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Arrays theory for GCSE Computer Science

Arrays theory for GCSE Computer Science

Teaches students about arrays. There is also a supporting (free for ever) article about arrays on Medium to support your teaching: https://studeappsblog.medium.com/programming-with-arrays-298d0e594353. This resource is not based on any particular programming language, so is applicable for any particular language you choose. It can feel tricky to teach this topic. These resources are there to help you, with the same support that is always avaliable for you when you purchase on of StudeApp’s resources. Helps with the use of arrays (or equivalent) when solving problems, including both one and two dimensional arrays.
Maths revision mega bundle

Maths revision mega bundle

7 Resources
Mega bundle of revision sheets. Ready to go, questions and answer key provided. Saved many teachers hours of preparation time!
Factorials (!) - Maths enrichment

Factorials (!) - Maths enrichment

Students love to be extended. Here students are introduced to factorials through real life concepts, and are introduced to permutations. Want more out of your students? You need to ask more.
Feliz Navidad - Spanish Bingo

Feliz Navidad - Spanish Bingo

32 Bingo cards for Spanish learners Uses and teaches Spanish Vocab Simply give each student a bingo card (32 supplied) and the teacher reads out a random word from the Vocab sheet. Simple, and zero preparation required from the teacher.
Recursion and Recursive techniques in computing and computer science

Recursion and Recursive techniques in computing and computer science

A great lesson around how to teach recursion away from the computer. Based around a flood fill recursive technique, and also includes an exercise to teach shortest network path (with in the teacher notes). The worksheets are available for your use, and contain answers to the programming challenges in Java, Python and Pascal. Backed by the following post (free forever) https://studeappsblog.medium.com/recursion-what-is-it-b4e9093db4c4 This could be used for an A level or GCSE classes and can be used with a high ability KS3 class.