A valuable resource to help PGCE students, NQTs and more experienced teachers stay organised. I use mine everyday!
Want to go paperless and stay organised? This tried and tested digital alternative to the cumbersome teacher planner has allowed many of my colleagues and I to do just that!
Create your own 1 or 2 week timetable
Navigate between your timetable, lesson planner and class mark books with ease
Easily duplicate content between classes
Keep all of your organising in one place
Your teacher planner will never get lost or wet in the rain again!
This resource is Excel spreadsheet based. Simply download, open, save and follow the instructions included to have your Digital Teacher Planner set up in minutes.
I have used this throughout my teaching career and have used it almost every day!
Great to display in any Art or Design and Technology classroom!
Beautiful high resolution infographic poster mapping the emergence, impact and overlapping of key popular 20th Century Design Movements along a timeline of other significant historical and cultural events.
If you need the poster in any other resolution or file type, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
A great resource to introduce KS3 and KS4 to the some of the numeracy content found in the new GCSE Design & Technology exam.
Question paper and mark scheme (7 multi-part questions, 25 marks)
Differentiated version including mark scheme (6 multi-part questions with fewer levels of working, 16 marks)
This easy to use learning mat provides everything that KS3-KS5 students need to independently begin to compose in 6 common major keys. It’s also a valuable tool in teaching music theory.
All learners need to do is:
Pick a popular chord progression from the top (or create their own in the blanks)
Find the chords (and how to play them on piano) in the table for their chosen key.
That’s it!
The mat also shows learners where sharps and flats fall and how to write each key signature on the stave. Names of each chord are identified so that students can learn the correct terminology to describe their progressions. The mat allows learners to quickly see patterns on the keyboard and build an understanding of chord formations.
I hope you find this resource as useful as I have… it’s taken so much of the pain away from what seems to be a massive hurdle for many of my GSCE students!
A bundle that will help you to teach product analysis and to introduce the ACCESS FM areas to your learners (Aesthetics, Customer, Cost, Environment, Safety, Size, Function and Materials/Manufacture). The Blooms differentiated questions and keywords are generic so that almost any existing product or design idea can be analysed using the same resource.
Included in the bundle:
a full colour 8 page printable/editable booklet covering all areas of ACCESS FM with new ‘9-1 style’ graded questions, sentence starters, differentiated keywords and visual aids (all editable in PowerPoint)
an A3 double-sided product analysis printable worksheet with match up starter (editable in PowerPoint)
an A4 digital product analysis template for learners to type directly into (editable in PowerPoint)
I have found this resource very useful in assessing the ability of KS3 learners and in fact it’s so easy to assess that peer and self assessment is a doddle, even with lower ability learners.
This resource bundle has drastically improved product analysis activities with my KS3 and KS4 learners and they have enjoyed challenging themselves with higher level questions. (Please note that questions are graded with new 9-1 scale but only cover from 6-1 with the addition of Developing and Emerging grades for KS3).
This is an A3-sized printable and editable resource that I have designed to help my learners keep track of the evidence in their graphic design portfolios. It allows them, and you as their assessor, to identify what they need to do to improve their grade. The criteria is taken directly from the NCFE grade descriptors for the Level 2 qualification. It has been informally approved by a NCFE moderator as a good way to help internal and external moderators identify evidence in learner portfolios quickly and efficiently. It also makes life a little easier for me as the assessor!
The resource contains a tracker sheet for each of the 4 units and they all have a section for formal IQA moderation and learner response section.
I hope this resource helps to keep your learner portfolios in check!
A task that my students loved! Designing typography to communicate the meaning of words.
Includes extra challenge and extension task.
Great when used as a main activity in a lesson, as an easy cover lesson or for homework.
Learning links to KS3 Design and Technology, Art and KS4 Graphic Design curriculum.