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Computing, Business and IT Buddy

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With a few decades of experience teaching Computer Science, Business and IT, this shop has a variety of resources for KS3 Computing as well as the KS4 GCSE Computer Science, GCSE Business, BTEC Business and BTEC TA DIT. More resources coming in the near future.




With a few decades of experience teaching Computer Science, Business and IT, this shop has a variety of resources for KS3 Computing as well as the KS4 GCSE Computer Science, GCSE Business, BTEC Business and BTEC TA DIT. More resources coming in the near future.
KS3 Functional Skills - Microsoft Word

KS3 Functional Skills - Microsoft Word

Incorporate functional skills into the new KS3 Computing curriculum - essential transferable skills for use in other curriculum areas. This scheme of work and self-assessment checklist, will help develop students report writing skills in Microsoft Word, ready for use in KS4 controlled assessment write-up.
BTEC TA  in Digital  Information Technology - Personalised Learning Checklists

BTEC TA in Digital Information Technology - Personalised Learning Checklists

Supporting the NEW EdExcel BTEC Tech Award BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology Personalised Learning Checklists for Component 1 (+ Component 1 Assessment), Component 2 (+ Component 2 Assessment) and Component 3. Keep a record of student progress against the new syllabus content (1 - Grasped concept, 2 - need to revise, 3 - Did not understand (complete revisit). Ideal for completing after interim assessment, and will allow easy identification of areas for further teaching and intervention.
BTEC TA DIT Component 2 LAA Theory & LAB Spreadsheet Skills

BTEC TA DIT Component 2 LAA Theory & LAB Spreadsheet Skills

I have trialled the teaching of BTEC TA Digital Information Technology during 2017/2018 and have produced the attached ‘placemats’ to ensure that students understand the key skills required for LAB/C and the knowledge required for the research task in Component A. Either print double-sided, laminate or simply display/view on screen. On side A is the LAA theory looking at sectors of industry. On side B is the LAB/C skills in Excel. I have used them laminated, 1 between 2 and supported the Excel element with short tasks that teach students the skills as listed in the specification. I hope these can be of help to you and your students. Thanks for taking an interest in this resource.
BTEC Tech Award In Digital Information Technology

BTEC Tech Award In Digital Information Technology

4 Resources
Designed specifically for the new BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology, these resources cover the content directly linked to the syllabus. Personalised Learning Checklists for monitoring pupil progress. Activity shees for C1 & C2 & C3. Developing resources throughout 2018, and will upload as created.
Digital Information Technology Flashcard

Digital Information Technology Flashcard

BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology Common Tricky Word Flashcards a) Print out and laminate for peer-to-peer knowledge testing. b) Use at home or in class for revision, keyword appears, define, definition appears. Written in simple terms, based on areas Year 11 2020 struggled on in preparation for the February exam.
Finding the Break-Even Point 2

Finding the Break-Even Point 2

Activity with formulae, explanation and example. Student worksheet Teacher Solution worksheet. Calculating: Contribution per Unit Break-Even Point in Units Break-Even Point in Revenues
BTEC Business - Unit 2 Finance End of Year Test

BTEC Business - Unit 2 Finance End of Year Test

BTEC Business - Unit 2 Finance Topics included: Costs & Revenues, Break-Even, Cash Flow and Budgets Assessing: Definition, selection and calculations. Once completed and reviewed in DIRT (Direct Improvement & Reflection Time) lesson, will act as a revision resource. Easily adaptable for future testing in preparation for online test.
BTEC First Award in Music PLCs

BTEC First Award in Music PLCs

EdExcel BTEC First Award in Music Personal Learning Checklist for the BTEC First Award in Music. RAG rates students against the PLCs for each unit of the syllabus. Monitor progress on completion of assessment objectives.
ICT Online World Golden Nuggets of Revision and testing.

ICT Online World Golden Nuggets of Revision and testing.

Revision resource for the BTEC ICT Unit 1 Online World exam Also suitable for: New BTEC Tech Award in DTT or GCSE Computer Science Topics: Legislation, Threats to Data, Online Docs, Data Exchange and The Internet (the more 'difficult' topics for students to remember). How the revision resource works for students: Read a golden nugget. Read it again. Look away - what can you remember? Read it again - what did you forget? Read it again. Look away - have you remembered it yet? Repeat this process and learn the theory in little bitesize chunks Next lesson: DTT - Test - How much do the students remember - where are they still struggling (solution is on the Golden nuggets given out as revision!). A good way to pinpoint misconceptions and areas that need final attention before the exam/mock exam. Next installment - currently making - will arrive during December.
The Statement of Account

The Statement of Account

A lesson which worked well with a high and low ability Year 10 class. They had struggled with the Statement of Account, but through this presentation, by the end of the lesson, all students were much more confident on the topic.
BTEC TA DIT Syllabus Presentation

BTEC TA DIT Syllabus Presentation

BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology In the final revision for the Component 3 exam, I have put together a simple presentation with all the key areas from the Component 3 syllabus for topics that may come up in the exam. Added to these are tips from the recent mock exam students did based on the specimen exam paper. I hope this can helps some other students out there doing the BTEC TA DIT. Good luck to them all.