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I am a Science teacher and Head of Psychology. I have KS3, KS4 and KS5 classes. I frequently produce worksheets, learning mats and revision tools for classes to use.




I am a Science teacher and Head of Psychology. I have KS3, KS4 and KS5 classes. I frequently produce worksheets, learning mats and revision tools for classes to use.


This is a task sheet designed to last an entire lesson. I developed this for cover work but have also used this in a teacher led lesson. The sheet contains the key information for the lesson and a variety of tasks for the students to complete. The tasks follow a difficulty level ladder based on Blooms but adapted to the Science classroom: Recall (simplest) Understand Apply Analyse Evaluate Create (hardest) The lessons follow the Activate KS3 book scheme.
Revision Pages AQA Combined Science Higher (9-1)

Revision Pages AQA Combined Science Higher (9-1)

This is based on the Collins AQA GCSE (9-1) Text books. It includes what pages are relevant for those on Combined Science, Trilogy (higher tier) , what the required practicals are and key vocabulary for each topic. I use these as a introduction to new topics and throughout the unit. Students are able to tick lessons as they complete them and ensure they know the required vocabulary. They help students to target their revision and understand what they need to do to catch up if they miss lessons.
Required Practical Revision Mat - pH and Enzymes

Required Practical Revision Mat - pH and Enzymes

Investigate the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of amylase enzymes. To meet the AQA GCSE specification for the required practical. Includes learning objectives for the practical, a method, results table, graph area and questions to be completed. Can be used as revision in the run up to exams.
Biology Required Practical Revision Mats

Biology Required Practical Revision Mats

10 Resources
To meet the AQA GCSE (9-1) specification for the required practicals. Typically includes learning objectives for the practical, a method, results table, graph area and questions to be completed regarding scientific method. Can be used as revision in the run up to exams. Includes all required practicals for combined and triple science.
Biopsychology - The Endocrine System

Biopsychology - The Endocrine System

A lesson to cover the endocrine system part of the Biopsychology topic in A Level Psychology. This series includes links to videos, kahoots, quizzes and extra information. Can be used by students as revision or taught in class. Written to show students what they should know as a result of their GCSE science, recapping and building upon this knowledge. Covers both the AS and the A Level specification.


10 Resources
Lessons to cover the whole of the AS and A2 Level specification for Biopsychology. Includes resources to use, links to extra reading and kahoots.
Classification Learning Mat

Classification Learning Mat

A learning mat with recall questions and exam style questions. A second mat is provided with the answers. This follows the AQA specification and forms part of the topic on Inheritance, Variation and Evolution. Sized to be printed on either A4 or A3.
Chemistry Extended Writing Questions (6 mark questions)

Chemistry Extended Writing Questions (6 mark questions)

A group of extended writing past questions covering a wide range of topics. Designed to encourage students to read the longer questions and discover what they need to do to pick up marks. Booklets can be printed (with separate mark schemes) and the powerpoint has a slide per question with the mark scheme on the following slide, so students can be lead through the question and immediately review the mark scheme. Will take several lessons to complete.
Science at Home - Rainbow in a Jar

Science at Home - Rainbow in a Jar

This group of resources has been created for use as induction to science work for year 6 students preparing for secondary school. They can generally be used by KS2 and KS3 students (years 3 to 8) though. Rainbow in a Jar: In Science, one of the things we learn is density in solids and liquids. Some liquids don’t mix because they are more or less dense than others. By colouring them with dye, you can create a rainbow!
Science at Home - Pond Dipping

Science at Home - Pond Dipping

This group of resources has been created for use as induction to science work for year 6 students preparing for secondary school. They can generally be used by KS2 and KS3 students (years 3 to 8) though.
Attachment Revision Session

Attachment Revision Session

A complete revision pack for revision of the Attachment unit in AQA Psychology A Level. For each lesson there is a slide of quick questions, a slide of key information, a slide with a past exam question, a slide with the mark scheme and a slide for essay planning. Those lessons not being assessed in 2022 are clearly marked. If you like the format of this session, please check out my ‘Forensic Psychology Revision Session’ resource.