Task 1 - Demonstrate knowledge on the difference between Hardware and Software and give examples for both. Task 2 - Understand the function of an operating system and know where to find details of an OS on various devices. Task 3 - Become familiar with the different types of applications available and how they all have a different purpose. Task 4 - Know how to locate ‘screen time’ on mobile devices and analyse application usage and trends. Discuss the pro and cons and how screen time could be limited. Task 5 – Write a review for a favourite application using the template provided or leave an actual review on your mobile phone. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.3 Apply system settings (including display, sound, Wi-Fi, time, language, accessibility). Task 1 – Learners to become familiar with the system settings menu using Microsoft windows and identify specific settings found in each category i.e. Personalisation, Network etc. Task 2 – Learners will navigate System settings, locate particular icons and give reasons why they may need to be accessed and applied. Task 3 – Learners to read 3 scenarios and find a solution for each. They will also show clearly where to locate the setting required. Task 4 – Learners to create 2 of their own scenarios and challenge their peers to fins a solution using an appropriate system setting. Task 5 – Includes a selection of Flashcards that can be cut out, printed on cardboard or laminated and used to reinforce knowledge of system settings. Learners can also be given a card randomly and then demonstrate, using a device, how to apply that particular system setting. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.4 Navigate online content to locate required information. Task 1 - Learners will correctly type 2 URL examples into a browser and record details about the different websites. Learner can continue this task by entering their own URLs to help familiarise themselves further with this practice. Task 2 - Learners will understand the difference between a browser and a search engine and show this by ticking the correct box next to each example logo. Task 3 - Learners to unscramble some of the various reasons why we all use the internet. They will also give some examples of their own. Task 4 - Learners will give examples of effective keywords to use when searching for relevant information online. Task 5 - Learners will show an understanding of how to check the validity of information found online and will choose 6 example websites to demonstrate this. Task 6 - Learners will follow step by step instructions on how to save websites into a browser and then bookmark 3 of their own for easier access. Task 7 - Learners to become familiar with the navigation tools found in browser (chrome) and match the correct name and function of 14 examples. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.5 Carry Out Searches online Task 1 - Learners are required to find the answers to find the answers to 18 general knowledge questions using the World Wide Web. This can be an individual or group timed challenge. All answers will be officially checked with any incorrect answers incurring a 10 second penalty. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar with the most commonly asked online questions. They will guess using ‘first word’ criteria and then carry out a search to find the ‘most popular’ based on the most current data. Task 3 - Learners will learn how to take a screenshot using different digital devices, put this into practice and attach the evidence. Task 4 - Learners will demonstrate how to carry out a variety of searches online. They are required to plan a fictional holiday following specific guidelines and meeting certain criteria. Extension Activity – Learners to continue with Task 4 and carry out two further searches based around the weather and reviews of their chosen destination and accommodation. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit 1.6. Use files to read and store information (including creating a file, opening a file, reading information from a file, editing a file, saving a file). Task 1 - Learners to gain an understanding of digital files, how they work, what are their main functions and the benefits and advantages of compared to traditional physical documents. (Answers to Task included) Task 2 - Learners will become familiar with 7 of the most common digital file types and are asked to break each down with a clear description and research reasons we may need to use them. (guidance to Task included) Task 3 - Learners will look at the impact of the digital age and how we operate now in comparison with only a few years back. They will also become familiar with new and older forms of technology. Task 4 & 5 - Is a basic introduction into some of the skills they will be required to demonstrate in Module 2 (resources will be available in 2024). In ‘Task4’ they will use Microsoft WORD to open an existing Text Document, edit it following a series of instructions, save the document and print off as evidence. Learners will need to access Word Doc – ‘SB Football Rules - WORD File - To be Edited’. Both this and a completed example are included with download. In ‘Task 5’Learners will access a JPEG File and use Microsoft Photo Viewer or Paint 3D to edit it however they want using the tools available within the software. They will need to save the amended image, print it off and attach to the workbook as evidence. Learners will need to access ‘SB Sunrise - JPEG File - To be Edited’. Both this and a completed example are included with download. Task 6 – Learners can now demonstrate their new knowledge to open, create, edit and save a digital file. They can use any off the 7 file types looked at in the unit. They will need to print off their work as evidence and could also share with the group. Also includes a Skills and Knowledge Checklist and Glossary with key words for learners to complete. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.7 - Use files and folders to organise and retrieve information (including local and remote storage). Task 1 – An introductory discussion where learners are to identify areas of their life they like to keep organised and share opinions on the benefits mirroring this good practice in their digital world. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar folder hierarchy and the importance of categorising and naming main folders as part of this process. Task 3 - Learners will demonstrate they can structure folders sub folders and files correctly using cut out templates. The challenge can be undertaken, individually, in pairs or groups and even timed for an element of competition. (Tutor Answers included) Task 4 - Learners will determine 5 authentic and 5 misleading tips for Digital Housekeeping. (Tutor Answers included) Task 5 - Learner will follow 6 mini tasks to demonstrate their ability of knowledge gained so far. The tutor will observe and using a witness checklist, sign off each one completed task. Task 6 – Learners to read/discuss the statements that describe remote and local storage and match the correct benefits and considerations from the list. They will also need to recognise 3 main cloud serve providers. Task 7 - The last task requires learners to put the knowledge gained from this unit into practice and implement a thorough and efficient tidy up on their digital devices i.e. phone tablet, pc laptop etc. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.8 - Know when there is a problem with a device or software and know the difference between system errors. Task 1 – An introductory discussion where learners are to share experiences of things that have gone wrong, and frustrations caused when using any type of digital device. Learner will then uncover other common malfunction using images. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar the difference between User and System errors and give 2 examples for each. Task 3 – Learners will demonstrate their understanding by looking at 10 scenarios that all portray real life problems and identifying whether it is a system error, user error or a combination of both. Task 4 & 5 - Learners will determine 5 common viruses from the images and Research the characteristics, functions and how each virus operates. They will add this information to the table. A Guided answer sheet is included for Tasks 1,4 &5 Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.9 Apply a solution to solve a simple technical problem. Task 1 – An introductory to how troubleshooting can help resolve digital device issues without immediately seeking professional help. Learners will reorder 9 potential fixes (troubleshooting steps) in a logical order. Task 2 – Revisiting 4 of the real-life dilemmas from Unit 8, learners will research and record a series of suitable troubleshooting steps for each. An example has been given. Task 3 - Learners will become familiar with 10 common error messages that appear on-screen when there is a problem. They will fill in the missing words while gaining an understanding of what each of them mean. Task 4 - Learners to take part in a multiple-choice quiz in pairs or independently, followed by a group discussion based on everyone’s answers. Extension Activity – Learners have the opportunity to continue Task 2 and find solutions for the remaining 4 dilemmas form Unit 8. Tutor Answers are included for all 4 tasks. Module 2 - Creating and Editing - 2.1 - Use a suitable application to enter, edit and format text This resource includes: Task 1 - Learners to identify 3 of the main Word processing software applications and then give 3 examples of editing and 3 examples of formatting text. This will confirm they know the difference. They will then move into an activity that requires them to label the basic formatting tools found in Microsoft WORD (The application that will be used throughout this unit) Task 2 - Using their existing knowledge coupled with some online research, learners will complete a table that showcases the functionality and application of the previously identified formatting tools.(Tutor Guided Answers are included) Task 3 (a) – Learners will open an email and download the attached document (This is included and will have been sent prior by the tutor). Learners will then format the text by following a series of instructions. They will then save the new version ready for the next task. (Guided Tutor example included) Task 3 (b) – This is a continuation of Task 3(a) with 8 more instructions, some of which will stretch and challenge. Learners will save and print work as evidence. (Guided Tutor example included) Task 4 – Learners will take part in a ‘true’ & ‘false’ quiz based on the dos and don’ts of formatting text. Tutors can then recap on the unit, encourage discussion and go through answers as a group (Guided Answers included) Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 2 - Creating and Editing - 2.2 - Use a suitable application to enter, edit and format text. This resource includes: Task 1 - Learners to identify 3 commonly used Graphic Editing software and then discuss as a group their own experiences of using these applications. They are then required to brainstorm 6 picture formatting tools that can be found in Microsoft WORD. (The application that will be used throughout this unit) Task 2 - They will then move into an activity that requires them to label the basic picture formatting tools found within the picture formatting tab. Task 3 – Learners are given 9 images, adjacent to each image are 9 duplicates of the same image, each formatted using one of the previously mentioned tools. Their objective is to identify the formatting tool used and discuss the function for each. Pages 6-9 demonstrate how to use 6 other picture formatting tools that are regularly used when editing images. These are instructional tasks and learners can practice using them before putting them in to practice in the next task. Task 4 & 5 – Learners will be emailed 2 Digital Image Files - ‘Image A - Donkey’ & ‘Image B - Highland’. Learners are required to insert the pictures into a blank WORD Document (Extra Tutor guidance is included on Page 19) and then implement the 6 formatting instructions provided for each. They can then save and print the new images off as evidence. Task 6 - Learners have the chance to select an image from the 6 provided (included in resource Image C-H) or use their own if they prefer. They will then edit the image using 6 different formatting tools recording them on the Page 12. They can invite/challenge peers to edit the image in the same manner. Task 7 – Learner will finish the unit by completing a 12-question multiple-choice recap quiz Module 2 - Creating and Editing - 2.3 - Combine different types of information (including text, graphics, images) for a given purpose. Task 1 - Learners to understand why and when it is appropriate to combine Text, graphics and images and identify 9 examples of when documents integrate different types of information. The next 3 pages offer basic tutorials on how to effectively use Text boxes, shapes, and icons. Task 2 - Learners will produce a document that will practically demonstrate their competence using the ‘Text box’, ‘Shape’ an ‘Icon’ formatting tools. (An example has been provided) Task 3– Learners will be challenged is to produce a ‘Lost Dog’ poster using Word. It will include an image sent by the tutor as well as other graphics and include the information provided. Task 4 – The objective of this task is for learners to demonstrate even further confidence when combining graphics and text. They will showcase this by designing a fictional restaurant menu. (Example Provided) Task 5 – Learners will take part in recap questionnaire (Guided answers provided) Task 6 - As a group learners will come up with 6 benefits combining text, graphics and images. Your tutor will give you some (provided) guidance. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 2 - Creating and Editing - 2.4 Capture digital media (including image, video) and view in a suitable application. This resource includes: Task 1-– Learners to read descriptions and identify 3 of the most common digital devices used to capture digital media today. This leads into a group discussion. Task 2 - Learners to fill in the blanks of a piece of text that describes the importance of digital media in today’s digital age. Task 3 - Learners will be challenged in a matching the description game that will help them gain and understanding of specific file types in digital media. Tasks 4-6 include basic tutorials on 3 ways to transfer/download digital media on a PC from another digital device. Learners will be signed of for each task based on competency. Task 7 - Learners will identify different digital file viewing applications from their individual logos. Task 8 - Learners will have the opportunity to effectively demonstrate their ability to capture digital media in a presentation that they can deliver to peers. A structure of content is included. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Guided answers are also included for specific units. Other Workbooks in this DFSQ series are available on TES. Many are still being created and will all be available soon. This resource is currently in a PDF file format. Word versions are available for free upon purchase of the PDF, please message me directly for these at Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource of your choice for FREE! Just contact us at
Digital Functional Skills - Mod 1 - Using Devices & Handling Information 1.1-1.9 BUNDLEQuick View

Digital Functional Skills - Mod 1 - Using Devices & Handling Information 1.1-1.9 BUNDLE

9 Resources
These resources have been created for those delivering the Digital Functional Skills Qualification at Entry Level which replaces the current Functional Skills ICT Qualification from 31st of July 2023. The DFS qualification’s main purpose is to provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against content that is relevant to the workplace and real life. These resources provide a structured assessment in workbook form to evidence learner’s knowledge and skills as well as their ability to apply these in different contexts and demonstrate that all learning outcomes have been met. The qualification itself is made up of many 5 main skill areas (Modules) each with its own series of units. Each workbook includes various challenges, activities and tasks to prove learners understanding. Each page has a header that includes the individual outcomes covered and can be assessed easily and signed off. This Bundle of resource covers: Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.1 Know the main features and uses of different types of device. Task 1 - Learners to identify 9 key digital devices using images. Task 2 - Using their existing knowledge coupled with some online research, learners will record below 5 key features for each digital device. Task 3 – Learner will then collate data on how much each device is used by themselves and their peers. Task 4 – Using questioning, learners will identify pros and cons of each device and their overall popularity. They will investigate other devices available on the market and give their opinions of the future of technology as a whole. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.2 Know what an application is and the main types of application software Task 1 - Demonstrate knowledge on the difference between Hardware and Software and give examples for both. Task 2 - Understand the function of an operating system and know where to find details of an OS on various devices. Task 3 - Become familiar with the different types of applications available and how they all have a different purpose. Task 4 - Know how to locate ‘screen time’ on mobile devices and analyse application usage and trends. Discuss the pro and cons and how screen time could be limited. Task 5 – Write a review for a favourite application using the template provided or leave an actual review on your mobile phone. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.3 Apply system settings (including display, sound, Wi-Fi, time, language, accessibility). Task 1 – Learners to become familiar with the system settings menu using Microsoft windows and identify specific settings found in each category i.e. Personalisation, Network etc. Task 2 – Learners will navigate System settings, locate particular icons and give reasons why they may need to be accessed and applied. Task 3 – Learners to read 3 scenarios and find a solution for each. They will also show clearly where to locate the setting required. Task 4 – Learners to create 2 of their own scenarios and challenge their peers to fins a solution using an appropriate system setting. Task 5 – Includes a selection of Flashcards that can be cut out, printed on cardboard or laminated and used to reinforce knowledge of system settings. Learners can also be given a card randomly and then demonstrate, using a device, how to apply that particular system setting. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.4 Navigate online content to locate required information. Task 1 - Learners will correctly type 2 URL examples into a browser and record details about the different websites. Learner can continue this task by entering their own URLs to help familiarise themselves further with this practice. Task 2 - Learners will understand the difference between a browser and a search engine and show this by ticking the correct box next to each example logo. Task 3 - Learners to unscramble some of the various reasons why we all use the internet. They will also give some examples of their own. Task 4 - Learners will give examples of effective keywords to use when searching for relevant information online. Task 5 - Learners will show an understanding of how to check the validity of information found online and will choose 6 example websites to demonstrate this. Task 6 - Learners will follow step by step instructions on how to save websites into a browser and then bookmark 3 of their own for easier access. Task 7 - Learners to become familiar with the navigation tools found in browser (chrome) and match the correct name and function of 14 examples. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information 1.5 Carry Out Searches online Task 1 - Learners are required to find the answers to find the answers to 18 general knowledge questions using the World Wide Web. This can be an individual or group timed challenge. All answers will be officially checked with any incorrect answers incurring a 10 second penalty. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar with the most commonly asked online questions. They will guess using ‘first word’ criteria and then carry out a search to find the ‘most popular’ based on the most current data. Task 3 - Learners will learn how to take a screenshot using different digital devices, put this into practice and attach the evidence. Task 4 - Learners will demonstrate how to carry out a variety of searches online. They are required to plan a fictional holiday following specific guidelines and meeting certain criteria. Extension Activity – Learners to continue with Task 4 and carry out two further searches based around the weather and reviews of their chosen destination and accommodation. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit 1.6. Use files to read and store information (including creating a file, opening a file, reading information from a file, editing a file, saving a file). Task 1 - Learners to gain an understanding of digital files, how they work, what are their main functions and the benefits and advantages of compared to traditional physical documents. (Answers to Task included) Task 2 - Learners will become familiar with 7 of the most common digital file types and are asked to break each down with a clear description and research reasons we may need to use them. (guidance to Task included) Task 3 - Learners will look at the impact of the digital age and how we operate now in comparison with only a few years back. They will also become familiar with new and older forms of technology. Task 4 & 5 - Is a basic introduction into some of the skills they will be required to demonstrate in Module 2 (resources will be available in 2024). In ‘Task4’ they will use Microsoft WORD to open an existing Text Document, edit it following a series of instructions, save the document and print off as evidence. Learners will need to access Word Doc – ‘SB Football Rules - WORD File - To be Edited’. Both this and a completed example are included with download. In ‘Task 5’Learners will access a JPEG File and use Microsoft Photo Viewer or Paint 3D to edit it however they want using the tools available within the software. They will need to save the amended image, print it off and attach to the workbook as evidence. Learners will need to access ‘SB Sunrise - JPEG File - To be Edited’. Both this and a completed example are included with download. Task 6 – Learners can now demonstrate their new knowledge to open, create, edit and save a digital file. They can use any off the 7 file types looked at in the unit. They will need to print off their work as evidence and could also share with the group. Also includes a Skills and Knowledge Checklist and Glossary with key words for learners to complete. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.7 - Use files and folders to organise and retrieve information (including local and remote storage). Task 1 – An introductory discussion where learners are to identify areas of their life they like to keep organised and share opinions on the benefits mirroring this good practice in their digital world. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar folder hierarchy and the importance of categorising and naming main folders as part of this process. Task 3 - Learners will demonstrate they can structure folders sub folders and files correctly using cut out templates. The challenge can be undertaken, individually, in pairs or groups and even timed for an element of competition. (Tutor Answers included) Task 4 - Learners will determine 5 authentic and 5 misleading tips for Digital Housekeeping. (Tutor Answers included) Task 5 - Learner will follow 6 mini tasks to demonstrate their ability of knowledge gained so far. The tutor will observe and using a witness checklist, sign off each one completed task. Task 6 – Learners to read/discuss the statements that describe remote and local storage and match the correct benefits and considerations from the list. They will also need to recognise 3 main cloud serve providers. Task 7 - The last task requires learners to put the knowledge gained from this unit into practice and implement a thorough and efficient tidy up on their digital devices i.e. phone tablet, pc laptop etc. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.8 - Know when there is a problem with a device or software and know the difference between system errors. Task 1 – An introductory discussion where learners are to share experiences of things that have gone wrong, and frustrations caused when using any type of digital device. Learner will then uncover other common malfunction using images. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar the difference between User and System errors and give 2 examples for each. Task 3 – Learners will demonstrate their understanding by looking at 10 scenarios that all portray real life problems and identifying whether it is a system error, user error or a combination of both. Task 4 & 5 - Learners will determine 5 common viruses from the images and Research the characteristics, functions and how each virus operates. They will add this information to the table. A Guided answer sheet is included for Tasks 1,4 &5 Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.9 Apply a solution to solve a simple technical problem. Task 1 – An introductory to how troubleshooting can help resolve digital device issues without immediately seeking professional help. Learners will reorder 9 potential fixes (troubleshooting steps) in a logical order. Task 2 – Revisiting 4 of the real-life dilemmas from Unit 8, learners will research and record a series of suitable troubleshooting steps for each. An example has been given. Task 3 - Learners will become familiar with 10 common error messages that appear on-screen when there is a problem. They will fill in the missing words while gaining an understanding of what each of them mean. Task 4 - Learners to take part in a multiple-choice quiz in pairs or independently, followed by a group discussion based on everyone’s answers. Extension Activity – Learners have the opportunity to continue Task 2 and find solutions for the remaining 4 dilemmas form Unit 8. Tutor Answers are included for all 4 tasks. Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Other Workbooks in this DFSQ series are available on TES. Many are still being created and will all be available soon. This resource is currently in a PDF file format. Word versions are available for free upon purchase of the PDF, please message me directly for these at Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource of your choice for FREE! Just contact us at
Thematic PSHE : Building for the futureQuick View

Thematic PSHE : Building for the future

10 Resources
Perfect for meeting the new PSHE Statutory guidelines, this pack has been created from the popular EC Resources PSHE lessons to match the one of the new PSHE Association optional frameworks - the ‘Thematic Framework’ from their model programme builder. This is one of a variety of ways to order your PSHE content and follows the PSHE Association’s new, optional order for content within their three categories: Living in the Wider World, Relationships and Health and Wellbeing. These lessons are taken from our Complete PSHE Packages available on the EC Publishing site and can be found with a quick Google. PSHE Association Theme: Autumn 1 Building for the Future Self-efficacy, stress management, and future opportunities PoS refs: H2, H3, H4, H8, H12, L22 ** Learning Outcomes for this unit • how to manage the judgment of others and challenge stereotyping • how to balance ambition and unrealistic expectations • how to develop self-efficacy, including motivation, perseverance and resilience • how to maintain a healthy self-concept • about the nature, causes and effects of stress • stress management strategies, including maintaining healthy sleep habits • about positive and safe ways to create content online and the opportunities this offers • how to balance time online All lessons are editable, differentiated at least three ways so you can be Ofsted and DfE guidance-ready and ensure your pupils have the very best PSHE education. Each pack contains a variety of activities, an hour-long PowerPoint, a clip with questions, a literacy focus task, new key-term introductions, reading aloud materials, assessment opportunities, progress checkers and creative tasks. Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK. Check out our PSHE Packages here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE One Year of KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete Year 7 and 8 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack The rest of the Thematic Packages can be found here: You can contact us at Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 7000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
J277 OCR 1.6 Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental ImpactsQuick View

J277 OCR 1.6 Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Impacts

Complete scheme of work for J277 OCR Computer Science 1.6 Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Impacts, including PowerPoint for each lesson, two homework sheets, end-of-topic exam, and mark sheets. Designed for my mixed-ability group with lots of simple explanations; large clear and bright diagrams; chunked lessons; and stretch and activity tasks for higher-achieving students. Includes the following: 1.6.1a - Introduction to topic and Stakeholders 1.6.1b - Ethical issues 1.6.1c - Society 1.6.1d - Cultural issues 1.6.1e - Environmental issues 1.6.1f - Privacy Issues 1.6.1g - Legislation (includes courtroom class activity) 1.6.1h - Software Licenses 2 x Homework sheets (10 marks, plus answer sheet) End of topic test (designed to look like an exam paper, 25 marks, plus mark sheet) All lessons are tried-and-tested. Save yourself hours of work by downloading now. Save yourself weeks of planning by buying the Component 1 bundle at a reduced price!
J277 OCR 1.1 - 1.6 SoW Bundle - Save 24%Quick View

J277 OCR 1.1 - 1.6 SoW Bundle - Save 24%

7 Resources
Save countless hours of planning (and nearly a quarter compared with buying units individually) with these complete units of work for Component 1 of J277 Computer Science. 1.1 Architecture of the CPU: 5 lessons, 2 homework sheets 1.2 Memory and Storage: 10 lessons, 3 homework sheets 1.3 Networks: 11 lessons, 2 homework sheets 1.4 Network Security: 8 lessons, 2 homework sheets 1.5 Systems Software: 5 lessons, 1 homework sheet 1.6 Ethical, Legal, Cultural, and Environmental Impacts: 7 lessons, 2 homework sheets In total, there are 46 complete lessons and 12 homework sheets Save by buying in bulk and get your weekends back!
Internet Safety PSHEQuick View

Internet Safety PSHE

20 Resources
21 x fully resourced, highly-rated Internet Safety, Media Literacy and Digital Literacy lesson packs for KS3/KS4 and a 20 page workbook This bundle includes: Selfies - the dangers and benefits of our instant image sharing culture. The Dark Web - An introduction the part of the internet iceberg we don’t see and the dangers that lurk within. Cyber Crime - phishing scams, fake emails and other methods to steal your money and identity. Online Grooming - how predators stalk social media , use fake identities to prey on the vulnerable and what we can do to prevent falling into their traps. 5-6) Two lessons created for tutor time all about the rise of social media, the benefits and drawbacks and why we need to guard our privacy. Sexting - Sending images you may later regret, the possible consequences of over-sharing. Online gambling - how the sites lure you in with offers and the dangers of becoming addicted. Cyber bullying - why do people do this, what if it’s people we know and a focus on trolls and how can we avoid and report them. Revenge porn - what is this growing problem, what are the legal consequences and how do we prevent and report this? Social Media and Self Esteem - what impact is the pressure of portraying the perfect life and body having on our mental health? Why is excessive screen time a problem and when do we need to cut down? What is a digital footprint and why is this important? Why do we need Safer Internet Day? Please note this lesson was created for a Year 7 class and is best suited to younger students. KS4 / KS5 lesson - What are online subcultures and how can these be dangerous and sometimes promote extremism? What is smartphone addiction - is this actually a real thing and can it harm us? Online shaming, canceling and call-out culture. How does it affect us? KS4 / KS5 lesson -Online dating - the issues and how to stay safe when using dating apps. 20 page student workbook. Safer Internet Day - Life Online lesson Media Literacy - why is this so important, especially when it comes to TikTok and YouTube? All lesson packs are complete with at least one hour-long powerpoint, accompanying differentiated worksheets, clip links with questions, plenaries, clear LOs, starters and all are well differentiated to three levels throughout. These resources have been highly rated individually by TES users, follow the same consistent format and are easy to follow. EC_Resources Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :) Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below: Mental Health PSHE Bundle 1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources British Values Citizenship Bundle Careers, Employment and Enterprise Bundle Islam Bundle Sex and Relationships Education GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1
Cyber Security (Complete Unit)Quick View

Cyber Security (Complete Unit)

Includes a FREE homework booklet for a limited time only. A rich and engaging complete unit on ‘Cyber Security’. Includes at least 15 lessons: 1 - Introduction to Cyber Security 2 - Cyber Security Threats 3 - Social Engineering 4 - Malware 5 - 6 - Ethical, Legal and Environmental 7 - 8 - Cyber Security Leaflet 9 - 11 - Dragon’s Den Activity 12 - 13 - Cyber Security Quiz Program 14 - 15 - Penetration Testing Practical Activity Each lesson contains a well-designed PowerPoint (with learning outcomes, starters and plenaries) and worksheets (where appropriate). The lessons are designed to be informative and engaging, with plenty of hands-on activities, including opportunities for pupil presentations, desktop publishing design, Python programming and even the making of a simple virus (Raspberry Pi recommended).
GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Revision PackQuick View

GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Revision Pack

10 Resources
This bundle has been created to support students in their revision for their GCSE Computer Science Exams. It contains the following: GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Flash Activity Sheets GCSE Computer Science Vocabulary - Interactive Booklet GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Knowledge Organiser: Computer Systems GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Poster: How to read and write Edexcel pseudo code GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Poster: How to read and write Edexcel pseudo code GCSE 9-1 Computer Science Poster: Impact of Digital Technology on Society GCSE Computer Science: Revision Clock
Digital Footprints Assembly and Lesson for Internet Safety (KS1 and KS2)Quick View

Digital Footprints Assembly and Lesson for Internet Safety (KS1 and KS2)

This is a primary school assembly or lesson related to e-safety and digital footprints. It can be used across KS2, but is also easy to adapt for younger children. The topics covered also tie in nicely with Safer Internet Day. The main focus of the lesson is to identify what is meant by a digital footprint, before considering the importance of ensuring that we create a positive one. The children can discuss different online scenarios and how to deal with them, then they can design their own digital footprints, based on their own online behaviour. The PowerPoint can be used for a year group or whole school assembly, as a means of introducing some important internet safety themes. Alternatively, it can be used in class for a lesson on digital footprints, as there is also an independent task and full planning provided. Please note: some video links are included in the sessions, which should always be assessed for suitability prior to use! Includes: *Assembly/teaching PowerPoint *Full lesson planning *Independent activity templates This resource supports the following objectives from the UK computer science curriculum: KS1: ‘Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.’ KS2: ‘Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.’ Please see the Goldtopfox shop for more great e-safety and general teaching resources:
Internet Safety Assembly and Lesson (KS1 and KS2)Quick View

Internet Safety Assembly and Lesson (KS1 and KS2)

This is a set of two internet safety assemblies - one for KS1 and one for KS2. They each provide a general background to e-safety, including identifying important online safety rules and why we should always try to follow them. There is also then an opportunity for an independent task linked to these topics. The PowerPoint can be used for a class, year group or whole school assembly, focusing on safe use of the internet and creating a set of useful online rules. It is an ideal resource for Safer Internet Day. Alternatively, the PowerPoint can be used in class for an internet safety lesson, as there is also an independent task and full planning provided. Please note: some video links are included in the sessions, which should always be assessed for suitability prior to use! Includes: *Assembly/teaching PowerPoint (Years 1-3) *Assembly/teaching PowerPoint (Years 4-6) *Full lesson planning for both age groups This resource supports the following objectives from the UK computer science curriculum: KS1: ‘Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.’ KS2: ‘Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.’ Please see the Goldtopfox shop for more great teaching resources:
ESafety QuizQuick View

ESafety Quiz

An interactive quiz for the whole class through an IWB, which can be used as a starter or plenary. Covers cyber bullying, using social media responsibly, copying information from the internet and avoiding infecting your PC with viruses.
Year 10 PSHE + RSEQuick View

Year 10 PSHE + RSE

17 Resources
17 (more added!) x fully resourced, highly-rated PSHE lesson packs and units suitable for Year 10. From Mental Health, LGBT+ and Careers to Fake News, Forced Marriages and Tattoos - this really is a comprehensive KS4 PSHE lesson bundle. All 17 lessons are complete with at least one hour-long powerpoint, accompanying differentiated worksheets, clip links with questions, plenaries, clear LOs and starters. All are well differentiated to three levels throughout to enable clear evidence of progress for all students. These resources have been highly-rated individually by TES users, follow the same consistent format and are easy to follow. There is zero extra work required, and the whole bundle follows PSHE Association topic recommendations and Ofsted latest SRE/ PSHE Association guidance for Year 10. I use all of these myself as a Head of PSHE and I really hope you find them excellent value. I’ve put literally months of time into this to make these lessons top quality for my own school team. Please leave me a review and I’ll send you any other resource of your choice for free. Many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop - where you can find my bundles for other year groups: EC_Resources Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :) You can also find us on facebook: Twitter:
Digital Functional Skills - Mod 1 - Using Devices & Handling Information - 1.8 - Device ErrorsQuick View

Digital Functional Skills - Mod 1 - Using Devices & Handling Information - 1.8 - Device Errors

These resources have been created for those delivering the Digital Functional Skills Qualification at Entry Level which replaced the current Functional Skills ICT Qualification from 31st of July 2023. The DFS qualification’s main purpose is to provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against content that is relevant to the workplace and real life. These resources provide a structured assessment in workbook form to evidence learner’s knowledge and skills as well as their ability to apply these in different contexts and demonstrate that all learning outcomes have been met. The qualification is made up of 5 Module and broken down into a series of units. The unit workbooks include various challenges, activities and tasks to prove learners understanding. Each page has a header that includes the individual outcomes covered which can be signed off. This resource covers: Module 1 - Using devices and handling information Unit - 1.8 - Know when there is a problem with a device or software and know the difference between system errors. This resource includes: Task 1 – An introductory discussion where learners are to share experiences of things that have gone wrong, and frustrations caused when using any type of digital device. Learner will then uncover other common malfunction using images. Task 2 - Learners will become familiar the difference between User and System errors and give 2 examples for each. Task 3 – Learners will demonstrate their understanding by looking at 10 scenarios that all portray real life problems and identifying whether it is a system error, user error or a combination of both. Task 4 & 5 - Learners will determine 5 common viruses from the images and Research the characteristics, functions and how each virus operates. They will add this information to the table. A Guided answer sheet is included for Tasks 1,4 &5 Also included in this resource is a Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit. It also includes a glossary with key words associated with this module to be completed by the learner in their own time. Other Workbooks in this DFSQ series are available on TES. Many are still being created and will all be available soon. This resource is currently in a PDF file format. Word versions are available for free upon purchase of the PDF, please message me directly for these at
Microsoft Office Crossword PuzzlesQuick View

Microsoft Office Crossword Puzzles

5 Resources
This resource contains crossword puzzles for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. It’s a great way to get students engaged in learning the vocabulary around the software package they are working on. The crosswords can be printed out and worked on individually, in pairs or as a group activity. My adult learners really enjoy this aspect of the lesson. It can be carried out at the beginning or the end of the lesson.
24 EncryptionQuick View

24 Encryption

This lesson also covers material needed for learning about networks and cyber security, but also fits nicely in a unit of work about data representation. In this lesson, students are given the opportunity to reflect on what encryption is and why it is needed as well as practice skills with a Caesar Cipher. There are a range of activities that allow students to read out loud, discuss with other pupils and communicate learning in written activities. There are practical puzzles to investigate encryption algorithms, and a careers guidance discussion about being an ethical hacker. Learning Mat (LM) Worksheet is supplied as PPT, PPTX and PDF formats. Lesson Plan (LP) is supplied as PPT, PPTX and PPT Slideshow. Note that PPT files may lose some functionality.
Virtual and Physical risks of using computers lessonQuick View

Virtual and Physical risks of using computers lesson

Two lessons discussing the different risks associated with using computer. One lesson focuses on the physical risks(Wires, liquids etc...) of using computers the second lesson looks at the virtual risks (Virus', Phishing). In with this lesson is a mix and match, a label the image and an identify the hazards sheet.
Digital Citizenship Internet E-Safety/Planning, websites and activities.Quick View

Digital Citizenship Internet E-Safety/Planning, websites and activities.

It is vital that we teach our children to keep safe online. Hopefully by sharing this resource you can help to give your children the knowledge to keep themselves safe while enjoying the Internet. These resources have been developed over the last 11years but due to their nature, they are always a work in progress. It is part of my Communicating, Collaborating and E-Safety planning (DL-CCE) Children learn how to communicate and share information in a variety of different ways. They learn how to stay safe when using the Internet and how to keep personnel information private. They talk about current issues such as Cyber bullying/friendship, mobile phone use and sensible and safe use of all Technology. They also talk about being aware of how long they spend using this Technology and how they can take ownership of their usage. They discuss ‘The right to be unavailable’ and talk about turning off mobile phones and other devices. We try to help them understand that social networking is a wonderful way to communicate but that it can be time consuming and demanding if not used carefully. I hope these resources help you to ensure that your children have the knowledge to keep themselves safe and the tools to deal with problems or dangers that arise.
Online Safety - Screen TimeQuick View

Online Safety - Screen Time

1 hour, fully resourced PSHE lesson which investigates the impact of excessive screen time on our health. The lesson follows a boy called Ben, who stays up all night playing computer games. This resource pack includes an hour long PowerPoint with accompanying worksheets, well differentiated activities, literacy focus tasks, clip tasks with three-way differentiated questions and information sheets. The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. It is useful for PSHE / Internet Safety / ICT / Citizenship or Tutor Time. As with all our lessons, you don’t need any prior knowledge as all the information is included - you can just pick up and teach it. You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: MORE PSHE RESOURCES