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(based on 6 reviews)

Resources made with ease-of-use in mind. Clear tasks with stretch and challenge, differentiation for all abilities, dyslexia-friendly fonts and colours, and ergonomic design to promote pride in presentation! Many of these resources are the perfect solution for a supply/cover scenario as answer sheets are provided - complete meaningful work with the students regardless of your subject specialism!




Resources made with ease-of-use in mind. Clear tasks with stretch and challenge, differentiation for all abilities, dyslexia-friendly fonts and colours, and ergonomic design to promote pride in presentation! Many of these resources are the perfect solution for a supply/cover scenario as answer sheets are provided - complete meaningful work with the students regardless of your subject specialism!
GCSE Spanish - Reading Exam Question Packs - AQA/OCR/Edexcel/iGCSE - Revision/Homework/Assessment - Includes markscheme

GCSE Spanish - Reading Exam Question Packs - AQA/OCR/Edexcel/iGCSE - Revision/Homework/Assessment - Includes markscheme

4 Resources
Save 50% with this bundle of GCSE Spanish Reading Exam question packs: School & Future Plans, Holidays, Food, & Shopping, Personal Identity & Healthy Living, and Environmental & Social Issues. Designed to be printed as full packs or individual sheets, these resources are perfect for use as in class worksheets, homework, assessment, or revision. The included markscheme allow easy assessment by the teacher. Additionally you could use the markscheme for peer or self-assessment, allow students to become familiar with the requirements of the exam and the way they will be marked. Also included are reflective tasks on each page, extending vocabularly and promoting a deeper reading of the texts. A open ‘challenge task’ allows the you or the student to choose a differentiated task. For example, ‘Choose one paragraph to re-write using your new synonyms’ or ‘Choose a sentence to re-write in the past, present, and future tense’. These question packs are organised into the 4 main topics used by the AQA, OCR, Edexcel, and iGCSE exam papers: School & Future Plans - School and university - Jobs and employment - The future Holidays, Food, & Shopping - Vacations and destinations - Travel - Food at home and abroad - Shopping and internet shopping Personal Identity & Healthy Living - Personal opinions - Family and friends - Sport and exercise - Healthy eating Environmental & Social Issues - Recyling and waste - Opinions on the environment - The weather - Homelessness - Drug and alochol use - Immigration
GCSE Spanish - Reading Exam Question Pack - Personal Identity & Healthy Living - All Exam Boards

GCSE Spanish - Reading Exam Question Pack - Personal Identity & Healthy Living - All Exam Boards

Get students used to the reading exam through these past-paper questions - 51 questions with a markscheme. Grouped by theme (Personal Identity & Healthy Living) but all higher tier, this resource can be printed as an exam pack, perhaps for the school holidays or as a long-term homework assignment; or printed as individual sheets to be used in class as starters, plenaries, or mini-assessments. All exam boards have been sampled, but all are relevant to the Personal Identity & Healthy Living theme. Also included is a mark scheme, designed to be printed as an A5 booklet. This allows either peer or self-assessment, or the work to be used by cover teachers who may not be subject specialists.
GCSE Art Exam 2018 Timetable, Ticklist, and Top Tips!

GCSE Art Exam 2018 Timetable, Ticklist, and Top Tips!

Get your students off to the best start possible with this timetable, ticklist, and top tips resources. Never again will you hear the question, 'What do I do now?!'. Just print this off one per student, and away they go! I have found this to be essential for keeping my students motivated, on task, and most importantly to schedule. Even if I'm away due to a course or illness, my students have clear direction, allowing them to stay calm in the face of so many exam pressures. Resource includes: - A clear timetable of when each sketchbook sheet/page is expected - What to include on each sheet/page - Links to Assessment Objectives - Top Tips for maximum quality and quantity artwork - Dyslexia friendly font and background colours. ***Please note*** The timetable may need some adjusted based on your school's term dates, exam dates, and exam board. (This is designed with AQA in mind, but the AOs tend to be appropriate and useful whichever exam board you are using). Therefore I have uploaded the Publisher document rather than a PDF to allow you to make these adjustments as you see fit. Good luck with your exams!
Photography - Photoshoot Quality Control Form - Peer assessment - Camera Handling

Photography - Photoshoot Quality Control Form - Peer assessment - Camera Handling

Allow students to take on the role of 'Quality Control Officer' with this fun peer-assessment form. This resource... - Is generic, print off a stack and use them for any photoshoot task - Encourages quality images at all times (no more random clicking!) - Promotes peer-assessment and peer-teaching, as students assess each other's photography skills - Encourages the accurate use of technical vocabulary, easily transferred to annotations - Allows all students to participate in the photoshoot if there are limited cameras - Uses a dyslexia friendly font and pastel background - Saves on printer paper - two forms per one sheet of A4 - 'Cut here' border for easy presentation.
Art&Design - Colour Theory Worksheets Bundle - Easy/Medium/Hard Difficulty

Art&Design - Colour Theory Worksheets Bundle - Easy/Medium/Hard Difficulty

3 Resources
Save 25% with this bundle of the easy, medium, and hard difficulty worksheets on Colour Theory. Maximise differentiation in your classroom! These resources: - Are dyslexia friendly (using clear fonts and pastel backgrounds) - Include a 'Challenge task' to stretch students and promote resilience - Include an answer sheet (perfect for use by cover teachers who may not be subject specialists) - Promote pride in presentation (a 'cut here' border so no scruffy edges if glued in a sketchbook!)
Photography - Quiz - Shutter Speed - Starter/Plenary/Homework

Photography - Quiz - Shutter Speed - Starter/Plenary/Homework

The perfect resource to start or end a Shutter Speed Photography lesson, or could be used as a homework sheet. This resource... - Encourages the accurate use of subject-specific technical terminology when annotating - Is dyslexia friendly (using clear fonts and pastel backgrounds) - Includes an answer sheet (perfect for use by cover teachers who may not be subject specialists) - Promotes pride in presentation (a 'cut here' border so no scruffy edges if glued in a sketchbook!) - Promotes good spelling, grammar, and punctuation in students' work.
Photography - Quiz - Aperture - Starter/Plenary/Homework

Photography - Quiz - Aperture - Starter/Plenary/Homework

The perfect resource to start or end an Aperture Photography lesson, or could be used as a homework sheet. This resource... - Encourages the accurate use of subject-specific technical terminology when annotating - Is dyslexia friendly (using clear fonts and pastel backgrounds) - Includes an answer sheet (perfect for use by cover teachers who may not be subject specialists) - Promotes pride in presentation (a 'cut here' border so no scruffy edges if glued in a sketchbook!) - Promotes good spelling, grammar, and punctuation in students' work.
Art&Design - Elements of Art - Wordsearch - Medium Difficulty - Starter/Plenary/Homework

Art&Design - Elements of Art - Wordsearch - Medium Difficulty - Starter/Plenary/Homework

The perfect resource to start or end an Elements of Art lesson, or could be used as a homework sheet or mini-quiz. This resource... - Is differentiated (medium difficulty, shown by the 2 Star rating at the top) - Is dyslexia friendly (using clear fonts and pastel backgrounds) - Includes a 'Challenge task' to stretch students and promote resilience - Includes an answer sheet (perfect for use by cover teachers who may not be subject specialists) - Promotes pride in presentation (a 'cut here' border so no scruffy edges if glued in a sketchbook!)
Art&Design - Elements of Art - Wordsearch - Easiest Difficulty - Starter/Plenary/Homework

Art&Design - Elements of Art - Wordsearch - Easiest Difficulty - Starter/Plenary/Homework

The perfect resource to start or end an Elements of Art lesson, or could be used as a homework sheet or mini-quiz. This resource... - Is differentiated (easiest difficulty, shown by the 1 Star rating at the top) - Is dyslexia friendly (using clear fonts and pastel backgrounds) - Includes a 'Challenge task' to stretch students and promote resilience - Includes an answer sheet (perfect for use by cover teachers who may not be subject specialists) - Promotes pride in presentation (a 'cut here' border so no scruffy edges if glued in a sketchbook!)
Photography - Quiz - ISO - Starter/Plenary/Homework

Photography - Quiz - ISO - Starter/Plenary/Homework

The perfect resource to start or end an ISO Photography lesson, or could be used as a homework sheet. This resource... - Encourages the accurate use of subject-specific technical terminology when annotating - Is dyslexia friendly (using clear fonts and pastel backgrounds) - Includes an answer sheet (perfect for use by cover teachers who may not be subject specialists) - Promotes pride in presentation (a 'cut here' border so no scruffy edges if glued in a sketchbook!) - Promotes good spelling, grammar, and punctuation in students' work.
Photography Quiz Bundle - Aperture, ISO, and Shutter Speed

Photography Quiz Bundle - Aperture, ISO, and Shutter Speed

3 Resources
Save 25% with this bundle of three Photography quizzes on Aperture, ISO, and Shutter Speed! These resources: - Encourage students to use accurate technical subject terminology in their annotations - Are dyslexia friendly (using clear fonts and pastel backgrounds) - Include an answer sheet (perfect for use by cover teachers who may not be subject specialists) - Promote pride in presentation (a 'cut here' border so no scruffy edges if glued in a sketchbook!).
GCSE Art & Design Exam Guide - Mind Maps - Examples and Worksheet

GCSE Art & Design Exam Guide - Mind Maps - Examples and Worksheet

Help your students get the best start to their exam with this essential guide to Mind Maps. In my experience a student's starting Mind Map sets the tone for the rest of the project, so make sure that tone is the right one! This resource... - Includes examples, top tips, and a worksheet to complete - Is ideal for use as a class exercise or as a homework task - Uses a dyslexia-friendly font - Is designed to be printer friendly, to be printed double-sided and in grayscale if necessary (saving your department's printing budget!)
GCSE German - Reading Question Pack - Environmental & Social Issues - AQA/OCR/Edexcel/iGCSE/WJEC

GCSE German - Reading Question Pack - Environmental & Social Issues - AQA/OCR/Edexcel/iGCSE/WJEC

Designed to be printed as a full pack or individual sheets, these resources are perfect for use as in class worksheets, homework, assessment, or revision. The included markscheme allow easy assessment by the teacher. Additionally you could use the markscheme for peer or self-assessment, allow students to become familiar with the requirements of the exam and the way they will be marked. This pack contains 6 questions on theme of ‘Environmental & Social Issues’, from AQA, OCR, Edexcel, iGCSE, and WJEC exam boards. Also included are reflective tasks on each page, extending vocabulary and promoting a deeper reading of the texts. A open ‘challenge task’ allows the you or the student to choose a differentiated task. For example, ‘Choose one paragraph to re-write using your new synonyms’ or ‘Choose a sentence to re-write in the past, present, and future tense’.
GCSE German - Reading Question Pack - Personal Identity & Healthy Living - AQA/OCR/Edexcel/iGCSE/WJE

GCSE German - Reading Question Pack - Personal Identity & Healthy Living - AQA/OCR/Edexcel/iGCSE/WJE

Designed to be printed as a full pack or individual sheets, these resources are perfect for use as in class worksheets, homework, assessment, or revision. The included markscheme allow easy assessment by the teacher. Additionally you could use the markscheme for peer or self-assessment, allow students to become familiar with the requirements of the exam and the way they will be marked. This pack contains 25 questions on theme of 'Personal Identity & Healthy Living’, from AQA, OCR, Edexcel, iGCSE, and WJEC exam boards. This theme includes: Personal opinions Daily routines Family and friends Sport and exercise Healthy eating Also included are reflective tasks on each page, extending vocabulary and promoting a deeper reading of the texts. A open ‘challenge task’ allows the you or the student to choose a differentiated task. For example, ‘Choose one paragraph to re-write using your new synonyms’ or ‘Choose a sentence to re-write in the past, present, and future tense’.
GCSE Spanish - Reading Exam Question Pack - Environmental & Social Issues - All Exam Boards

GCSE Spanish - Reading Exam Question Pack - Environmental & Social Issues - All Exam Boards

Get students used to the reading exam through these past-paper questions -23 questions with a markscheme. Grouped by theme (Environmental & Social Issues) but all higher tier, this resource can be printed as an exam pack, perhaps for the school holidays or as a long-term homework assignment; or printed as individual sheets to be used in class as starters, plenaries, or mini-assessments. All exam boards have been sampled, but all are relevant to the Environmental & Social Issues theme. Also included is a mark scheme, designed to be printed as an A5 booklet. This allows either peer or self-assessment, or the work to be used by cover teachers who may not be subject specialists.
GCSE Photography Exam 2018 - Ticklist Schedule and Top Tips!

GCSE Photography Exam 2018 - Ticklist Schedule and Top Tips!

Get your Photography students off to the best start possible with this Exam ticklist and top tips for 2018. Never again will you hear, 'What do I do now?!' . I have found this to be an essential resource to keep students motivated and productive, even if I'm away from school. This resource... - Keeps students on track and to schedule - Improves motivation and ownership of work as students plan their tasks - Promotes high quality planning of photoshoots - Encourages and structured sketchbook that always links directly back to the starting point - Reminds students of the importance of regular evaluation and potential re-shooting, improving quality of work and relevant selection of images - Uses a dyslexia friendly font. ***Please note*** This resource is designed with AQA Assessment Objectives in mind, but I have found that they tend to be very similar across the exam boards. However the wording may be slightly different.
Art&Design - Colour Theory - Wordsearch - Easiest Difficulty - Starter/Plenary/Homework

Art&Design - Colour Theory - Wordsearch - Easiest Difficulty - Starter/Plenary/Homework

The perfect resource to start or end a Colour Theory lesson, or could be used as a homework sheet or mini-quiz. This resource... - Is differentiated (easiest difficulty, shown by the 1 Star rating at the top) - Is dyslexia friendly (using clear fonts and pastel backgrounds) - Includes a 'Challenge task' to stretch students and promote resilience - Includes an answer sheet (perfect for use by cover teachers who may not be subject specialists) - Promotes pride in presentation (a 'cut here' border so no scruffy edges if glued in a sketchbook!)
Art&Design - Colour Theory - Wordsearch - Hardest Difficulty - Starter/Plenary/Homework

Art&Design - Colour Theory - Wordsearch - Hardest Difficulty - Starter/Plenary/Homework

The perfect resource to start or end a Colour Theory lesson, or could be used as a homework sheet or mini-quiz. This resource... - Is differentiated (hardest difficulty, shown by the 3 Star rating at the top) - Is dyslexia friendly (using clear fonts and pastel backgrounds) - Includes a 'Challenge task' to stretch students and promote resilience - Includes an answer sheet (perfect for use by cover teachers who may not be subject specialists) - Promotes pride in presentation (a 'cut here' border so no scruffy edges if glued in a sketchbook!)
Art&Design - Colour Theory - Wordsearch - Medium Difficulty - Starter/Plenary/Homework

Art&Design - Colour Theory - Wordsearch - Medium Difficulty - Starter/Plenary/Homework

The perfect resource to start or end a Colour Theory lesson, or could be used as a homework sheet or mini-quiz. This resource... - Is differentiated (medium difficulty, shown by the 2 Star rating at the top) - Is dyslexia friendly (using clear fonts and pastel backgrounds) - Includes a 'Challenge task' to stretch students and promote resilience - Includes an answer sheet (perfect for use by cover teachers who may not be subject specialists) - Promotes pride in presentation (a 'cut here' border so no scruffy edges if glued in a sketchbook!)