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Learn and Burn
Decoupage twigs

Decoupage twigs

This resource is for children at home. Art at home… with what you’ve got… It is a film demonstration of the skills involved. Kind regards, Shirley Sides Art website http://artimeusartzip.com Also teacher support documents KInd regards, Shirley Sides
Making books part III

Making books part III

This power point is to stimulate ideas for children so that they can share their work together and learn from each other. It shows Fantasy stories, poetry, stories from an object and science fiction stories. Promoting the value of imagination helps with all kinds of learning and activity. It is good to finish work and spend time on illustration, so that the full effect can be seen and children and teachers can take satisfaction on worthwhile work to share and keep.
Diorama designs

Diorama designs

This activity is centred around using premade boxes, or made boxes. It shows how to make a little scene using the box and to add your own characters… Art a home…Art with what you’ve got… Art website for ideas and teacher support documents. http://artimeusartzip.com kind regards, Shirley Sides
Salt dough modelling

Salt dough modelling

This activity uses home made salt dough as a starting point for modeling food designs. Art at home… with what you’ve got… Art website for ideas and teaching supports. http://artimeusartzip.com


This activity is to extend our ideas to use unconventional materials to do drawings. Look around your home to find drawing surfaces to use for observational drawings. you can make a selection and put on display on the wall. Have fun thinking about what to use. Art ideas from http://artimeusartzip.com Take a photo of your work, and send it via the website. I will put it on the web page.


A series of ideas for making your own lettering. demonstration and dislogue… see also website http://artimeusartzip.com kind regards, Shirley Sided
Stop frame animation

Stop frame animation

This film shows skills for making stop frame animation. it shows how to make your own film using a smart phone and a free App. The principles for stop frame are explained and shown. anyone can do this with a little patience and the willingness to learn. check out website… http://artimeusartzip.com kind regards, Shirley Sides


This film demonstrates poerty, Art and calligrahy skills. The film introduces ideas and opportunities to explore creative aspects of Art and other curriculum areas. The presentation is a good introduction for teachers, parents and children to try out new concepts and Art ideas. You can also check out the website… http://artimeusartzip.com kind regards, Shirley Sides
ART curriculum maps 2015

ART curriculum maps 2015

These are three documents, that map out the scope and progression of Art study and practice in the Primary School. They are working documents, and so are subject to change and revision. They seek to cover all aspects of the subject, and the application should be flexible and creative...
Care of ART resources

Care of ART resources

This A5 booklet can be printed out using your computer. Choose the print setting for double sided, booklet option. The pages should print out as a double sided booklet, in the correct order. Print the cover separately in card, and collate the booklet, bound by staples. The booklet can be used to support Inset training, or as a handbook for teachers.
SPACE: the final frontier...

SPACE: the final frontier...

This set of resources has a powerpoint of students work, which is fairly self-explanatory. We made a Universe, colour mixing and matching, tissue paper skies, 3D cosmonauts/astronauts, designing space badges from space missions. A three week series of planning also included.
Art curriculum map for Early years

Art curriculum map for Early years

This resource is a prompt sheet or a map to encourage use of all Art areas in the Early years. It helps to include the many aspects of Art and give the opportunity for young children to experience a range of medium and media.
Design sheet   Evaluation sheet

Design sheet Evaluation sheet

These DT proformas can be used and adapted to suit any DT topic. They provide a structure for children to think about the processes and order of the stages when constructing an item. Practice in evaluating procedures is also formatted to think about the positive and negative aspect of what the children have made.
Yes/No diagrams ICT

Yes/No diagrams ICT

These are 2 worksheets for children to practice branching databases and 2 models for teachers to rehearse with them, before of after a lesson. They can be adapted to suit topic work and can be included in any subject area. Children could decide about Yes or No answers, or decide about what questions to ask. Success is achieved when children can make up their own branching database with increasing complexity.
The big dog  The sneaky snake

The big dog The sneaky snake

The documents are designed to support EAL learning, specifically with regards sentence construction. They give learners opportunity to think, make judgments and decide what is appropriate. They are fun, especially when you get it wrong... The concept can be applied to other situations at the teachers discretion...
Arguement texts

Arguement texts

This series of resources is centered on the ability to put forward a cogent and balanced case and be able to argue each point of view, clearly, and come to a conclusion. It has text, planning ideas, suggested vocabulary, connectives chart, scoring matrix and letter. It is very helpful to have lots of verbal practice before trying to produce a hard text. It is also great fun to have 'arguments!'
Personal recount

Personal recount

A plan and short text to whet the appetite for personal events, that are ofter richer than fiction. Children will not be short of stories to share about things that have happened to them, and they can turn them into exciting and intriguing yarns!! Maybe the class can make a book with illustrations, photographs of other paraphernalia.