Year 4 times tables test resources
Updated for the 2024/2025 multiplication tables check. The Year 4 multiplication tables check will test pupils ability to recall times tables up to and including the 12 times table as well as assess pupils precision and fluency. So whether you’re looking for specific times tables practice worksheets or questions that encompass the 1x table up to the 12x table, we have gathered together a selection of activities, worksheets and games that you can use with your Year 4 pupils.
Practice tests for the times tables test
Times Table Chilli Challenges
Differentiated times tables sheets I made for my class that I'm going to use each week to practise and assess. They increase in difficulty from 1 chilli challenge, 2 chilli challenge and 3 chilli challenges to the even more difficult scotch bonnet challenges. 46 challenges altogether that cover...

Times Tables Tests including a 2 minute Mastery test
Bronze, Silver, Gold and Olympic times tables tests to challenge the children at our school to learn tables facts. Complete the test in 3 minutes making no more than 3 mistakes to earn a metal star badge (we have purchased these from an online company). In the last few years we have introduced a M...
Multiplication: Timed Tests
Multiplication: Timed Tests Multiplication Tests are a great way for students to show progress with math fact fluency. Each multiplication test will focus on a specific number or a review of a set of numbers. *There are 24 problems on each page. The goal is to improve speed and accuracy. Each page...
Times Table Tests
A set of 21 tests (and answers) which encourage children to practice and learn their times tables. Each times table is covered in difficulty order with a 'flat' test, and then a 'mixed' test covers all of the times tables that they have learnt so far. The order of the tests is as fol...

Times Table ninjas
Times table daily activity book themed as ninjas. The order for completion as follows: -white belt (x2, x5, x10) -yellow belt (x2, x4, x5, x8, x10) -green belt (x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x8, x10) -blue belt (x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x8, x9, x10) -red belt (all tables to x11) -black belt (all tables to x12)
Times Table Mastery Check
A range of times table mastery check documents. Each one contains 10 questions that check children's understanding of the a times table through more complex methods than just giving them a times table test. Included are word problems, reasoning questions and showing the relationship between numbers....
Daily practice and revision materials for the times tables test

8 Times Table Worksheet Pack
This pack of worksheets covers the Year 3 objective to "recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 8 multiplication table. 8 worksheets are included: \- Introducing the 8 times table - looking at patterns \- Follow the trail \- Find the hidden picture \- Where is Hann...

Times Table Challenge - Mastery - Expected and Greater Depth
Times table activity that has been adapted from the mastery approaches used in Singapore. The activity is differentiated through conceptual and procedural variation. These activities will challenge children at 'Expected' and at 'Greater Depth' Covers the 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x...

Times Tables Practice Booklet
This resource can be printed on A4 pages to create an A5 size booklet. The idea is to practise a particular times table e.g. the SIX times table by filling in the number 6 in the box on the first page. This will automatically update all the questions to require multiples of six in the answers. By ch...
Individual times tables learning mat
A4 image of all times tables from 1x - 12x. Colourful poster ideal for table use, dispaly or interactive whiteboards

Memory Owl - Printable copy of all stories
Memory Owl's Times Tables - All the Stories! This is a printable copy of my book, containing all the times tables from 2x to 12x (omitting 10x and the easy 11x) which you may print as many copies as you like for use in your class. This is a way of learning times tables using visual techniq...

NEW - National Curriculum -Multiplication Olympics - Times Tables -Game - Quiz - KS2 -Year 2 3 4
The times table test has been mentioned in the government and we have been using this resource in our school for 10 years and it work effectively to improve children's knowledge of their times tables. It is split into 7 levels. I only allow my children to move up if they correctly answer the Olympi...
Activities and games for the times tables test

Times Tables Snakes and Ladders
Times tables can be a tricky maths skill to teach because of the understanding required of the relationships between the numbers and the amount of maths number facts students are required to recall in learning their 2x to x12 times tables. Rote learning can mean children recall their times table fac...
Times Table Class Activity
This is four different whole class activities practicing times tables. There are four versions of the same game, with increasing difficulty: \- easy multiplication, up to 7 x 7. \- slightly harder multiplication, up to 8 x 8 or 9 x 7. \- all multiplication up to 9 x 9, with few easy qu...
Times Tables Bingo
Ready-made bingo cards and balls to practise times tables. Print and cut out for a quick, easy and fun way to practise times tables in small groups or whole class. The bingo cards are differentiated into Year 2 times tables (2x, 10x and 5x); Year 3 times tables (3x, 4x and 8x); and Year 4 times tabl...

Times Table Word Searches
Work out the answers to times tables in words, then find them in the word search. The word searches cover the 2 to 10 times tables. I have also included a page to support the spelling of the times table answers. Answers included.
MULTIPLICATION: TIMES TABLES: CENTRES ACTIVITY Help your students know their multiplication tables with this fun interactive 0 to 12 times tables wheel pack. There are two writing styles for each of the times tables from 0 to 12. Choose the one you prefer to use in the classroom consistently for s...
Times tables Football Game
Perfect activity for any children learning their times tables. All you need is two players, a dice and two counters. Choose which times tables they want to use and when they roll the dice, they multiply the dice number by their times table. If the answer is in the first row of their side of the pitc...