Save hours and hours and hours of preparation with this Scheme of work for La casa de Bernarda Alba. (10-16 lessons + student booklets).
Very user friendly, you can use the lessons to teach yourself if you have never taught the book before.
Scheme of work overview:
L1 Federico García Lorca An introduction on the life of Lorca and his main works.
L2 Historical context. Pre-civil war Spain Understand the importance of the historical context for the play
L3 Act 1 Analysis of Act 1
L4 Act 2 Analysis of Act 2
L5 Act 3 Analysis of act 3
L6 Character analysis 1 Analysis and comprehension of the main characters
L7 Character analysis 2 Analysis and comprehension of the main characters
L8 Themes Analysis of the main themes in the play
L9 Technique Analyse and learn about the main techniques used by the writer
L10 Essay writing workshop: Explore the structure of the essay (introduction, development and conclusion)
L11 Essay writing workshop: Explore the language used in the essay and the mark scheme (A level)
L12 Essay workshop: Writing practice
L13 Essay consolidation: Quote revision
L13 Essay consolidation: Revision lesson
Extra Explore sessions: Trivial pursuit
Extra Explore sessions: Monopoly
Extra Explore sessions: Tinder profiles for characters
Extra Explore sessions: Quote game
Set of lessons (at least 2 without watching the movie) to study the movie Encanto (available on Disney+). Powerpoint and student booklet. You can use the resources before / while / after watching the movie or not watch the movie at all!
Exploration of Colombian culture
Characters (gifts, physical descriptions and family tree)
Songs (La familia Madrigal + no se habla de Bruno)
A review of the movie
+2 optional mini projects
Easily adaptable to any year group but designed for year 7 / year 8 students of Spanish.
Skills:speaking, reading, writing and listening
Vocabulary: family, physical descriptions, adjectives, possesion
Two lessons to cover ‘Un día fatal’ from the new AQA Spanish higher text book (module 1). Lessons include plenty of tasks covering the new GCSE spec (read aloud, pronunciation, grammar etc…)
A first lesson to teach with Year 12 / Year 13 students of Spanish.
It includes various activities, ice breakers, speaking activities and information about the course (Edexcel)
An A level taster lesson (60 minutes but can be delivered in less if you skip the speaking) for GCSE students covering the importance of flamenco in Spanish society nowadays and how Rosalia has had an impact on the Flamenco genre in today’s world.
Warm up- Spanish stereotypes
Quiz on flamenco - qué sabes del flamenco
Speaking activity (mainly opinions)
Card sorting activity (positive/ negative views on flamenco)
Rosalia- a reading comprehension. The article has been adapted from different newspaper articles
Malamente- speaking task
Speaking card mock activity (plenary)
One introductory lesson to start unit 12, La transición de la dictadura a la democracia (El papel del Rey Juan Carlos en la transición; el Gobierno de Suarez; el golpe de Estado de 1981).
Spanish A level. Introductory lesson to the last topic of the course explaining the main social and political changes in Spain during the 60’s.
The resource includes a student booklet and a power point with activities and answers to the booklet.
Ideal for home learning.
A resources aimed at A level students of Spanish (Year 12 and Year 13).
Students learn about Christmas in Spain and different Spanish traditions. Students listen to a description of what happens in Spain during Christmas (teacher led/ read by the teacher) and then complete a quiz.
The resource also includes a board game based on the information shared with students during the lesson. Ideal for the last lesson of the term.
Two lessons focused on context before studying ‘El laberinto del fauno’. These have been planned to be taught before watching the movie and they give a good insight into the context before, during and after the Civil War in Spain. (32 slides). It includes a booklet for students.
L1 focuses on the period before and during the war
-La segunda república
-Las dos Españas
-El comienzo y final de la guerra
-La posguerra bajo Franco
L2 covers key elements during postwar Spain that are going to be featured in the movie.
-La resistencia republicana
-El racionamiento durante la posguerra
-La ideología franquista hacia la mujer
4 lessons on environment aimed at a mixed ability group based on Viva GCSE (actúa localmente, piensa globalmente)
ideal for remote learning (all slides contain a to do list with instructions for each task), listening tasks included (with link and code to the book) and quizzlet and flippity games to practice vocabulary
based on chapter 8 from viva, only focused on environment
grammar covers revision for all tenses + conditional lesson
Two writing mats to help students master opinions and reasons in Spanish. It includes:
Basic opinions and ways to spice them up + someone else’s opinions + opinions in different tenses.
Basic adjectives to give reasons in Spanish (all topics) + more complex reasons + comparative structures + idioms + reasons in different tenses.
6 lessons to teach the movie Pan’s labyrinth. You can use each lesson after watching each scene. Plenty of activities based on each scene (reading comprehensions, translations, vocabulary, grammar, speaking). It includes booklets for each lesson.