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Affordable Outstanding History and Politics Lessons

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(based on 47 reviews)

15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!




15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!
Weimar Germany- Culture The Golden Years

Weimar Germany- Culture The Golden Years

This is lesson 2 of my mini unit on Weimar Culture and How Golden were the Golden Years? This lesson is focused on a depth study of German culture during the 1920s and the Liberal winds of change which swept through German cities in the 1920s. This lesson includes: women and sexuality, LGBTQ history in Berlin, Art and Architecture (Bauhaus and Gropius), Leisure and Jazz and Cinema as well as behaviour and attitudinal changes and the ways in which they were perceived differently in society. Very teacher led lesson but should produce some fantastic discussion and very relevant to today in terms of “culture wars” as a distraction from some of the problems in society. Wiill also serve as a great contrast to Life in Nazi Germany in topic 4
Golden Years: Living Standards in Weimar Germany

Golden Years: Living Standards in Weimar Germany

Edexcel GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany Lesson 1 on mini unit on the Weimar Germany Golden Years 1924-1929 Includes a retrieval starter to match up Stresemann’s policies to the problems they solved and a summary of positive and negative outcomes. Then examines a debate on the extent to which living standards improves (refers to textbook but all stats/ info is on one of the slides). Encourages students to develop explanation/ analysis for themselves for how and why this would improve living conditions. Segue into WEimar culture- Art looking at Metropolis by Otto Dix and social commentary on divided society in Weimar Germany- Primary source analysis then examination of effect of Weimar Constitution and examination of New Objectivism in German Art/ culture. This is part of my wider Unit on Weimar Germany but a 3 parter on “how golden were the golden years” as an enquiry/ debate for Interpretations.
Persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany

Persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany

Lesson for KS3 which examines increasing persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany since 1933. Includes all resources, fully detailed and explained so can be used by non specialists.
Women in Nazi Germany

Women in Nazi Germany

Edexcel GCSE lesson for Key Topic 4: Nazi policies towards Women. This lesson includes lots of information about Nazi policies towards women including enough detail to easily reach grade 9 level- can be amended for lower ability learners e.g. just by telling them to only look for 4-5 policies on the sheet to use in their answers. Also includes a whole section 3a-3d exam questions on women to practice skills and a part modelled “how useful” are these sources question for students to emulate for the next source and some sentence starters to help them to deal with interpretations e.g. “Interpretation 1 argues” In my experience students really struggle with these questions and don’t always know how to handle them and need plenty of modelling.
Medicine Thematic Timelines Revision

Medicine Thematic Timelines Revision

Included are four medicine through time thematic timelines. These are great for revision sessions - students add on lines to show when each development started/ stopped. Then add annotations to show the WASIIC factors which caused the change/ continuity. Designed for teacher supported revision sessions or lessons or independent homework which will be checked later… Also included a summary of all Edexcel Medicine through time past paper questions for the section B questions on one handy 2 page document Recommended printing to A3.
Big Fat Medicine Quiz

Big Fat Medicine Quiz

Revision quiz for medicine through time. Has several rounds including Who is Who? Significant individuals and their breakthroughs, key words, key factors for change, key inventions etc. Can be set for homework in stages or as a beast and later self/ peer marked in class. Students have always enjoyed this quiz and found it helpful. Note only goes up to and including Industrial era- was struggling to fit it all on!
Edexcel Politics ALevel Essay Plans

Edexcel Politics ALevel Essay Plans

This is a grid for supporting your revision- it has some questions planned out in full for each topic and space for you to do your own using the models to help you. I’ve also included some full exemplar Level 5 essays for several topics.
Trench Warfare WWI

Trench Warfare WWI

KS3 lesson (can be adapted for KS4) using sources for students to independently investigate life in the trenches and why the casualty rate was so high. -Includes all resources- video clip of Harry Patch describing losing a fellow soldier and the injuries they suffered, sources and guided note taking sheet.
How did the Bolsheviks Consolidate Power?

How did the Bolsheviks Consolidate Power?

Lesson on the Red Terror, the Cheka, Political Decrees, Murder of Romanovs, War Communism and Gulags This is a source based lesson for students to do in groups. It examines the various methods Bolsheviks used to consolidate their power and control. To complement my lessons on the Civil War- this has more in depth analysis of War Communism, Propaganda, the Cheka etc as well as in depth work on murder of the Romanovs. No powerpoint- just a big A3 template, a card sort and lots of sources
How stable was Russia by 1914?

How stable was Russia by 1914?

2 hour ALevel lesson designed to evaluate stability in Russia between 1906-1914, Designed for OCR course but can be used for AQA or Edexcel also. Very comprehensive with detailed resources for independent learning and enquiries, debate and discussion. Follows my lesson on Stolypin and Witte and evaluating their relative significance. This is also designed to go before studying the impact of WWI on RUssia so students can evaluate how far WWI caused the February revolution 1917. DEtailed card sort examining evidence for/ against increased economic, social and political stability in the period 1906-1914
Stalin's Russia

Stalin's Russia

6 Resources
Alevel Lessons on Stalin’s Russia For the OCR 1894-1941 spec but can easily be used for any ALevel on Stalin as the content is way more detailed than needed. Includes: -How did Stalin take power? Power struggle with Trotsky and others -Stalin’s priorities and economic policies- collectivisation and 5 year plans includes impact on production and other impact e.g. the famine/ Holodomor an evaluation of successes and failures -The Cult of personality, use of propaganda and Cultural Revolution -Terror -Living standards in Stalin’s Russia Ultimately these lessons cover the entirety of the topics on Stalin for the OCR board. Each lesson has had 6-7 hours of planning- some of them cover four-five hours of teaching plus homework. I have read widely and in depth and put a lot of time into the resources to save you time!
How successful was Lenin as ruler?

How successful was Lenin as ruler?

OCR History lesson for ALevel course Russia 1894-1941 but can be adapted to any Alevel course with Lenin or simplified down for GCSE. -Lesson evaluates Lenin’s successes and failures. Ideally will be taught at the end of my unit on Lenin but includes all the relevant evidence via a card sort activity and info sheet to be used as a stand alone lesson.
Detente SALT I Helsinki Accords Apollo Soyuz

Detente SALT I Helsinki Accords Apollo Soyuz

GCSE History Superpower Relations in the Cold War Edexcel but can be used for any spec This 3 lesson bundle is very detailed and includes loads of info and tasks on Detente, SALT 1, Helsinki Accords and the APollo Soyuz mission Also Why did Detente fail? SALT 2 and its failure. Includes analysis of events and also an SEND reduced content worksheet. Also includes an 8 mark model answer but as a “find and fix” the errors exercise to test student knowledge and understanding. No textbooks necessary or any other info all included.
Anglo Saxon Resistance

Anglo Saxon Resistance

Edexcel GCSE History: Anglo Saxon and Norman England Key Topic 2 Lesson covering Anglo Saxon rebellions against William This fully resourced lesson has everything you need to teach the rebellions against William. In reality it will take two lessons to do it properly and properly tell the stories of the Saxons who fought back. Covers the rebellions of Edwin and Morcar, Edgar Aethling and King Sweyn and Hereward the Wake.
Intro Suffragettes Victorian women

Intro Suffragettes Victorian women

This lesson is an intro to the Suffragettes for Y9- it examines Victorian attitudes towards women and looks at despite rich women having some benefits they were still repressed in terms of rights in the household, their opinions etc. Includes video clips from Mary Poppins and Oliver Twist, sources from anti-women’s suffrage posters and also discussions around how far sexual equality has moved on since women got the vote with modern adverts and stats.
Socialism- Introduction and Origins

Socialism- Introduction and Origins

Alevel Politics Lesson for Edexcel (can also be used for AQA or Sociology, Civics, Philosophy etc) -Ideologies Socialism lesson 1- Looks at origins of Socialism and the context of the Industrial Revolution as well as earlier examples. Robert Owen, Marx and Engels, Revolutionary Socialism and Evolutionary Socialism/ Social Democracy For a 2 hour lesson plus homework to research thinkers.
The Russian Dumas

The Russian Dumas

OCR ALevel History Russia 1894-1941 Topic 2: Towards a Constitutional Monarchy. This two hour lesson examines the creation of the Duma from the October Manifesto and the limits of the Fundamental laws. Also examines the challenges of the Duma and the makeup of them and why Nicholas dissolved them each time. Includes detailed information and all resources needed if you do not have textbook pages from Corin and Fiehn- I have typed up all necessary info onto documents to accompany the lesson.
The Tudors Scheme of Work

The Tudors Scheme of Work

KS3 Scheme of Work on the Tudors but very challenging with lots of detail so could be used for KS4 and even adapted for KS5. Includes the following lessons: 0. Glossary of key terms Henry VII and the legacy of Wars of the Roses Henry’s problems and solutions Henry VIII Problems as he ascended the throne Henry VIII Wives- a revisionist view looking at his wives achievements, strengths and influence Dissolution of the monasteries Interpretations of Henry VIII- Renaissance Prince or Terrible Tyrant? Black Tudors- examining African people’s lives in Tudor England and deconstructing misconceptions Edward VI Reign and legacy Mary I- Does she deserve her bloody reputation? Elizabeth I and her problems Elizabeth I and the issue of marriage- Tudor Take Me Out Religious Rollercoaster lesson
History of USA

History of USA

This lesson was designed as an introduction to US Politics but can also be used as a Historical overview for studying the History of the USA in depth- can be used as a first lesson to build a big picture narrative of the USA and why it remains so divided today. Designed to last a full 2 hour lesson.
Key word Glossaries  History

Key word Glossaries History

This is a collection of glossaries for Key Stage 3 topics Includes: Year 7 Medieval England 1066-1500 The Crusades The Tudors 1485-1603 The English Civil War 1625-1652 Indigenous Americans 32000BC-Present The Causes of WWI