Non-exam assessment resources for spoken language

Prepare your GCSE English Language students for their NEA spoken language presentations with our selection of lesson presentations, example topics and planning templates

Tes Resources Team

Speech bubbles representing the GCSE spoken language assessment

Spoken language resources for your GCSE classes

The spoken language non-exam assessment may be a smaller part of the GCSE English Language examination, but students are asked to demonstrate multiple key skills, including presenting and responding. So, to help ease the pressure a little, we have drawn together a selection of resources including whole lessons, example topics and planning templates you could use to help your students prepare for their presentations.

GCSE Spoken Language - Speech Planning

GCSE Spoken Language - Speech Planning

A planning sheet to help students plan their spoken language assessment! This ensures that they use lots of different techniques in order to develop their speech and also help them plan all of their thoughts out. The example task here is to plan a speech with the title "If I Ruled The World.....
GCSE Speaking and Listening (EDUQAS)

GCSE Speaking and Listening (EDUQAS)

This PowerPoint presentation provides the necessary information for years 10-11 to plan and complete their speaking and listening assessment. This PowerPoint is aimed at the EDUQAS spec, but could be very easily amended if the criteria were changed for a different specification. I use this pres...
Speech Writing

Speech Writing

AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 lesson that uses a famous Winston Churchill speech and the contextual information around Dunkirk to help students first analyse his speech and then adapt and adopt his use of language techniques within their own speeches. A fully differentiated lesson to prepa...