KS3 Food chains, Food webs and bioaccumulation
Three lessons with tasks and worksheets for looking at KS3 food chains, food webs and bioaccumulation. Each topic has its own lesson and worksheet to accompany it.
AQA GCSE Plant Tropisms and Auxins
A lesson which looks at Trophic responses in plants and how auxins are used to control phototropism and geotropism. Includes activities and detail on how this works.
Science Christmas Colour by Numbers
a selection of colour by numbers for science and end of the year. Asks questions which students in the year groups are likely to have come across.
OCR C1 tests for different gases
A starter crossword getting students thinking about the elements which will be looked at. Answers on powerpoint.
A powerpoint which goes through all of the tests with practical ideas for two of them.
A worksheet where students must label the diagrams to explain what is going on with each test. Answers on powerpoint
Conservation of mass
Lesson on conservation of mass and some balancing work. Includes a practical sheet for the burning magnesium with oxygen experiment where students work out the change in mass due to added oxygen
AQA Velocity Time Graphs and Acceleration
Presentation which explains how to work out acceleration and distance from velocity time graphs, both with constant acceleration and non constant acceleration
worksheet contains questions asking students to use this knowledge to work out acceleration and various points. Answers on powerpoint
AQA Hormones and the Endocrine System
Powerpoint exploring the key hormones needed for this topic. It looks at which organs/glands produce them and what their function is. Included is a card sort acitivty for the hormones, site of production and function as well as a labelling acitivty.
AQA GCSE Rates of reaction colour by numbers sheet
Revision activity for a more low ability GCSE group - colour by numbers based on questions from the rates of reaction module of aqa GCSE
AQA Inherited disorders and family tree genetic diagrams
A powerpoint looking at two inherited disorders and how the can be carried through families. Includes a worksheet where students must answer questions based on a family tree genetic diagram, answers on the powerpoint. It also contains a crossword starter to get students thinking about the key words they will have seen before to help them. Answers also on powerpoint.
AQA White blood cells and Immune Response
Lesson on the different types of white blood cells and how they contribute to immune response
Includes, wordfill cartoon strip task and phagocytosis mini sheet
AQA states of matter and Stearic acid practical
A lesson which covers states of matter and identifying changes of state. It includes worksheets and practical where students must identify the melting point of Stearic Acid
AQA GCSE Homeostasis Revision worksheets
AQA Homeostasis revision worksheets for students to attempt. Includes some exam exam questions.
Main electricity and plugs
A lesson looking at mains electricity and the differences between AC and DC current. It also includes a look at how plugs are set put together and mains wiring in preperation for a plugs wiring lesson.
KS3 Orbits
A lesson looking at how orbits are maintained and examples of different types of orbit. Suitable for KS3 or low ability KS4.
Mass and Weight
This lesson is suitable for KS3 or KS4 combined science. It looks at what gravity is and the relationship between mass and weight. It includes worksheet for working out mass, weight and gravity - this is differentiated with two versions, one being more scaffolded and the other having harder questions towards the end
KS3 Space Colour by Numbers Revision
A colour by numbers activity which reviews the basic content for KS3 space work
Answers to questions on the back indicate the colour students should use to fill in the picture
AQA GCSE National Grid - cables and AC/DC
A look at how the national gird is set up, takes a look at step up and down transformers, what current is used and the types of cables. Includes a cut and stick activity for the set up and exam questions with answers on powerpoint.
AQA GCSE Structure of the Atom
A lesson looking at the structure of the atom, each sub atomic particle, what the atomic number and mass number refer to and how we can tell the number of each sub atomic particle. It has been split into two lesson but could be condensed to one by taking some activities out. It is used mainly for the radioactivity work for AQA GCSE Physics but would also work for Chemistry (The Periodic Table)
AQA Momentum with question sheet
This would be suitable for AQA GCSE work on Momentum. It includes some examples of momentum and calculations on a worksheet to work through. Answers to worksheet on powerpoint.
Isotopes AQA GCSE
Lesson recapping atomic structure and looking at working out isotopes - includes worksheet and exam questions