Working Walls: Staff TrainingQuick View

Working Walls: Staff Training

I made this powerpoint for a staff training session. It explains the importance of working walls and an engaging learning environment as well as giving hints and tips for creating purposeful environements and displays to support learning. Great for INSET or staff PDM’s.
GCSE & A-Level Examination Statement of Results Templates (Printable for Mock Exam Administration)Quick View

GCSE & A-Level Examination Statement of Results Templates (Printable for Mock Exam Administration)

GCSE & A-Level Examination Statement of Results Templates (Printable for Mock Exam Administration) This resource includes downloadable, editable and printable templates of the Candidate Statements of Results used for GCSE and A-Level Examinations, as issued to candidates on Results Days. They are formatted and structured to perfectly mirror the structure of official results slips, however are editable versions that are printable and accessable all-year-around for use in internal examinations and results. These are word documents that contain the same formatted design as the official ‘Candidate Statements of Results’ used on Results Days, for both GCSE and A-Level qualficiation results, and can be edited with different exam boards, courses, results and marks – and all collums of table are editable. You can imput, change, delete or add candidate information in the top, editable boxes, to provide unique statements per student. Useful for providing results for mock and internal assessments. Example result statements are also included, for both GCSE and A-Level Result Templates, for reference and guidance on how to fill in the appropriate boxes and examples of the required information. (Note: All information in the ‘Examples’ are fictitious). Formatted in-accordance with ‘Statements of Results’ Slips. Two versions included (for GCSE and A-Level) These documents are editable versions in Microsoft Word Format (for ease of editing by yourself). Contents Candidate Statement of Results - Template (GCSE) Candidate Statement of Results - Example (GCSE) Candidate Statement of Results - Template (ALevel) Candidate Statement of Results - Example (ALevel) Templates are included as editible Microsoft Word documents. Any issues, concerns, questions or queries, please contact See shop for other related resources, and resources for other subjects Produced with Copyright and Plagiarism considered. All rights reserved. Content subject to copyright. Everything Education Revision UK
KCSIE 2024 Update and PowerpointQuick View

KCSIE 2024 Update and Powerpoint

Do you have tried and trusted safeguarding INSET training but need to quickly deliver this year’s KCSIE 2024 updates to staff? Look no further - this PowerPoint and handout does exactly that! Based on the 2024 KCSIE, it’s a brilliant time-saver for anyone delivering safeguarding training and updates. You can find this available free and more resources by visiting
Ofsted Deep Dive Preparation / Folder (Secondary Phase)Quick View

Ofsted Deep Dive Preparation / Folder (Secondary Phase)

Ofsted Deep Dive Preparation / Folder (Secondary Phase) This is a collection of 15 blank templates that can be used to support an Ofsted Inspection or Deep Dive. It can be used by Senior Leaders (SLT) at a Whole School Level as well as by Heads of Department (HoDs) at a subject leavel. It has been designed for the new Ofsted Framework. The resource contains the following blank Microsoft Word templates: School & Department Context Document Progress since previous Inspection Document Assessment of Strengths & Weaknesses Document Self-Evaluation Form (SEF) School Improvement Action Plan (SAIP) / Development Plan Curriculum Intent Document Curriculum Map / Learning Journey Scheme of Work Assessment Calendar Impact Report Quality of Education Tracking Document Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record S.M.S.C. Summary Document Pupil Surveys Timetable
Safeguarding Training Quiz - KCSIE UpdatesQuick View

Safeguarding Training Quiz - KCSIE Updates

Want to check that staff understand Part One of KCSIE 2024? This Quick Quiz is time-saving and adaptable, meaning you can create quizzes on your school’s internal platform or cherry pick questions for use in meetings and briefings. The quiz document has 10 multiple-choice questions but the answers aren’t obvious, helping to assure you that staff really do know safeguarding inside and out. These 6 editable quiz documents contain 10 multiple-choice questions each. This Quiz focuses on KCSIE and Principles of Safeguarding. Our full pack of 6 Safeguarding Quizes can be found at Looking for safeguarding scenarios as outlined in KCSIE? Try Honeyguide SLS. For more support on safeguarding, you can download our Safeguarding Audit Pack. You can find more safeguarding information and resources by visiting Honeyguide SLS. Please note the following disclaimer attached to this resource bundle: These resources address potentially sensitive and/or distressing subjects and are intended to be used for training purposes only. They may also contain strong language as well as terms, themes and content that depict child abuse, neglect and exploitation. All of this could elicit emotional responses and be triggering for staff using them. You must fully read each snapshot before use and it is your duty to carefully assess their appropriateness based on your staff and your context. If you deem each one to be suitable, you must ensure that adequate support is accessible for anyone who may be impacted by the content.
GCSE AQA-Style 8/12/16-Page Answer GCSE & A-Level Examination Booklet (for Mock Exam Administration)Quick View

GCSE AQA-Style 8/12/16-Page Answer GCSE & A-Level Examination Booklet (for Mock Exam Administration)

GCSE AQA-Style 8/12/16-Page Answer GCSE & A-Level Examination Booklet (for Mock Exam Administration) This resource includes downloadable and printable booklets formatted to the AQA-Style of Examination Answer Booklets used for GCSE and A-Level Examinations. They are formatted in the same way as AQA booklets. These exam booklets are great resources for use during practice assessments and mock exams, to familiarize students to structure and formatting of these booklets, structuring exam answers within the booklet and overall ensure students are prepared for use of these booklets for live exam series. The booklet formats with 16 pages, printable as an 8/12/16 page answer booklet, alongside the 4-Page Supplementary Answer Booklet. Formatted in-accordance with AQA Examination Answer Booklets. Contents EXAM 16-12-8-Page Answer Booklet EXAM Supplementary Answer Booklet Any issues, concerns, questions or queries, please contact See shop for other related resources, and resources for other subjects Produced with Copyright and Plagiarism considered. All rights reserved. Content subject to copyright. Everything Education Revision UK
Scheme of Work (SOW) TemplateQuick View

Scheme of Work (SOW) Template

Scheme of Work (SOW) Template A blank scheme of work template on Microsoft Word. It contains a cover page with Ofsted compliant sections on Curriculum Intent as well as a lesson-by-lesson scheme of work containing: Learning Outcomes Lesson Activities Key Words Homework
Prevent Duty Update 2023Quick View

Prevent Duty Update 2023

Prevent Duty Update 2023 Need to update colleagues and yourself on the changes to the 2023 Prevent duty? This brilliant PowerPoint and checklist bundle does the job. Full Prevent duty Awareness training pack for 2023 updates can be found on our website for £5 You can find more safeguarding resources by visiting our website - Honeyguide SLS
School Business Manager Interview PackQuick View

School Business Manager Interview Pack

This pack is available on our website Honeyguide SLS for £8.50. Looking to recruit a new school business manager, school business lead or finance officer? If you’re thinking about the interview process and what tasks and questions to ask at interview to recruit the right candidate for your school, this School Business Manager (SBM) Interview Pack will support your thinking and save you time in the recruitment process A pack with accompanying templates to help your school setting plan and prepare the interview day, including interview questions and tasks, when recruiting a SBM, school finance manager, bursar or similar. This pack contains shortened guidance that allows you to consider the setup of the interview day itself, but if you’re new to recruitment or want to ensure the entire recruitment process is smooth, you may find it help to purchase the Recruitment, Interview and Employment Compliance Guidance Pack alongside this interview pack. Included in this school business manager interview pack are four different editable interview tasks plus a wide variety of example interview questions so you can find a brilliant school finance operations lead and business manager for your school or academy trust. The job description and person specification will also support you in advertising for a new SBM so you can attract the right candidates. Use these, alongside the interview tasks and school business manager interview questions to create a recruitment package that’s tailored to exactly what your school is looking for in a new finance, business and operations lead. For more resources, visit out website Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
Behaviour Management Staff CPD BundleQuick View

Behaviour Management Staff CPD Bundle

3 Resources
There are two different Staff CPD workshops included in this bundle where Behaviour Management is the key focus area. The Ethos Presentation is a whole staff CPD presentation which has been used at the start of the term. The end of the presentation requires staff to write a Promise Postcard where they promise to do something throughout the term to promote positive behaviour management.
Humility Assembly!Quick View

Humility Assembly!

This fun and original assembly aims to assist children in understanding the value of remaining humble, through: Understanding what humility is, and recognising why it is important; Looking at examples of behaviour that is proud/arrogant or humble, and noting the effect that it has; Learning strategies to demonstrate humility in their own lives. This assembly is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. For example, there are references to scenarios and dilemmas that they themselves might find themselves in (for example how to show humility after winning at a sports match, or when they are becoming very skilled at something), in order to help them to make the right choices in their own lives. The session also includes a fun role-play task, a beautiful, thought-provoking video about the importance of humility, and a top ten tips for remaining humble information slide. All other resources that you will need (for example the story readings) are provided in the pack. The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included guidance notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!
Headteacher's Report to Governors TemplateQuick View

Headteacher's Report to Governors Template

The headteacher’s report to governors is essential for providing the governing body with the necessary information about the school to make informed strategic decisions, ultimately enabling them to fulfil their responsibilities. Utilise our Headteacher’s Report to Governors to ensure you share the appropriate information each term to keep governors up to date. This fully editable word document template enables you to share information such as pupil numbers, staffing, attendance, SEND, safeguarding, behaviour, welfare, quality of education and more in an easy to read and digest format. Our full Ofsted Inspection Preparation pack includes this and so much more. Visit for further information. Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
Honesty Assembly!Quick View

Honesty Assembly!

This fun and original assembly aims to assist children in understanding the value of honesty, through: Understanding what honesty is, and recognising why it is important; Looking at examples of behaviour that is honest or dishonest, and noting the effect that it has on different people; Learning strategies to demonstrate honesty in their own lives. This assembly is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. For example, there are references to scenarios and dilemmas that they themselves might find themselves in (for example how they might react in different situations in which their honesty is tested), in order to help them to make the right choices in their own lives. The session also includes a fun role-play task, a beautiful, thought-provoking video about the importance of honesty, and top tips for being honest information slide. No further resources are required, everything that you need to present the assembly is included. The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included guidance notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!
Learning Journey Curriculum Map TemplateQuick View

Learning Journey Curriculum Map Template

learning journey map template to edit to visually show the long term planning intent for a department, whole school or could be changed to key stages. This is an effective and interesting method of showing your intent for students learning and your full curriculum overview. It is currently designed for year 7 - year 11 but could be edited to suit a primary setting. Example of how it can be used in the cover photo - the blank template is in the preview.
Safeguarding Staff Refresher Training 2024Quick View

Safeguarding Staff Refresher Training 2024

Are you looking for a thorough and comprehensive safeguarding and child protection training INSET pack to inform school staff about the KCSIE 2024 updates this September? This cost-effective, ready-to-deliver safeguarding refresher PowerPoint, including accompanying scenarios and quizzes, is exactly what you need! In line with Part one of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024, it’s an excellent time-saver for anyone responsible for delivering safeguarding training and updates at the beginning of the academic year, during INSET sessions and beyond. This 73-slide Annual Safeguarding Refresher Training has been created from the most up-to-date version of the 2024 KCSIE. Throughout the training, you’ll explore the fundamental aspects of safeguarding children and our role as school staff in helping to keep children and young people safe from harm. Utilising statutory safeguarding documentation, including Working Together to Safeguarding Children and Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024, the training covers the signs and indicators of the following safeguarding issues: The four types of child abuse: Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse Sexual Abuse Neglect Other safeguarding aspects, including: Domestic Abuse Online Safety Child Exploitation, including Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Extremism, Radicalisation and Terrorism (The Prevent Duty) Child-On-Child Abuse Harmful Practices, including Forced Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Children Missing Education Staff Roles and Responsibilities Taking Disclosures, Reporting Concerns and Asking Non-Leading Questions Whistleblowing Throughout the training there are key safeguarding discussion points, relatable scenarios and supportive quizzes to gauge staff knowledge and understanding of the safeguarding issues and approaches to keeping children safe covered. Further safeguarding training materials can be found at
Learning Journey Curriculum Map EditableQuick View

Learning Journey Curriculum Map Editable

Map your school’s learning journey with an easy-to-view map of every Scheme of Work over the 5 years. This resource clearly demonstrates the thread of learning between KS3 and KS4, perfect for Ofsted’s new Inspection criteria - particularly useful if your subject is chosen for a ‘deep-dive’. Fully editable resource - just add your schemes and enjoy!
FREE Downloadable Self Care Cards  - 4 x A5 Staff & Student Wellbeing Cards.Quick View

FREE Downloadable Self Care Cards - 4 x A5 Staff & Student Wellbeing Cards.

I am a NHS mental health therapist, who uses illustrations to break down coping strategies and promote mental wellbeing in an uplifting way for all ages with my project Tidy Mind Doodles. **What can I do with these wellbeing cards? ** You can print these off for your own use and put them up wherever you like. Gift them to a colleague Put them up around the school Display in the library or resource / wellbeing corner. Share them in the staff room Put them up around your home Use them in a newsletter or in printed material ( please credit me!) Use them in a staff meeting to stimualte a conversation about ellbeing Present them in an assembly as a way of introducing a message/ theme or topic to students. All I ask is that you let me know if you find them helpful and if you can take a photo of then in use that would really brighten my day! Tidy Mind doodles hopes to: -Bring therapy tools to people in a light hearted way with doodles. Gently challenge the stigma around mental health with a splash of colour. Encourage positive discussions about how we feel and think with children and adults. Tidy Mind doodles can be found on Instagram Twitter and Facebook @tidyminddoodles. If you want to work on a project together, have a chat or see some of the charity work and other projects I have been involved in please see here:
Tes online safety specialQuick View

Tes online safety special

This downloadable PDF contains a wealth of safeguarding information from Tes magazine's online safety special, including: - An exclusive look into the work carried out by the Metropolitan Police's "paedophile unit", tasked with combating online sex crimes against children - An interview with Lorin LaFave, whose 14-year-old son was groomed online and murdered - A teacher's guide to the dark web - What to do when pornography is brought into schools - How pupils can help you fight online threats - The student who transformed tech into a way to beat cyberbullying - An approach to a classroom discussion on the ethics of pornography