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Paperfriendlyresourcesuk New Resources Coming soon! PFR resources have been designed to ensure good quality teaching is not compromised by printing restrictions or buffering videos. Lessons that include worksheets have been created for teachers to print at least two copies to an A4 sheet.




Paperfriendlyresourcesuk New Resources Coming soon! PFR resources have been designed to ensure good quality teaching is not compromised by printing restrictions or buffering videos. Lessons that include worksheets have been created for teachers to print at least two copies to an A4 sheet.
AQA new specification-Removing waste products-B12.2

AQA new specification-Removing waste products-B12.2

Removing waste products lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1) for my separates class (Year 10-KS4). Includes: slide animations and worksheet. AQA spec link: 5.3.3 Relevant chapter: B12.2-Removing waste products . ( Note: This topic is for BIOLOGY only not for combined science students). AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 184-185 *The new specification requires students to know the following; Students should be able to explain the effect on cells of osmotic changes in body fluids. Water leaves the body via the lungs during exhalation. Water, ions, and urea are lost from the skin in sweat. There is no control over water, ion, or urea loss by the lungs or skin. Excess water, ions, and urea are removed via the kidneys in the urine. If body cells lose or gain too much water by osmosis they do not function efficiently. The digestion of proteins from the diet results in excess amino acids which need to be excreted safely. In the liver these amino acids are deaminated to form ammonia. Ammonia is toxic and so it is immediately converted to urea for safe excretion.
AQA new specification-Rates of decomposition-B17.4

AQA new specification-Rates of decomposition-B17.4

Rates of decomposition lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a separate class only, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Required practical has been taught in a separate lesson. Includes powerpoint timers, slide animations, embedded video’s and mini review. NB: If you are unable to play embedded videos please view slide notes for link. AQA spec link: Relevant chapter: B17 organising an ecosystem. AQA Biology Third edition textbook-Page 282-283 Students are required to know the following; Students should be able to explain how temperature, water and availability of oxygen affect the rate of decay of biological material. Students should be able to: • calculate rate changes in the decay of biological material Gardeners and farmers try to provide optimum conditions for rapid decay of waste biological material. The compost produced is used as a natural fertiliser for growing garden plants or crops. Anaerobic decay produces methane gas. Biogas generators can be used to produce methane gas as a fuel.
AQA new specification-Theories of evolution-B15.2

AQA new specification-Theories of evolution-B15.2

Theories of evolution lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a separates class. Includes: embedded videos and timers, slide animations, practice questions with answers on slides, worksheet and an interactive quiz. NB: If you are unable to play videos a URL link can be found in the slide notes. AQA spec link: Relevant chapter: B15 Genetics and evolution. AQA Biology trilogy edition textbook-Page 236-237 Students are required to know the following; Charles Darwin, largely as a result of observations on a round the world expedition, linked to developing knowledge of geology and fossils, proposed the theory of natural selection: • Individual organisms within a particular species show a wide range of variation for a characteristic. • Individuals with characteristics most suited to the environment are more likely to survive to breed successfully. • The characteristics that have enabled these individuals to survive are then passed on to the next generation. Other theories, including that of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, are based mainly on the idea that changes that occur in an organism during its lifetime can be inherited. We now know that in the vast majority of cases this type of inheritance cannot occur. A study of creationism is not required.
AQA new specification-Accepting Darwin's ideas-B15.3

AQA new specification-Accepting Darwin's ideas-B15.3

Accepting Darwin’s ideas lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a separates class. Includes: embedded videos and timers, slide animations, practice questions with answers on slides, worksheet and an interactive quiz. NB: If you are unable to play videos a URL link can be found in the slide notes. **Please note the homework and markscheme from the lesson on theories of evolution (B15.2) has also been included in this resource. ** AQA spec link: Relevant chapter: B15 Genetics and evolution. AQA Biology trilogy edition textbook-Page 238-239 Students are required to know the following; Darwin published his ideas in On the Origin of Species (1859). There was much controversy surrounding these revolutionary new ideas. The theory of evolution by natural selection was only gradually accepted because: • the theory challenged the idea that God made all the animals and plants that live on Earth • there was insufficient evidence at the time the theory was published to convince many scientists • the mechanism of inheritance and variation was not known until 50 years after the theory was published.
AQA new specification-Plant defence responses-B5.11

AQA new specification-Plant defence responses-B5.11

NB: This is a BIOLOGY (SEPARATES) ONLY lesson Plant defence responses lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Includes: slide animations, embedded videos, differentiated questions, answers have also been included within the slides. This resource is NOT suitable for combined science students. AQA spec link: Relevant chapter: B5-Communicable diseases . AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 94-95. Students should be able to describe physical and chemical plant defence responses. Physical defence responses to resist invasion of microorganisms: • Cellulose cell walls. • Tough waxy cuticle on leaves. • Layers of dead cells around stems (bark on trees) which fall off. Chemical plant defence responses: • Antibacterial chemicals. • Poisons to deter herbivores. Mechanical adaptations: • Thorns and hairs deter animals. • Leaves which droop or curl when touched. • Mimicry to trick animals.
AQA new specification-REQUIRED PRACTICAL 6-Photosynthesis-B8.2

AQA new specification-REQUIRED PRACTICAL 6-Photosynthesis-B8.2

Photosynthesis required practical (RP 6). This practical was completed in one lesson, students were asked to construct a graph from their data for homework. AQA spec link: Relevant chapter: B8 Photosynthesis. AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 126-127 Students are required to know the following; investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis using an aquatic organism such as pondweed. AT skills covered by this practical activity: AT 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
AQA new specification-Ethics of genetic technologies-B13.5

AQA new specification-Ethics of genetic technologies-B13.5

Genetic engineering lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for higher ability (trilogy/combined) class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes: embedded videos and timers, slide animations, practice questions with answers on slides. NB: If you are unable to play videos a URL link can be found in the slide notes. AQA spec link: Relevant chapter: B13 Variation and evolution. AQA Biology trilogy edition textbook-Page 186-187. Students are required to know the following; Students should be able to explain the potential benefits and risks of genetic engineering in agriculture and in medicine and that some people have objections. Concerns about GM crops include the effect on populations of wild flowers and insects. Some people feel the effects of eating GM crops on human health have not been fully explored.
AQA new specification-B5 Communicable diseases-Combined/Additional science bundle

AQA new specification-B5 Communicable diseases-Combined/Additional science bundle

6 Resources
This bundle only contains the content for COMBINED/ADDITIONAL science students. It includes the B5 unit-communicable diseases. All lessons have been done in accordance to the specification requirements. Videos have been embedded for ease of use, and printer friendly resources attached. Search the individual lessons for more information on the lesson content. Save 33% by purchasing this bundle :) These lessons are suitable to teach separate science but they have 4 extra topics to learn. Lesson 1-Heath and disease Lesson 2-Pathogens and disease Lesson 3-Preventing infections Lesson 4-Viral and bacterial diseases Lesson 5-Diseases caused by fungi and protist Lesson 6-Human defense responses
AQA new specification-The human Kidney-B12.3

AQA new specification-The human Kidney-B12.3

The human Kidney lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1) for my separates class (Year 10-KS4). This is a printer friendly resource it includes an: embedded video, slide animations and a mini exam question. As i taught this lesson in two parts it's only fair i upload the other presentation also (2 for the price of 1). **Knowledge of other parts of the urinary system, the structure of the kidney, and the structure of a nephron is not required.** AQA spec link: 5.3.3 Relevant chapter: B12-Homeostasis in action. ( Note: This topic is for BIOLOGY only not for combined science students). AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 185-186 *The new specification requires students to know the following; Students should be able to describe the function of kidneys in maintaining the water balance of the body. The kidneys produce urine by filtration of the blood and selective reabsorption of useful substances such as glucose, some ions, And water. Knowledge of other parts of the urinary system, the structure of the kidney, and the structure of a nephron is not required. Students should be able to translate tables and bar charts of glucose, ions, and urea before and after filtration. Students should be able to describe the effect of ADH on the permeability of the kidney tubules. The water level in the body is controlled by the hormone ADH which acts on the kidney tubules. ADH is released by the pituitary gland when the blood is too concentrated and it causes more water to be reabsorbed back into the blood from the kidney tubules. This is controlled by negative feedback.
AQA new specification-Common problems of the eye-B10.6

AQA new specification-Common problems of the eye-B10.6

Common problems of the eye lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a higher ability, separate science class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes powerpoint timers, slide animations, embedded video’s, homework worksheet, markscheme and mini review. NB: If you are unable to play embedded videos please view slide notes for link. THIS LESSON IS FOR BIOLOGY ONLY AQA spec link: Relevant chapter: B10 The human nervous system. AQA Biology Third edition textbook-Page 156-157 Students are required to know the following; Students should be able to relate the structures of the eye to their functions. This includes: • accommodation to focus on near or distant objects Accommodation is the process of changing the shape of the lens to focus on near or distant objects. To focus on a near object: • the ciliary muscles contract • the suspensory ligaments loosen • the lens is then thicker and refracts light rays strongly. To focus on a distant object: • the ciliary muscles relax • the suspensory ligaments are pulled tight • the lens is then pulled thin and only slightly refracts light rays. Two common defects of the eyes are myopia (short sightedness) and hyperopia (long sightedness) in which rays of light do not focus on the retina. • Generally these defects are treated with spectacle lenses which refract the light rays so that they do focus on the retina. • New technologies now include hard and soft contact lenses, laser surgery to change the shape of the cornea, and a replacement lens in the eye. Students should be able to interpret ray diagrams, showing these two common defects of the eye and demonstrate how spectacle lenses correct them.
AQA new specification-The eye-B10.5

AQA new specification-The eye-B10.5

The eye lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a higher ability, separate science class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes powerpoint timers, slide animations, embedded video’s, worksheet and mini review. NB: If you are unable to play embedded videos please view slide notes for link. THIS LESSON IS FOR BIOLOGY ONLY AQA spec link: Relevant chapter: B10 The human nervous system. AQA Biology Third edition textbook-Page 152-153 Students are required to know the following; Students should be able to relate the structures of the eye to their functions. This includes: • accommodation to focus on near or distant objects • adaptation to dim light. The eye is a sense organ containing receptors sensitive to light intensity and colour Students should be able to identify the following structures on a diagram of the eye and explain how their structure is related to their function: •retina • optic nerve • sclera • cornea • iris • ciliary muscles • suspensory ligaments.
AQA new specification-Fossils and extinction-B14.2

AQA new specification-Fossils and extinction-B14.2

Fossils and extinction lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for higher ability (trilogy/combined) class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes: embedded videos and timers, slide animations, practice questions with answers on slides, worksheet and an interactive quiz. NB: If you are unable to play videos a URL link can be found in the slide notes. AQA spec link: Relevant chapter: B14 Genetics and evolution. AQA Biology trilogy edition textbook-Page 192-193 Students are required to know the following; Fossils are the ‘remains’ of organisms from millions of years ago, which are found in rocks. Fossils may be formed: • from parts of organisms that have not decayed because one or more of the conditions needed for decay are absent • when parts of the organism are replaced by minerals as they decay •as preserved traces of organisms, such as footprints, burrows and rootlet traces. Many early forms of life were soft-bodied, which means that they have left few traces behind. What traces there were have been mainly destroyed by geological activity. This is why scientists cannot be certain about how life began on Earth. WS 1.3 Appreciate why the fossil record is incomplete.
A-level biology-Respiration experiment-Respirometer

A-level biology-Respiration experiment-Respirometer

I put together this lesson in preparation for a practical that would require my YR 13 students to use respirometers. Suitable for all exam boards. Designed for highly able A-level class. Includes: questions, embedded videos, slide timers, slide animations, interactive answers on slides and worksheet For general enquiries email: Paperfriendlyresources@gmail.com
AQA new specification-Infertility treatments-B11.8

AQA new specification-Infertility treatments-B11.8

Infertility treatments lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1) for my separates class (Year 10-KS4). Includes: slide animations, embedded video, worksheet and practice questions with mark scheme. This resource is suitable for combined science students. *Note-For higher tier only* AQA spec link:5.3.6 Relevant chapter: B11.8-Infertility treatments . AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 174-175. *The new specification requires students to know the following; Students should be able to explain the use of hormones in modern reproductive technologies to treat infertility. This includes giving FSH and LH in a ‘fertility drug’ to a woman. She may then become pregnant in the normal way. In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) treatment: • IVF involves giving a mother FSH and LH to stimulate the maturation of several eggs. • The eggs are collected from the mother and fertilised by sperm from the father in the laboratory. • The fertilised eggs develop into embryos. • At the stage when they are tiny balls of cells, one or two embryos are inserted into the mother’s uterus (womb). Although fertility treatment gives a woman the chance to have a baby of her own: • it is very emotionally and physically stressful • the success rates are not high • it can lead to multiple births which are a risk to both the babies and the mother.
AQA new specification-Screening genetic disorders-B13.10

AQA new specification-Screening genetic disorders-B13.10

NB-This resource has been edited since the last review* [30/9/17] Screening for genetic disorders lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a higher ability TRILOGY(combined science) class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes: slide animations, embedded videos and practice questions with answers on slides as well as a quiz. This video contains many videos and is a great lesson to spark a debate. I'd appreciate a review after your lesson :) AQA spec link: 6.1.7 Relevant chapter: B13 Genetics and reproduction. AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 214-215. Some disorders are inherited. These disorders are caused by the inheritance of certain alleles. • Polydactyly (having extra fingers or toes) is caused by a dominant allele. • Cystic fibrosis (a disorder of cell membranes) is caused by a recessive allele. Students should make informed judgements about the economic, social and ethical issues concerning embryo screening, given appropriate information. WS 1.3 Appreciate that embryo screening and gene therapy may alleviate suffering but consider the ethical issues which arise.
AQA new specification-B15 Adaptation, interdependence and competition-Combined/Additional science bundle

AQA new specification-B15 Adaptation, interdependence and competition-Combined/Additional science bundle

8 Resources
This bundle only contains the content for COMBINED/ADDITIONAL science students. It includes the B15 unit-Adaptation, interdependence and competition. All lessons have been done in accordance to the specification requirements and have been pitched to a higher ability class. Videos have been embedded for ease of use, and printer friendly resources attached. Search the individual lessons for more information on the lesson content. Save 25% by purchasing this bundle :) Total = 8 lessons These lessons are suitable to teach separate science. Lesson 1-The importance of communities Lesson 2-Organisms in their environment Lesson 3-Distribution and abundance Lesson 4-Competition in animals Lesson 5-Competition in plants Lesson 6-Adapt and survive Lesson 7-Adaptations in animals Lesson 8-Adaptations in plants Good luck with your lessons :)
AQA new specification-Diseases caused by fungi and protists-B5.8

AQA new specification-Diseases caused by fungi and protists-B5.8

This lesson has been created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1) for my combined/additional science class (Year 9-KS4). Includes: slide animations, embedded video, worksheet and answers have also been included within the slides. This resource is suitable for separate science students. AQA spec link: and Relevant chapter: B5-Communicable diseases . AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 88-89. *The new specification requires students to know the following; Rose black spot is a fungal disease where purple or black spots develop on leaves, which often turn yellow and drop early. It affects the growth of the plant as photosynthesis is reduced. It is spread in the environment by water or wind. Rose black spot can be treated by using fungicides and/or removing and destroying the affected leaves. The pathogens that cause malaria are protists. The malarial protist has a life cycle that includes the mosquito. Malaria causes recurrent episodes of fever and can be fatal. The spread of malaria is controlled by preventing the vectors, mosquitos, from breeding and by using mosquito nets to avoid being bitten.
AQA new specification-B7 Non-communicable diseases-Complete bundle

AQA new specification-B7 Non-communicable diseases-Complete bundle

5 Resources
This bundle includes the B7 unit-Non-communicable diseases. This is a combined science unit. All lessons have been done in accordance to the specification requirements. Videos have been embedded for ease of use (no internet connection required although URL has also been provided), and printer friendly resources attached. Search the individual lessons for more information on the lesson content. Save 20% by purchasing this bundle :) Lesson 1-Non-communicable diseases Lesson 2-Cancer Lesson 3-Smoking and risk of disease Lesson 4-Diet, exercise and disease Lesson 5-Alcohol and other carcinogens
AQA new specification-The structure and function of the human nervous system-B10.2

AQA new specification-The structure and function of the human nervous system-B10.2

The structure and function of the human nervous system lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a higher ability class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes powerpoint timers, slide animations, embedded video’s, worksheet and mini review. NB: If you are unable to play embedded videos please view slide notes for link. AQA spec link: 4.5.2 Relevant chapter: B10 The human nervous system. AQA Biology combined edition textbook-Page 135-136 Students are required to know the following; Students should be able to explain how the structure of the nervous system is adapted to its functions.The nervous system enables humans to react to their surroundings and to coordinate their behaviour. Information from receptors passes along cells (neurones) as electrical impulses to the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS is the brain and spinal cord. The CNS coordinates the response of effectors which may be muscles contracting or glands secreting hormones. stimulus receptor coordinator effector response. Students should be able to explain how the various structures in a reflex arc – including the sensory neurone, synapse, relay neurone and motor neurone – relate to their function. Students should understand why reflex actions are important. Reflex actions are automatic and rapid; they do not involve the conscious part of the brain.
AQA new specification-Material cycling-B17.2

AQA new specification-Material cycling-B17.2

Material cycling lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a higher ability class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes powerpoint timers, slide animations, embedded video’s and mini review. NB: If you are unable to play embedded videos please view slide notes for link. AQA spec link: Relevant chapter: B17 organising an ecosystem. AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 278-279 Students are required to know the following; Explain the importance of the carbon and water cycles to living organisms. All materials in the living world are recycled to provide the building blocks for future organisms. The carbon cycle returns carbon from organisms to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide to be used by plants in photosynthesis. The water cycle provides fresh water for plants and animals on land before draining into the seas. Water is continuously evaporated and precipitated. Students are not expected to study the nitrogen cycle. Students should be able to explain the role of microorganisms in cycling materials through an ecosystem by returning carbon to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and mineral ions to the soil.