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Over the years I have taught English, Maths, PSHE, Film Studies, Media Studies as well as Drama. As a result of teaching many subjects I have spent hours creating schemes and resources so I am hoping this will save you a lot of time. I hope it does. I also have many years experience as a Pastoral Leader / SEN Teacher meaning I also have resources to support effective behaviour management, safeguarding and Special Educational Needs.




Over the years I have taught English, Maths, PSHE, Film Studies, Media Studies as well as Drama. As a result of teaching many subjects I have spent hours creating schemes and resources so I am hoping this will save you a lot of time. I hope it does. I also have many years experience as a Pastoral Leader / SEN Teacher meaning I also have resources to support effective behaviour management, safeguarding and Special Educational Needs.
Safeguarding Students Presentation

Safeguarding Students Presentation

This power point focuses on key safeguarding messages that need to be communicated to students. The power point could be used as a tutor activity, or if the activities are removed could also be used as an assembly. There are two slides with information about e-safety. There is also a logo activity following these slides. You will need to insert some logos to show students. For copyright reasons I am unable to include them. There is two slides about street safety with an activity following these. There is a slide for students to reflect. There is a slide identifying how students can take personal responsibility, and another slide highlighting how lasting impressions are important. These last two slides can also be used for display purposes. There is a slide part way through highlighting key organisations like Childline and NSPCC.
Role of The Form Tutor CPD

Role of The Form Tutor CPD

This role of the form tutor staff CPD covers areas like: qualities required of a form tutor, safeguarding, being prepared for the day, organising your week and rewards.
Body Image Theatre in Education Drama Scheme of Work, Power Point and Resources

Body Image Theatre in Education Drama Scheme of Work, Power Point and Resources

This Unit of Work has been adapted for Component 1 of the new Edexcel syllabus. However, it can be used for any Devising Unit or Theatre in Education Unit. The scheme of work includes lesson objectives, learning outcomes, suggested activities and homework, as well as suggested open and closed questions. The accompanying power point is suitable for the entire scheme of work. For copyright reasons, I have been unable to use the pictures, but I have highlighted where I have used pictures in the power point.
KS3 Drama Cover Lessons (x 5 ) Set 2

KS3 Drama Cover Lessons (x 5 ) Set 2

There are five KS3 drama cover lessons, as well as a word search that can be used as a bell activity in any drama lesson. The Street Drama cover involves students creating characters based on the residents in three houses. The students will be able to explore community living through drama. The Soap Opera cover involves students creating their own soap opera. The First Line, Setting and Plot Point cover gives students selected information that they use as a starting point to create pieces of drama. The Old Man and His Grandson by Brothers Grimm cover looks at the discrimination faced by the Grandad and focuses on what the message is. The Fairy Tale cover looks at creating a different ending to a familiar fairy tale.
Respect Assembly

Respect Assembly

This assembly develops thinking around the key topic of respect. It asks questions about whether students respect the rules of the school, the dining room, the environment, other people, the classroom and the corridors. It enables the person delivering the assembly to clearly outline school expectations on the topic of respect and reinforces the point that personal responsibility is key to living in a respectful environment.
Inappropriate and Kind Words Assembly

Inappropriate and Kind Words Assembly

This assembly focuses on how words can impact upon people's lives. The first part of the assembly looks at how words like "grass" and "snitch" should be replaced with "life saver" and "friend", and the second part of the assembly looks at how kind words and kind actions should become our focus.
Behaviour Management Staff CPD Bundle

Behaviour Management Staff CPD Bundle

3 Resources
There are two different Staff CPD workshops included in this bundle where Behaviour Management is the key focus area. The Ethos Presentation is a whole staff CPD presentation which has been used at the start of the term. The end of the presentation requires staff to write a Promise Postcard where they promise to do something throughout the term to promote positive behaviour management.
KS3 Devising Drama Cover / One off Lessons (x5)

KS3 Devising Drama Cover / One off Lessons (x5)

There are five one off or cover lessons included that have been written for KS3 Drama. Each lesson has tasks and learning objectives. Included in the resources are: A Day in The Life of a bully (Devising) MacBeth' s Witches Stereotypical Characters Haunted House Social Media (No.2)
Fairytale Drama Unit of Work

Fairytale Drama Unit of Work

This fairytale drama scheme of work was written for KS3 Drama. The unit of work includes lesson activities, learning objectives, outcomes, homework and suggested open and closed questions. The main focus of the unit of work is creating traditional fairytales using non-naturalistic techniques, as well as exploring modernising the plot.
Drama Monologue Workshop Activities

Drama Monologue Workshop Activities

The power point contains monologue workshop activities in order to support students through their choice of monologue as well as vocal and physical exploration. There are two resources attached to support the activities. Most of these activities can also be used when exploring duologues as well.
Reflection Assembly

Reflection Assembly

This assembly promotes reflection about how our conduct can impact upon the atmosphere and ethos created within school. There is a slide on respect, why we should look after each other, achieving our best, enjoying ourselves and following our rules, The final slide asks for students to reflect upon personal behaviour.
Drama Cover Lessons Bundle 1

Drama Cover Lessons Bundle 1

3 Resources
Included in this bundle are 10 KS3 Drama cover lessons and 5 "Blood Brothers" Cover lessons. These lessons can also be used as a one off lesson as all include lesson objectives and tasks. Some lessons will require you to print the stimulus, but this is referenced in the lesson.
SEND CPD (ADHD / Asperger Syndrome / Autism)

SEND CPD (ADHD / Asperger Syndrome / Autism)

This is an SEND CPD resource. There is information about ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome and Autism as well as strategies that could be used within the classroom when teaching students with these conditions. There is a combination of information slides and activities that staff can do to support the teaching of students with these conditions.
Promoting Acceptance Assembly

Promoting Acceptance Assembly

This assembly aims to deliver a clear message about how accepting and embracing differences will lead to creating a more positive world for us to live in. There are references to homophobia, racism, ageism, sexism and discrimination in general. The assembly also features three positive role models who embraced and celebrated elements of diversity which led to positive changes being made.
Assembly Bundle (12 assemblies)

Assembly Bundle (12 assemblies)

12 Resources
12 assemblies included covering: Anti-Bullying Homework Respect Reflection British Values Behaviour Choices Promoting positive mental health Promoting Acceptance Inappropriate and Kind Words
Maths Challenge Cards

Maths Challenge Cards

This is an example of challenge cards I have created to ensure all students are working and being challenged whilst others may still be working on the task on screen.
The Woman in Black (6 Drama Workshops)

The Woman in Black (6 Drama Workshops)

This unit of work contains six drama workshops based on Susan Hill's "The Woman in Black". Each workshop has a clear objective and suggested activities. There is an accompanying power point for this unit of work.
Stimulus Drama Scheme of Work

Stimulus Drama Scheme of Work

This scheme of work contains a lesson focusing on whether fame and fortune is worth it , pictures as a stimulus, music as a stimulus and the Woman in Black film trailer. It can be used as an introduction to Component 1 of the Edexcel GCSE Drama, or can be used as a KS3 scheme of work. The scheme of work contains lesson objectives, learning outcomes, suggested activities with extension tasks, suggested open and closed questions as well as homework tasks.
Knife Crime Presentation 2016

Knife Crime Presentation 2016

This knife crime presentation was delivered during a whole school focus on this topic. Pledges were created for all staff and students to sign which were displayed around the school.