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A Level PE - Feedback - Skill Aquisition

A Level PE - Feedback - Skill Aquisition

Learning Objectives: Understand the different purposes and types of feedback. Explain how feedback and guidance impacts on skill development. Develop 15 mark question technique.
British Values - Mutual Respect and Tolerance

British Values - Mutual Respect and Tolerance

This assembly focuses on one of the British Values with regards to Mutual Respect and Tolerance. The first slide is a definition of respect “A regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others”. The next slide asks the students to compare and contrast the sports football and rugby with regards to the respect shown by both the players and spectators. This should spark debate about the respect and possible lack of respect shown in each. The following slides show footballers abusing referees and and then an article detailing how many referees are leaving football due to the abuse that they take. A short video of a rugby referee then follows this which demonstrates how rugby players generally show great respect for the referee as he tells off 30 men who were not following the rules without any of them questioning him in any way. The next two slides show a recent Manchester football derby where the police had to create a line to keep the fans away from each other. The next slide shows two rugby fans stood together at a game shouting on their teams. This is the hook into the theme of mutual respect because why does rugby seem to have a culture of respect whilst football does not? I then explain that when people show each other respect this makes for a happier experience for all people involved. I then ask the students how can we show respect for each other at our school and within our house to make it a nice place to be? I have broken this up into respecting yourself, respecting the environment and then others. Whilst talking about respecting others I then introduce the term mutual respect and explain why this is important. This leads into discussion about that fact that in Britian we live in a diverse nation made up of many different cultures, languages, races, and backgrounds and how we can learn from others. I then finish the assembly with a golden rule about mutual respect: Treat others as you want to be treated
Assembly - Anti-Bullying, Think Before You Post

Assembly - Anti-Bullying, Think Before You Post

This assembly focusses on anti-bullying but more specifically cyber bullying. The opening part of the assembly defines bullying and also explains the different types of bullying providing examples of each in schools. These are verbal, social and physical bullying. The next section of the assembly uses a video called 'In Real Life' which is a social experiment that shows what happens when online bullying is taken offline. This is a very cutting video where people say some quite horrific to people in the public. The things that the people are saying are quotes taken from other people's social media. The moral of the video is that a lot of people say things online that they would never dream to say to someone face to face. This is followed by some key facts and figures about cyber bullying and then some general tips with the tag Think Before YOU Post. The final section of this assembly shows how students can report bullying at my school. This will need to be amended for each individual school.
Assembly - Perseverance,  Never Give Up

Assembly - Perseverance, Never Give Up

The focus of this assembly is about perseverance. The first clip is taken from the film 'Catch me if you can'. It takes a scene where someone describes two mice falling into a bucket of milk. Once drowns but the other tries so hard to get out that it churns the milk into butter and walks out the bucket. The next clip is taken from 'Educating Yorkshire'. It shows a young man with a speech impediment trying to talk through some work and getting frustrated. The next clip is one of him speaking in the Year 11 leavers assembly. The next section shows Andy Murray getting upset after losing the Wimbledon final followed by the moment he won Wimbledon the following year. I then go on to talk about how in these situations both people went on to be successful by not giving up and persevering with the challenges ahead of them. This then links in to the challenges that the students will face this academic year. The assembly finishes with a quote by Gary Player who once said “It's funny but the more I practice, the luckier I get.”
Expectations for the New Academic Year, First Assembly

Expectations for the New Academic Year, First Assembly

I have used this assembly recently as the first assembly of the new academic year for my house. I start the assembly by talking through how this time of year is a great time to reflect on the past year and to decide what needs to change or be kept the same to be successful for the new academic year. I then show a definition of 'expectations' and that this is a strong belief that something will happen. I explain that I have a number of basic expectations for the house to ensure that we are successful on both an individual and house basis. This then leads into expectations of uniform, behaviour, using a planner, being organised, not littering etc with pictures for each topic. I then talk through what the house can expect from staff and the what I expect from them and that there will be no passengers this year with everyone contributing. The section of the assembly is a trailer from a film called the yes man. I play this until half way through to the point where Jim Carey go to a conference and is told that he must so yes to every opportunity given to him. This then links into all the challenges/key school events that I have taken from the school calendar and I ask the group to not see these as negatives but to see these as opportunities to improve and achieve. I finish the assembly by saying the success of failure of this year will be the students' attitude towards these challenges and that as a team supporting each other it is going to be a very exciting and successful year for the house.
A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Aggression

A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Aggression

Learning Objectives Identify and describe the four different theories of aggression Understand the difference between aggression and assertion and link to different theories. Be able to justify and evaluate the different aggression theories, linking ways to prevent/limit aggression.
A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Anxiety

A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Anxiety

Learning Objectives Define and identify somatic, cognitive, competitive trait and competitive state anxiety. Understand and explain the advantages and disadvantages of using observations, questionnaires and physiological measures to measure anxiety. Be able to apply and justify the impact of different types of anxiety on sport performance.
A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Arousal

A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Arousal

Learning Objectives Introduce the Drive Theory, Inverted U Theory, Catastrophe Theory and Zone of Optimal Functioning Theory. Understand the characteristics of Peak Flow Experience . Able to explain and justify the practical applications of theories of arousal and their impact on performance.
A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Attitudes

A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Attitudes

Learning Objectives Introduce the triadic model and the different components of attitudes. Understand the formation of different attitudes. Able to explain and justify changing attitudes through cognitive dissonance and persuasive communication.
A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Personalities

A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Personalities

Learning Objectives: Know the difference between the trait theory, social learning approach and interactionist perspective Discuss the Nature vs. Nurture debate. Are personality characteristics are innate or learned? Introduce the Lewin approach to personality and the Hollander approach to the Interactionist Theory.
Assembly - The Lance Armstrong Story - Persevere and Do Not Cheat Yourself

Assembly - The Lance Armstrong Story - Persevere and Do Not Cheat Yourself

The assembly is based on the story of Lance Armstrong. The first section shows a picture of Lance Armstrong and asks the question who is and why is he famous? The next clip shows a short video about the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong. The key facts about his careers and then his demise. I then talk through the timeline of his famous rise and fall. The next is a trailer of the famous documentary that was taken throughout his career where he admits lying to the public and covering up his performance enhancement use. The final clip is a Nike advert that stars lance Armstrong. In this advert he says 'people often ask me what I am on, what am I on? My bike 6 hours a day, what are you on?' I then go on to relate the Armstrong Lie to school. How Lance Armstrong knew he was cheating but created a cover story to make him look like he was working 6 hours a day to achieve his goals and not cutting corners by cheating. The assembly then finishes by asking students to not be a Lance Armstrong. To not tell parents, staff, friends that they are working hard/revising if they are not really. To be honest so that people are aware if they need support and can put that in place. I finish by asking the group to pereservere with their challenges but asking for help is not a weakness. It is actually a huge strength.
Assembly - Anti Bullying , Cyber Bullying Focus

Assembly - Anti Bullying , Cyber Bullying Focus

This assembly has a focus on cyber bullying. The assembly opens with a short clip showing a boy talking to a girl in a chat room. He is being told to say nasty things to her by her friends. The clip ends with the boy telling the girl that they would be better off if she was dead and asks the question 'how would you feel?' Cyber bullying is a huge issue in schools and this assembly then focuses upon the different types of cyber bullying that can take place and their impact on people.
A Level PE - The Golden Triangle, Sport and Social Media

A Level PE - The Golden Triangle, Sport and Social Media

Lesson Objectives: Introduce the ‘Golden Triangle’ and the interrelationship between commercialisation, media and sponsorship. To explore how the ‘Golden Triangle’ influences the development of sport in modern day society. Identify what social media is and the impact it has on sport.
Rugby Union Quiz Wet Weather PE Lesson

Rugby Union Quiz Wet Weather PE Lesson

This resource contains a quiz with 20 questions based on the rules and tactics of rugby union. I use this for wet weather lessons when teaching rugby union. Examples of question are: 1. What is a scrum? 2. What does a hooker do in a rugby team?