Science teaching resources for February
Check out some of these topical and science lesson resource highlights selected to use with your secondary science students as exam seasons draws ever nearer.

Science blogs for February
This month, explore challenging activity ideas to ensure learners achieve their full potential in biology, chemistry and physics lessons. Encourage your students to investigate the methodical process of planning and carrying out practical experiments, supporting them in their understanding of hypotheses, methodologies, observation, results, conclusions and improvements. Finally, switch on your secondary students with these KS3 and KS4 electricity resources including lessons, activities, practicals and revision worksheets.
Secondary blogs for February
This February, prepare to celebrate big events including Safer Internet Day and World Book Day with your students using these display, lesson and activity resources. Engage older learners with their exam studies using this inventive set of GCSE and iGCSE revision games and encourage students to get exam-ready with this selection of knowledge organisers from our GCSE/iGCSE revision collection spanning a broad range of KS4 subjects. Finally, take a look at our Teacher essentials collection of tutor time resources. From popular activities, games and quizzes to PSHE lessons and behaviour monitoring and reporting, there's something for everyone!