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Programming selection starter

Programming selection starter

A programming task to teach about selection. I use this with Python, but it is not a language dependent task. Helpful for talking about indentation.
End of Year Computing Quiz - 2016

End of Year Computing Quiz - 2016

A quiz for the class for the end of summer term 2016. Can be used from year 7 to 11, but aligns with the KS3 national curriculum. Either run with one answer sheet per pupil or put the students into teams.
Computing Christmas Quiz 2016

Computing Christmas Quiz 2016

A quiz for the class for the end of autumn term 2016. Can be used from year 7 to 11, but loosely aligns with the KS3 national curriculum (it's Christmas themed!). Either run with one answer sheet per pupil or put the students into teams and let them choose a scribe. Happy Christmas to everyone who downloads this.
Brexit tutor time activity

Brexit tutor time activity

An activity for secondary schools. Fill out 5 advantages and 5 disadvantages for each part of the diagram. Can be used as part of a Brexit discussion.
Parents' evening guide and bingo

Parents' evening guide and bingo

Guide to parents' evening in Word format. Also included is a fun bingo game to play with your colleagues, just the type of thing to wind down before that evening at work!
Diamond Ranking Grid

Diamond Ranking Grid

This is a classic diamond ranking grid. The students can rank some concepts into order. Better still, the students can be given a case study, develop their own list of concepts and then order them . You can use this in different ways: • Print out the sheets • Print out concepts for students to arrange on the printed sheets • Print out the concepts and get students to arrange without the template • Project a completed sheet onto an interactive whiteboard and get the students to drag the boxes around • Enlarge the sheet onto A3 and get them laminated. Students can then use the sheets with a pack of Whiteboard pens to enable a wipe clean board.
Variables: Computer Science

Variables: Computer Science

A free resource so students can understand the important concept of variables. There is a free (forever) accompanying website https://medium.com/@studeappsblog/what-is-a-variable-dd7e539bf388 that also provides some great information, but here you will access the worksheets and lesson plan that will make your lesson that bit easier! This free resouce contains: Completion certificate Brainstorming task Definitions task Variables worksheet Video Website resource Lesson plan 30 Seconds lesson plan
Voting cards for multiple choice questions

Voting cards for multiple choice questions

Used to vote for multiple choice questions (for example Edexcel Unit 1 Business Studies questions). Print in colour. Cut in half between the letters. Fold so notes page is on the other side to the letter. Laminate. Give to students with a whiteboard marker so they can explain their answers on the back.
Python Challenges Workbook

Python Challenges Workbook

A series of 12 challenges for your classes, can be used for GCSE students or KS3 classes. All are chosen as being applicable to beginner Python classes.