The basic Science laboratory safety rules mainly apply to Chemistry practical work, but they are universal and must be stuck in students' exercise books at the start of the year, for reference. The PPP is looking to diagnose students' ideas, myths or sound knowledge of safety. The groups of questions, UK/New GCSE level: 2,4,6 (B old GCSE ), 8 +( A* Old GCSE) will help the teacher and students identify the inconsistencies in their knowledge and understanding, and through pair work and whole class discussions of the answers, students will be 'talking the talk ' of health and safety,and learning to risk assess.
Ideal for paired work. Slides with teacher notes and levels have been hidden so that you allow student to choose the set of questions that they believe they can answer, print them out and display them around the lab. Thus encouraging all students to have a go independent of the ability category they believe themselves to be in.
This is an ideal and rigorous introductory lesson for KS3 and KS4 with differentiation . It will help NQTs understand the process formulating scaffolded and differentiated question.
10 MC unusually phrased questions that require students to compare two types of graph: d-t,v-t and a-t graph. Challenge students to reflect on their understanding of these graphs. As a starter activity allow 10 minutes for individual students to answer the 10 questions. As and Assessment for learning (AFL) activity this delivers peer assessment when you ask students to check and discuss each other's answers. As a 'talk to learn' strategy allow students 5-10 minutes to argue for or against their answer. Detect general misconceptions or identify students with fundamental problems in this unit and plan an intervention lesson, or work with them while other students work on exam practise questions. Buy 'AS motion challenge' resource for additional differentiation. Raise your Teaching impact in your class for $3
Ask students to glue the sheet to their exercise book, for a quick and visual report on progress and a list of tasks or skills where improvement is necessary to make further progress.
The basic Science laboratory safety rules mainly apply to Chemistry practical work, but they are universal and must be stuck in students' exercise books at the start of the year, for reference. The PPP is looking to diagnose students, ideas, myths or sound knowledge of safety. The groups of questions UK/ GCSE level: 2,4,6 (B old GCSE ), 8+ ( A* Old GCSE) will help the teacher and students identify the inconsistencies in their knowledge and understanding, and through pair work and whole class discussions of the answers, students will be 'talking the talk ' of health and safety,and learning to risk assess.
Ideal for pair work. Slides with teacher notes and levels have been hidden so that you allow student to choose the set of questions that they believe they can answer, print them out and display them around the lab. Thus encouraging all students to have a go independent of the ability category they believe themselves to be in.
This is an ideal and rigorous introductory lesson for KS3 and KS4 with differentiation . It will help NQTs understand the process formulating scaffolded and differentiated question.
A2 Further mechanics; Circular Motion topic. Use the resources as starter activities or plenaries to reinforce the essential definitions ( Assessment Objective 1) for this topic. You might wish to purchase the Circular motion presentation for students' independent learning too. Download these resources, print them on card, laminate and enjoy their impact on your students' motivation and learning. Add a little fun and competitiveness at the start of lessons for years to come.
Bloom's taxonomy terms are used to help students make progress. From a simple practical task in question 2, that allows student to experience the concept of equilibrium to question 8 that challenges students to investigate equilibrium with moments calculations. You are free to walk around the classroom offering advice, formative feedback, and asking challenging questions. High impact.
Law of conservation of mass and recommended youtube videos that have the correct content for AQA and OCR GCSE Chemistry and engaging presentation for 21st century kids. RSC supporting practical and additional information to set up an engaging demo. Tips to support mathematical skill transfer between chemistry, physics and Practical work (ISA),differentiated work and feedback. Assessment plenary or quick homework , with teacher's answers.
For a small cost!!! reduce your summer planning time,re-use for revision and adapt for intervention work.
10 MC unusually phrased questions that require students to compare two types of graph: d-t,v-t and a-t graph. Challenge students to reflect on their understanding of these graphs. As a starter activity allow 10 minutes for individual students to answer the 10 questions. As and AFL activity this delivers peer assessment when you ask students to check and discuss each other's answers. As a 'talk to learn' strategy allow students 5-10 minutes to argue for or against their answer. Detect general misconceptions or identify students with fundamental problems in this unit and plan an intervention lesson, or work with them while other students work on exam practise questions. Buy 'AS motion challenge' resource for additional differentiation. Raise your T+L impact in your class for £2.
his worksheet is rigorous in its use of scientific terms and conventions, and it is a step by step description of Newton's second Law of motion to derive the four most useful equations of motion. The students is shown how their knowledge and understanding improves and expands from Physics Lower high school 'C' grade to Physics 01 or Maths Mechanics 01 'A' grade, through the use of exam style questions. The Mark scheme gives a step by step commentary on the methods and final answer conventions, to help the student understand the pitfall in problem solving e.g carelessness with units and decimal place presentation. The work could be set as a 2 hour independent study to support learning of ' Motion in a straight line with constant acceleration' and or Maths Mechanics 1 Dynamics. This worksheet will allow the teacher to see differentiation in the class and understand student's needs, thus targeting feedback and assistance efficiently.
Change the way you teach and improve the impact of your experience and knowledge on your student's progress for $4.
3 lessons tied together by starters that assess progress and introduce key vocabulary. Practical work and sing posts for AO1 and AO2 . Engaging pictures that work with mixed ability groups. Just add 2 min of teacher talk per slide, to put your style into the lesson, and let students record, explore, discuss and self evaluate . Minimum photocopying and maximum impact.
PDF/ Team work, literacy, Engineering, Science and Technology. Make the rocket, change the design, test, measure, talk, think and have fun. Use as part of the Forces unit at KS4 ( iGCSE, AQA and OCR) to investigate resultant forces, air resistance and momentum. For KS5 use to investigate projectile motion and contextualize the equations of motion. Use the activity to nurture team roles: leadership and dependability. Promote talk to learn, engage boys and introduce girls to STEM careers.
PPP Windows detailed introduction to A2 Electric fields. AO1's are signposted. Key points often misunderstood by students are clearly highlighted. Example problems with step by step solutions. Very useful for Multiple choice training. Ideal for AQA PH4 old and New Electric fields specifications. Load it up on your VLE to promote independent learning.
Use this document to kick start research into levers and their context in every day life. Find ideas for practical work and facts about levers that will help students make a hypothesis and investigate properties of class one levers. Focus on progress and feedback and leave the resources to me.
Thank you
An engaging resource for kinaesthetic and visual learners, with extension work and HT additions. Problems to test progress with answers for self-assessment. Choose your music, stop , start, freeze, to allow you to highlight a key point or differentiate through questioning. The resource is very helpful to non-specialist Science teachers.
7 glossaries to match 4.1.1,4.1.2,4.1.3,4.2.1,4.2.2,4.2.3 and 4.2.4 topics in the New GCSE Chemistry SOW for AQA.
Print and cut them, and hand them to students at the start of each section to support them with the literacy of these topics. Key terms for spelling, definition and example sentences using the key term.
Support Literacy in Science and whole school literacy. A short plenary or summary lesson starter based on traffic lights is included.
The framework will help you to construct rich questions. Question_answer strategies have many teaching and learning roles to play in the classroom; To support effective feedback questioning should move away from the factual regurgitation of knowledge or simple observations in favor of question that progressively demand higher levels of thinking . A good question that support learning is one that is open, requires the learner to link or apply ideas, and gives the learner an opportunity to practise the language of science that he/she has picked up from practical work, research or didactic lessons. Good questions ans good learning is supported by rigorous presentation of key terms.